Chapter 14: Rainy Day

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Sophie sighed and stared out the window. It'd been weeks since her little surfing outing, but now it was pouring outside, leaving her at home with her adoptive parents. 

She went downstairs and smiled as she saw Edaline making her signature recipe, Custard Bursts. Edaline had gotten it from a Mom Group thing, which was random but tasted amazing. 

"Can I help?" Sophie asked excitedly. 

"Of course!" Edaline replied with a smile. Sophie got to work by helping mix the filling, making sure it tasted just right. 

"Mint chocolate chip?" Sophie asked, and her mother nodded sheepishly.

Grady sat on the couch, watching TV and munching on cookies. 

These were the regular rainy days.

Baking, television, and reading. Occasionally board games and crafts. 

Sophie stirred the filling lightly.

Edaline then finished up a few things and put them in the oven to bake. "Ah, well. It looks like it's just baking and cooling from here on out."

"Okay," Sophie smiled and went upstairs to her room. She went back to staring out the window as the scent of Custard Bursts wafted throughout the house, sneaking around and into her room. 

She flipped through old stories and checked her phone for text messages until the Custard Bursts were ready. A timer rang out, piercing everyone's ears. Sophie sprinted downstairs as they had finished cooling. She helped sprinkle on some sugar, and voila! She rose her hand over a Custard Burst, ready to take one and—


The doorbell rang.

Sophie stared down the Custard Bursts, promising she'd get to them later. Instead, she wandered over to the door and opened it to see a drenched Fitz. 

"Oh, Fitz! Come inside," She said nervously. He had a yellow raincoat on and a box in his hands. Sophie shut the door and locked it in silence as Fitz hung up his coat and put his boots on the shoe mat. 

Grady got up and shook Fitz's hand, not saying anything as he and Sophie walked into the kitchen. 

Edaline gave them gushy looks, as a mother would do. "Hi, Fitz!"

"Hi, Mrs. Ruewen," Fitz smiled.

"Here, have some Custard Bursts Sophie and I made! Fresh out of the oven!" Edaline winked. 

"Oh!" Fitz exclaimed before he took a Custard Burst. "I also brought over some Mallowmelt I made. Of course, my mom helped me a bit."

"How thoughtful. Right, Sophie?" Edaline elbowed her, and she was obliged to agree. 

Fitz opened the Mallowmelt box and revealed them. 

"Thanks, Fitz," Sophie said, taking one as he took a Custard Burst. 

Edaline gave the two of them a goofy smile and left the kitchen on their behalf. 

"Thanks for coming over."

He shrugged. "I had some extra time. I just . . . wanted to see you."

Sophie smiled, and her cheeks automatically heated up. "I wouldn't have wanted to spend a rainy day any other way, Fitz Vacker."

"Right back at you, Sophie Foster," He grinned broadly. 

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