Chapter 11: Mission Stalker

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The rest of Halloween dragged on, the leaves falling, and it became chillier by the second. Dex tried to help her with her chemist skills, but she didn't feel she was progressing well. Keefe had somehow won the costume contest with his Batman attire which came out as a real surprise. But, it was no surprise that Ms. Belva was rooting for him. Sophie came second, followed by Marella.

Word on Sophie and Keefe's kiss didn't spread, but rumors had begun being tossed about. 

"What're you guys up to today?" Linh asked as they stood by the lockers. Classes had ended not too long ago.

"I'm going out for a mani-pedi," Biana stuck her hand out and winced as she mumbled unintelligible things about cuticles and nails and whatnot.

The rest of them mumbled small talk about what they had to do, and they parted ways in a rush. 

Sophie began to stroll home on a nice, cool day but sighed as the sound of a motor caught her ears. "Go away, Keefe. Don't you have better things to do than stalk me?"

"Actually," Keefe tapped his chin as he made sure his car kept pace with her. "Nope. Besides, you're an exciting person."

"No, Keefe, look. I'm walking," She walked on, "And walking. And nothing's happening! Sorry but, you're out of luck." 

Sophie adjusted her back and started jogging, hoping to leave Keefe in her dust. Unfortunately, her body didn't agree with her sense of stability. Sophie ended up tripping over her two feet, though she questioned if the sidewalk had any involvement.

Her face got splattered with water from a nearby sprinkler, and a petite dog jumped onto her fallen figure.

"Hey!" Sophie laughed and scooped the dog up in her arms. It had caramel-coloured fur, sparkling eyes, and a tongue that lolled out on one side of its now-opened mouth.

Sophie stood and carried the dog back to the owner, who only gave her a sympathetic smile once she'd glanced over at Keefe.

Keefe, meanwhile, sat there watching with an amused expression.

And his signature smirk, of course.

Sophie sighed as she tromped back home, ignoring Keefe the whole way back. 

She managed to survive, and when she got home, she took a soapy shower and threw on some grey sweats and a blue t-shirt. 

Sophie sighed as she read her parents note: 

Gone for a bit, be home soon! :)


Your Parents

It had become normal for her to find Grady and Edaline out and about. They were always busy taking care of animals and helping out the community. Sophie was always occupied with school and her adoptive parents, their duties.

She tucked the note away into an empty pocket along with her phone.

Sophie spent a few hours studying and finishing up homework and projects she hadn't gotten to.

Later on, she became bored, so Sophie snatched her house keys off the table and decided to do something outside for once. Her light coat sat snuggle atop her body as she headed out, locking the door behind her.

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