Chapter 6: It Is What It Is

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Sophie ended up back with Keefe, Fitz, and Biana at the Vackers home, because they insisted they help her and not wake up Grady and Edaline. 

Sophie agreed.

"Those pajamas were old, right?" He asked as Sophie sighed.

"They were quite new." Sophie shivered in the pajamas Biana had spared her. "Also, my grandpa Sandor is coming over."

"What is he?" Keefe snorted. "A goblin?" 

Fitz and Biana chuckled. Sophie went back to glaring instead. "Actually," She started. "He's my very buffed-out grandpa." 

This time, Biana, Fitz, and Keefe couldn't hold it in any longer. They laughed their heads off, wiping their eyes while trying to stay standing on their feet. 

"Guys!" Sophie complained. "I'm was just all muddy, and you guys are sitting there laughing about my grandpa."

"Okay." Keefe was controlling his laughing fit now.

"Now, I'm going home," Sophie picked up her robe and grumbled as she went out and tried not to slam the door too hard, but before she got the chance to close it, Fitz peeked his head out and said: "See you tomorrow." He flashed a smile, his teal eyes glinting as Sophie walked to her home. 

Why was her heart fluttering? She barely knew Fitz! Her brain felt oddly mushy. Maybe it was a brain mushiness disease. 

Once she went back to her home, she noticed all the lights were out. Sophie hopped her fence once again, but this time she didn't do it much smoother. She hit her leg a few times and let out strangled grunts. But, she stuck the perfect landing. 

She ran in through the back door she had left unlocked and ran in, making sure to lock it as she crept upstairs and into her room.

Sophie entered her room, threw her muddy clothes in the hamper, and changed into an old nightgown. She checked her phone and saw that it was about midnight. Sophie was tired. So she lay down and immediately drifted off.

Sophie had left her window open during the night, enjoying the cool breezes. But, when she woke up, she felt water. 

There was a lot of water coming at her.

But, she knew for a fact that it wasn't supposed to rain today, yet it hit her face like a wave.

Sophie hopped out of bed and walked blindly to her window, rubbing her eyes. 

"Ah, Foster!" Said a way too familiar voice. Sophie rubbed her eyes to see Keefe, Fitz, and Biana, all on ladders, spraying their house, ridding it of eggs. It still smelled like eggs, to be truthful.

"I don't need a wake-up call," She sputtered as she squeezed some water out of her hair. "I already have an alarm clock." Sophie pointed to her alarm clock, and right on cue, it rang, loud and clear. She grumbled and shut it off.

"Sorry," Biana said sincerely, as Fitz chuckled. 

"You know what? I'm going to. . ." She ran over to her dresser. 

"Do what?" Fitz rumpled his hair.

Sophie grabbed her phone and quickly snapped a picture of the three of them, still in their pajamas.

"No!" Keefe waved his arms around frantically. 

Fitz rolled his eyes. "I think you got my bad side. Need a retake?" 

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