Chapter 13: Plan Z On Keefe Day

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A month later, Sophie strode down the sidewalk as she waved goodbye to her parents. She was heading over to Keefe's, and her parents were busy in the garden for the day. So, she offered to walk. Although, Keefe's house was farther away than she expected. 

She adjusted her hands as she held Keefe's gift in her hands. She tried to keep her hands as warm as possible. She wasn't ready for any fingers to fall off.

Sophie heard the soft thuds of her brown boots along the sidewalk as she saw the autumn leaves falling. The streets were bare, for it was quite chilly out. She tugged on an itchy eyelash with her free hand, tucking her blue gift under her arm.  

She breathed heavily with each step she took. After an hour of walking, she stood before Keefe's house. Which meant she was an hour late. Which meant the party had already started. It was Keefe's birthday- And she felt horrible for being so late as she tapped the doorbell lightly. It sent soft, melodic chimes ringing through the air. 

Sophie tapped her foot, unsure of what was taking so long. She peered at the Sencen's expensive cars and perfect lawn, accommodated with bright trees. She waited a few more minutes until a man with familiar ice-blue eyes and blonde hair opened the door. 

"Um, excuse me?" Sophie asked. "I'm here to give this to—"

"My son," He interrupted as he snatched the parcel from her grasp. "Thank you, and good day." With that, he shut the door on her face. 

Sophie stood there in shock as the sound of music wavered into her ears. She crossed her arms and stomped off their porch. Too high-class, were they?

Sophie needed a plan. Plan B . . .

She carefully managed to hop their fence into their lawn, not getting a speck of dirt on the fence gate. Sophie tiptoed around to the back, targeting Keefe's window. How would she get up there? There was a hose she could use . . .

She unrolled the hose and positioned it facing up towards the house, ready to turn it on when she saw Grady and Edaline in their yard. They would for sure notice her. Sophie bent into a crouch as she turned the hose and hit Keefe's window, hurriedly turning it off. She waited a few minutes when she heard: "DUDE! IT RAINED!" 

After a few seconds of scrambling, Fitz opened the window and stuck his head out, grinning and waving when he saw her. "Those part of the hose up, and we can reel you in!" 

"Um, or you could just open a door for me," Sophie shrugged, but he didn't hear her. So, she started jumping madly and trying to get part of the hose up to him. Big news: It didn't work. 

"New plan," Fitz muttered as he tore a hand through his hair and walked out of her sight.

"Oh, like maybe my plan?!" Sophie called back hastily. 

"Nah!" Keefe's voice called down. 

"That is unreal," Sophie muttered as she facepalmed herself.

"Well, it is!" Keefe sang. "So you'd better believe it, Foster!" 

"Hurry up and use that brain of yours for something good!" She shot back.

"Feisty, feisty, Foster. Anyways hm," Keefe thought aloud. "Eh, just try throwing the hose up again, would you?" 

He spoke instructions quickly, and she nodded, scared of what would happen. 

Sophie was finally able to send the hose flying up, landing easily in Keefe's hands. Sophie then turned the nozzle, sending water into his face. 


"Gladly," Sophie smirked as she turned it off. "How is my damsel up in distress?"

Keefe mumbled something under his breath as he shook his blonde hair out like a dog. "Okay, let's do this thing! Biana go here . . . Linh do that . . . Fitz . . ." He shot out instructions like a commander. "We're pulling you up!" 

"What?!" Sophie shrieked as Biana popped her head out and gave her a thumbs up.

"Grab on!" Fitz instructed.

 Sophie reluctantly placed her hands on the hose and squeezed for her dear life as she rose. And then, it halted. She was about halfway there, and she hung there, knuckles white from squeezing so tightly. "Hurry up!" 

"The rope isn't long enough!" Linh panicked. 

"Oh well," Keefe said. 

"KEEFE!" Sophie yelped as the hose shifted, and Grady's eyes landed on her from her backyard. Edaline knelt nearby some small piles of dirt, oblivious to the scene.

"Oh no! Grady sees us!" Keefe screamed, and the hose shifted once again. 

Grady started to stomp over, yelling unintelligible things. 

"There's Mr.Forkle!" Keefe panicked as he pointed to a yard a few houses down.

"Focus! I'M GOING TO FALL!" Sophie spat and tried not to look down. 

"Climb!" Linh urged her on. 

"I can't! What's the backup plan?" 

"We don't have one," Dex exclaimed. 

Sophie then scooted up and twisted, rising until she heard a clang and saw Grady down below.

"What is this?" Grady bellowed, and she cringed. 

"Um, it's a game!" Keefe blurted. "And uh, your daughter totally isn't stuck! Nope!"

"Get her down!" Grady growled.

"I'm fine, guys!" Sophie bit her lip as her palms started to sweat. 

"Slide down right now young lady!" Grady called up. 

She didn't need to try and slide down. Because of her sweaty palms, she slid down nice and slowly until her feet hit the floor. 

"Grounded!" Grady said through gritted teeth. He grabbed her wrist and led her away.

Keefe had to add:

"No! Foster! Not on Keefe Day!" 

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