Chapter 3: An Experiment Gone Wrong

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Sophie didn't end up going to school for the next week. She had an allergic reaction to something in the bushes. It wasn't contagious, just somewhat painful. Which meant she was home alone. Her parents still worked for most of the week, so she'd barely get to see them. It was a Wednesday afternoon as Sophie went downstairs to make herself some food. 

She grabbed some noodles and ended up making some buttery, cheesy pasta along with a savory sauce on the side. 

Sophie sat at the table and picked at her food as she stared out a window. She finished up eating, washed her dishes, and then flipped through the television channels.

The sound of a doorbell ringing brought her to her feet. She opened it to find a familiar-faced teal-eyed boy.

"Hey, Sophie," Fitz greeted with his crisp accent as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "How are you feeling?"

Sophie smiled back, realizing that classes had ended a few hours ago. "I'm fine. What brings you here?" 

"I was hoping you could help me with my homework. I'm stuck on something, and I thought you'd know what to do." 

"Sure, come inside," Sophie waved him in, and they both walked inside to the table. 

"So," Fitz rummaged through his bag and pulled out a sketchbook. "I'm having trouble with art," He admitted. "I'm drawing Keefe, but I can't get something right. I have no clue what, though." 

He flipped through the book and pulled out a sketch that looked almost exactly like Keefe. 

Sophie examined it thoroughly. "It looks like him. . . I think it's just. . .How do I describe it?" She bit her lip. "I mean, Keefe is always smirking, and he usually has this mischievous glint in his eyes. I mean, it's hard to capture it, but those little details help form the image of someone." 

"Oh!" Fitz nodded slowly. "I think I get it." He took the sketchbook and scribbled down some things, then showed it to her proudly. "Thanks, Sophie."

"It's nothing. I wasn't busy anyway. But I mean, it wasn't really nothing. It was a team effort, and um, I think it's great, and you're great too! Not that you weren't ever, but yeah!" Sophie flushed as she rambled, looking away.

"Do you need help with anything?"

"I mean, just Chemistry," Sophie admitted. "I'm not the best, my parents are always busy, and I don't know who'd help me so. . ."

"I can help," Fitz tore a hand through his hair.

"I'm not very good. You've been warned," Sophie laughed. 

Fitz and Sophie had now concocted one big experiment. Now, it was time for the two to test it out. 

"Okay, this is one of the easiest experiments, so it's practically impossible to mess up." Fitz blew out a breath. "And all you have to do is add the very last ingredient, alright?"

"Alright," Sophie nodded. "This should be a piece of cake." She grabbed the bottle and opened the cap, grabbed a spoon, and carefully poured it in. Her arm then shook, and a bit too much went into the bowl. She let out a squeak. "Is it bad?" 

"No, it isn't. It should be just fine," Fitz assured her. "Now, we wait." 

"Let's clean up then," She said.

They both cleaned the mess and themselves, then sat on the couch and flipped through the channels on TV. 

"Is it supposed to take this long?" Sophie asked worriedly, tugging on an eyelash. They had been watching TV for almost fifteen minutes, and nothing had happened.

"I don't think so," Fitz frowned. Sophie followed him into the kitchen. 

The odd-coloured concoction looked the same as before. 

"Here, I think I need to stir it," Fitz assured her, grabbing a spoon and gently stirred it. It was slimy and definitely didn't look right. He finished stirring it and stepped back, waiting along with Sophie. 

The mixture bubbled and gurgled loudly. 

And then, it all exploded. The two were drenched in the goop, in their hair, and everywhere. 

"Well, that didn't go right," Fitz mumbled.

"Thanks for letting me come over," Fitz said as he walked off the front porch. It had taken them quite a bit of time to clean up, but they finally finished, and it was time for Fitz to head home. "Sorry about the mess, though." 

"It's fine," Sophie smiled, just happy that they had spent time together.

"Maybe I can make it up to you." 

"It's fine," She assured him in a hurry and waved him off. "Bye!" 

"Bye, Sophie," Fitz called as he walked off. 

And later that night, Sophie found herself feeling glad that Fitz had come over. 

Maybe it was because of her silly crush, but even then, she realized that friends were people that you'd never expect to be your friend. And the memories you made would always be there to cherish.

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