Chapter 4: Mission Accomplished

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Sophie was in shock as Stina cackled and walked off, her poofy brown hair bouncing with each step she took. She was so cold-hearted. Sophie clenched her fists.

She didn't want to chase Stina around like a madwoman, so she decided on one thing: She had to get to the Songs.

Sophie sprinted but got tired after about ten seconds. She tripped at least twenty times before she made it to their house. 

She hurried up the driveway and onto their porch, quickly ringing the bell. Sophie wiped her forehead, which was soaked with sweat. That was only to say because she ran past three houses, which wasn't very much of a distance.

Linh opened the door, smiling as she adjusted her new skirt. "Hey, Sophie! What's the rush?" 

"Stina stole our idea! She copied us, but with different styles mixed in! And we worked so hard to draw it!" Sophie rambled.

"Aww, come inside," Linh gave her a sympathetic look. "We can have smoothies and talk things through."

Sophie, Linh, and Tam quietly sipped on their strawberry smoothies made by Linh in the plush living room.

She enjoyed it when the sweet, tangy taste of the smoothie hit her tastebuds. "What do we do now?"

"We restart," Tam said as if it were the most obvious thing. He stirred his straw around in his cup. 

"We worked so hard! Let's go sabotage them or . . ." Sophie quieted down. "Fine. We'll restart."

Linh gazed at her softly. "You guys have to do your best. It's all that matters."

"Okay," She reluctantly agreed. Sophie still didn't understand how it all happened. It wasn't fair. 

But, it was a chance.

Sophie didn't have the energy to keep going. She'd rather sulk in a corner. 

"Okay, so . . ." Tam let her sit in a chair as he began sketching out a plan. More so, his plan. 

She tapped her foot and peered at some of Linh's art, which made her feel better. 

After a bit of sulking, she decided to get in there and help Tam out.

Sophie took a sharpened pencil and approached Tam, leaving her to stare at his work. It was their styles of art, but it blended in an enthralling way.

"Wow, Tam," Sophie exclaimed as she ran her fingers over the fluid lines. "It's beautiful."

"I tried," Tam shrugged with a little smile and the usual tug of his bangs. 

They spent the rest of the day painting and touching things up, hoping it was all good enough. 

Linh was supportive and gave them positive feedback with everything. She was there to lean on.

Sophie smiled at the finished product. The canvas was large and bold. It held the calmness swirled into the mixture of darkness. It was contrasting, making you want to look at it forever.

"Wow!" Linh grinned brightly, lighting up the room as she walked in, holding a silver tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

"Mission accomplished," Sophie smiled as she took a cookie from the tray and bit into it. 

"It really is," Linh squealed as she hopped up and down, her hair flying everywhere. "I love it! I love it!" 

Sophie smiled, peering at Tam, who looked proud. He had a wobbly smile on his face as he stared at the painting.

Linh then walked over to Tam and pinched his cheeks. "I'm the proudest twin ever."

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