Chapter 11: Holding Your Hand

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Sophie pulled her sheets over her blonde hair, which was currently a mess as she got tangled in her covers. 

"Sophie," Grady called in from the hallway.

"Yeah? Come in!" Sophie yelled, her voice muffled. 

Grady opened the door. "You have to get ready for your . . ." Grady made garbled noises. "For your dance."

"Right," She nodded as she got out from her covers, only to find that Grady was still there. 

"Any boy you're going with?" He raised his eyebrows. 

"Um, no. I'm just going to hang out with my friends." 

His shoulders slumped in relief, and he whistled as he strode back down the hall. 

Sophie quickly brushed her teeth and changed into the red dress she'd gotten, with matching red flats and a low bun updo done by Edaline, topped with a matching bow. 

"You look gorgeous, sweetie," Edaline smiled and squeezed her shoulder.

"Thanks, Mom," She was hugging her when the doorbell rang. 

"I wonder who that could be," Edaline wondered as she tucked the brush away into a drawer.

"It's probably one of my friends. They said that they'd come to pick me up."

"Well, have a good time!" Edaline handed her her small purse, and she slung it over her shoulder and hurried downstairs. 

Sophie hugged her parents, who told her to stay safe, and to stay away from any boys.

She quickly answered the door, only to see Tam in a suit. "Tam?"

"Hey, Sophie. Looks like I'm on chaperone duty," He shrugged as he led her into the large car. 

Sophie hopped into the passenger seat, clicking her seat belt into place as he started to back out. "Where's Linh?"

"She decided to get ready with Biana."

"Oh, okay," Sophie bit her lip.

"Um . . ." His cheeks turned red as he drove around, heading to the Vackers next. "I have a question."

"What's up?"

"Will you . . . be my date to the dance?" He asked. 

"I . . . of course," Sophie smiled, feeling giddy. 

Sophie and her friends pulled up to the school, which was decorated with lights. 

"I'm so excited!" Biana gushed. "Who's everyone going with? I'm going with Dex." Dex blushed and looked out of one of the windows, trying to spare himself some embarrassment. 

"Wylie said he'd meet me there," Linh mumbled quietly.

"Romantic!" Biana sang. 

"I'm going with Marella," Fitz nodded. 

"I'm with hmmm," Keefe tapped his chin.

"No one?" Tam snickered. 

"Nah. I'm too good for anyone. What about you, Bangs Boy?"

"I'm going with Sophie."

"Wow! When did this happen?" Biana clapped her hands together, sharing a look with Marella on the scoop. 

"It was just earlier . . ." Sophie mumbled, not liking the extra attention. 

"Let's just go inside," Linh offered, and they agreed. 

The group hopped out of the car, and Fitz opened the door for them, beckoning them inside. Every one of her friends looked amazing, and Sophie hoped she didn't seem like the odd one out.

The lights were dimmed, garland was hung along the walls, snacks and beverages lined the tables, a few chairs were available, and finally, a large decorated Christmas tree stood right in the middle. Soft music played as students hung around. 

Linh ran over when she spotted Wylie, and everyone there enjoyed their time. 

Sophie watched from a corner with Tam as she munched on a Christmas-themed shortbread cookie. 

"A dance m'lady?" Tam asked.

"I suppose so. If you insist," Sophie said as she took his hand and flushed when she noticed Biana wiggling her eyebrows as she danced with Dex. 

Sophie glided along with him onto the dance floor, their faces centimetres apart as she stared into his silvery-blue eyes. "I . . . Thank you, Tam," She whispered so softly, she was barely audible. 

Tam said nothing, but sometimes the silence was filled with words itself. 

For the whole time, she hung out with Tam and held his hand. She learned more about him than she thought there was to him. He was really sweet. Even under those jagged, silver-tipped bangs and striking silver-blue eyes, there was someone. Someone who cared. 

Sophie held his hand and rested her head on his shoulder as they sat down and watched their friends and other students dance. 

It was just romantic.

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