Chapter 9: Wonder

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"Hey! You're Sophie, right?" Sophie looked up to see one of the triplets there, watching her with amusement as she came in their direction.

"You must be Rex," She tried.

"Well, it's Lex," He stuck his tongue out at her and blew her a wet raspberry, then ran away laughing.

Sophie moaned.

"Sophie! Come see!" Biana called out to her. 

"See what?" Sophie questioned. She quickly hurried back, hoping it was as consequential as Biana made it seem.

"It's a muscle contest," Biana rolled her eyes as if it were obvious. 

Sophie winced as she saw Keefe, Fitz, and Tam flexing their muscles in many different poses and positions. It was . . . unnerving. 

"Mine are better, obviously," Tam snorted. "Yours are puny."

"Hey! My muscles are pure muscle!" Keefe exclaimed.

 "Come on! We need a judge or something," Fitz said. 

"Ooh! Let's pick someone . . ." 

Sophie wished she could dig a hole to hide in. These were known as her unlucky moments. She ended up sucking in a sharp breath and choking on her air. Sophie coughed and coughed. 

"Sophie!" Fitz grinned broadly. "She's the most honest one here."

"Yeah, get up here," Tam beckoned. 

"Not me," Sophie groaned. "You guys hate me."

"Don't worry. I don't." Dex chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. 

Marella goggled at the boys. "It isn't a dream . . ." She sighed happily. 

Sophie reluctantly got up and faced Tam, Keefe, and Fitz as they posed. "What do I do?" She slumped her shoulders, wanting to get this done. 

"Just judge us," Keefe grunted. "We can't hold these poses forever, you know."

"Well . . ." Sophie peered around, not caring about how the three of them looked.

"Hey, guys, want to come with me and check out the fire pit?" Linh asked, oblivious to the boys' antics. She also saved Sophie from answering.

"I'm going to stay," Marella smiled dreamily.  

"I'm good," Dex shrugged as he fiddled with a gadget he had just whipped up. 

"I'll stay," Biana said. "Sorry."

"It's fine. How about you, Sophie?" Linh asked. 


The boys argued for her to stay, but she ignored them.

Sophie walked up to her, who started to lead the way when she tripped on a tree root and collapsed. Right into Tam's arms. She blushed madly and scrambled out of his grasp. "Sorry!" She said. 

"Let's go," Linh smiled and giggled playfully, hooking her arm in hers, leading her away. 

The last she saw in Tam's expression was bewilderment, but she caught sight of his red cheeks.

Sophie's cheeks still felt hot as she and Linh neared the fire pit. 

"You like him, don't you?" She asked her slyly. 

"Wait, what? N-N-" Sophie sputtered. 

"It's so obvious, Sophie!" She gushed.

"Linh, I don't need a boy to tell me I'm pretty or cute or whatever nonsense they make up in their heads," Sophie sighed. "I'm not Biana or you or Marella."

"Why do you think that?" Linh asked softly. 

"Linh, please let it go."

"It's fine, Sophie."

Sophie relaxed and hung out with everyone, exploring the garden, and eating. 

And then, nighttime started to fall, meaning it was time for . . .

"Marshmallows and Mallowmelt!" Edaline said loudly, sending everyone scrambling towards Edaline. 

"And s'mores!" Marella chirped as she tossed her blonde hair.

"First, we have to get a fire started," Fitz reminded them. 

"Of course!" Grady said. "I'm a pro at this stuff, so watch and learn, people!" 

He rubbed his hands together and made a small teepee out of twigs. 

"Okay, so first, we grab twigs and make it into a little pyramid shape. Then, we do this . . ." He grabbed a blue lighter out of a special bag he had. 

"Now, we grab a stick." Grady grabbed a thin, skinny stick and held it up, showing everyone it. 

Edaline started getting out the chocolate, scolding the triplets as they stole some pieces. Edaline turned and gasped when she saw what Grady was doing. "Grady! You don't do that to make a fire! They have workers here for a reason! You don't know what you're doing!"

"Stop! This is getting good!" Keefe yelled. 

"Yeah," Tam smirked, and Sophie was obliged to agree along with the rest of her friends. 

"Grady! You have to listen!" Della exclaimed along with Edaline. Della placed her perfectly manicured hands over her mouth with wide eyes.

"I did this when I was in Boy Scouts!" Grady said confidently.

"And how long ago was that?" Kesler asked.

"It doesn't matter! I joined for at least a week."

"You don't learn how to make fires in a week," Biana giggled. 

"Let's just get this done," He rolled his eyes and lit the lighter up. He then lit up the twig, ready to place it on the teepee. It turned out skinny twigs burned fast. 

The twig burned to a crisp, leaving ashes and one tiny piece that was alight, that Grady had dropped onto the dry grass.

"Ah!" Marella squealed as some of the grass caught on fire. 

Everyone started jumping up and down like maniacs, trying to pat it out.

"The twig did it all wrong!" Grady complained.

"There's no reason to worry!" Alden called out. "It's just a fire!" 

"It's a fire, all right!" Tam yelped. 

Finally, they stamped the fire out in relief. 

"Let's forget about the fire . . ." Edaline said nervously. 

"Let's just dig into the treats," Juline agreed wistfully as she sat back down.

Sophie went over and grabbed a piece of Mallowmelt as she headed back to her seat. On the way, she tripped on a pebble, flailing to keep her balance. 

Then, someone caught her arm, saving both her and her Mallowmelt.

And even through the darkness, she could see his silver-blue eyes, but it made her wonder . . .

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