Chapter 5: Giving It A Shot

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When the weekend ended, Sophie and Tam carefully wrapped their painting up and put it in a bag, ready to be transported to Foxfire.

Sophie quickly changed and got ready, knowing that Tam would be careful and bring it safely to school. She grabbed her backpack and ran out the door after murmuring a quick goodbye to her parents.

Sophie felt giddy inside as she hurried to school, speed-walking down the sidewalks. She flushed as she imagined how silly she looked. Excited over a painting . . .

She slowed down but still made it to Foxfire in about half the time it usually took her to get there.

"Sophie!" Biana and Fitz waved her over. 

"We heard about your amazing art project!" Biana exclaimed, seeming more happy and excited than she was. Biana hadn't taken art, but she still supported everything her friends did. She wore a bright, jeweled top that reflected off the sun, sending bright beams glowing all around her.

Sophie shielded her eyes as she strode over. "Hey, guys." 

"Hey, Sophie," Fitz greeted as he fixed up his hair. 

"What's up?" She asked as she peered around at the students bustling around, hoping Tam would come and minute with the art.

"We're here to cheer you guys on in the art competition! You'll win out of the whole school for sure!" Biana chirped.

"Competition!? Whole school?" She shrieked. No one told her any of this!

"Oh. Mr. Tiergan must've kept it a surprise for your class. But, yeah. It's a big competition," Fitz explained calmly.

"Oh no!" Sophie yelped as she hopped up and down, frantically searching for Tam. 

"Calm down!" Biana giggled.

"Biana!" Sophie moaned. "This is serious!"

"I know, I know," She shrugged. "Art is your first class today, right? He might already be inside."

Sophie sped off, willing her feet to move as she ran into the building, her shoes squeaking on the cold floor. 

She breathed heavily as she turned down corridors and finally reached the art classroom. Sophie slapped her hands onto her knees as she caught her breath. 

Sophie slowly knocked on the door, hoping she wasn't disturbing anyone inside. She felt a wave of relief as she saw Mr. Tiergan wasn't there, but only Tam and Linh who's faces were hovering over their large canvas of art.  

She tromped over and peered over Linh's shoulder, letting out a startled gasp. "W-What?" Sophie blurted. It was all she could get out at this point.

"Oh, Sophie!" Linh exclaimed, her eyes brimming with tears. "I accidentally dropped it, and it got a grass stain. And then, I dropped it again, but that time some students trampled it! I couldn't stop them! And I was so shaky, and at the last, worst, possible minute, it slipped because of my buttery fingers! And it fell right onto the road as a car flew by and splashed a puddle, sending water flying everywhere! I'm sorry, You can be angry at me forever! I'll be in your debt! Please don't be angry! Please, please, please!"

Sophie smiled sadly. The painting looked genuine. More true. To mistakes and understanding. Art was much, much more. 

"Linh, I'll never be mad at you. I want you to know that mistakes and okay. I've made plenty but I'm still here. You're not in my debt. You're my friend Linh, and it's okay. Hard work is important, but what is more important is how our friendships carry on through hardships. Linh, friends forgive. And I forgive you. It doesn't look bad. No matter what, we'll be friends. Okay?" 

Linh looked up and smiled as happy tears leaked out of her silver-blue eyes. 

Tam smiled and hugged Linh, who gratefully hugged him back and squeezed Sophie's shoulder. 

Sophie tugged on an itchy eyelash as she sat at the school assembly. She didn't catch Tam or Linh's eye in the crowd of students, so she settled on trying to get comfortable and enjoy her time.

She and Tam had handed their project to Mr. Tiergan, who had only furrowed his brow and tucked their painting away. Was it a good sign? Or terrible luck?

She stared forward at Principal Alina as she chattered with Vice-Principal Leto. Sophie had always thought Vice Principal Leto would've retired years ago. He was old and bloated, though she didn't mean to sound rude. And there was no way she'd ever speak to him her thoughts. Every time he offered her a crinkly smile, she'd look away and hurry on before she made things much more embarrassing than they already were.

Sophie nervously shifted as Principal Alina started speaking. 

"Hello, students!" Principal Alina said calmly as the students quieted down. "So, today's assembly is especially for the hosting of the Art Contest, as many of you know. Some of you may not have entered in anything, but we've had many entries to judge, and we'd like to announce the top three winners out of each grade."

Sophie bit her lip as Principal Alina gave Vice-Principal Leto a chance to speak. "Well, I must say the art we've seen has been extraordinary and very creative. Good luck to all, and know that each piece of art has worth, even if it doesn't earn you any rewards."

She shivered at his words. Even his voice was so odd. 

The students let out some applause, somewhat excited to hear who won.

"I'll be reading out the awards!" Principal Alina started with the 9th graders, and Sophie trembled as she finished off those awards. She was a 10th grader along with all of her friends, not including Fitz or Keefe. They were both in 11th grade. 

"Okay!" Vice-Principal Leto nodded as he took the awards sheet from Principal Alina. "So, these are the awards for the tenth grade. In third place, we have Linh Song and Maruca Chebota with their paper mache statue, also known as 'A Little Bit Of Kindness!' Congratulations you two!" Linh and Jensi beamed as they headed up and received a ribbon and a lollipop. 

Sophie wondered what the top three prizes were. She had zoned out for some of the rewards. 

"In second place, we have . . ." Vice-Principal Leto read off second place, and Sophie intently listened as first place was called.

Sophie's smile diminished as she realized that her name hadn't been announced. 

And it hit her. They didn't name their piece of art.

"It's an honest mistake," Linh said softly as the three of them walked home together. 

"Yeah," Tam nodded. "At least we gave it all we had."

"And like Vice Principal Leto said, each piece of art has worth."

"I can't get over Keefe winning," Tam grunted. 

Sophie and Linh chuckled, sharing a knowing look. Rivalry with Tam and Keefe never ended.

"I guess we did our best and gave it a shot. It's all anyone can ask for," Sophie remarked. 

And it truly was all anyone could ask for.

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