Chapter 9: Zoo

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Sophie had gone out for slushies with Biana, read some books, and organized her summer wardrobe over the next few days. With Biana's help, of course. 

She helped in the community garden and walked around the park, finding ways to keep herself busy.

Sophie barely saw Fitz anymore. At least, not in the way they used to. Sometimes she caught him flirting with other girls, which only disgusted her and made her cheeks redden in the embarrassment of her crush.

What had it all meant then?

Sophie couldn't help but feel as if she were overthinking everything, which she probably was.

She sighed and started shoveling dirt in the garden, the soil moist in her hands as she dropped the tiny seeds in and covered them up. They would grow into something helpful or pretty. Sophie began to think that her Stina's taunts were right. She was anything but beautiful and just a big dork. 

Sophie decided to finish up after she'd found a billboard of the new zoo animals from down the street. Many people were out window shopping, walking their dogs, or having fun with family outings.

If her parents didn't have any work to do, they might come. If not, she'd go alone. Biana had told her she'd be busy, but she'd never replied when Sophie asked her what she was doing, which concerned her a bit.

She finished packing down the dirt and put her gloves away, returning them to the community center.

Sophie pulled out her phone and texted her parents: Want to go 2 the zoo today?

Edaline replied: Sorry sweetie, we got an emergency call for the animals. Maybe another time. 

She tucked her phone away with a small frown and decided to pack herself a few things.

Once she made it home, she grabbed a bag with water and snacks, and she took her white bike out from the garage along with her matching helmet.

Sophie hopped on her bike with her bag slung over her shoulder and helmet on her head as she pedaled off, heading for the zoo.

Once she had gotten to the zoo, she locked her bike in on one of the bike racks, and then she stood before the looming zoo sign. She was never one to do things alone, but she was avoiding many people.

Sophie pursed her lips and made her way to the front desk. Sophie pursed her lips and made her way to the front desk. She paid and got in, along with a pamphlet and map of the enclosures.

She strolled around a bit, happy to hear the sound of children in the outdoor waterpark and the view of the brightly-coloured animals. 

Sophie saw flamingos and turtles, lions and zebras. She even got to go and feed some chickens and a goat.

She smiled as she decided to buy a little something to eat, her heart just aching as she wished she could've spent the day with one of her friends. She'd chickened out on asking Linh or any of the others, which now made her regret not asking. 

Which also made her regret not telling Grady about her date.

Sophie started to walk up to the food ordering area, but a sad little girl caught her eye.

"Mommy, but I wanted ice cream before we left..." Her red hair was pulled into two pigtails, and she wore a pair of overalls with a patterned shirt. Her big blue eyes were wet with tears as she tugged on her mother's arm and begged.

"Maybe another day, sweetie," Her mom said with a crease on her brow. 

"You promised!" Slow tears leaked down the little girl's face, which crushed Sophie's heart to pieces. She remembered when she had gone with Edaline, but Edaline hadn't any money for ice cream that day.

Sophie finally walked over and handed the woman ten dollars. "Here. It's enough for ice cream for both of you."

The woman reluctantly accepted it with a small thank you and bought their ice cream. Sophie watched from afar as the two had their ice cream cones. The little girl had no more tears in her eyes as she giggled at her mother while the two ate their ice cream.

Even though Sophie didn't have any more money, she turned and walked for a bit until she decided to sit down on a bench and enjoy her snacks. She munched on a granola bar and leaned back on the bench.

She sipped on her water and just . . . sat there. 

Sophie peered around, and her eyes widened as she looked spotted the Vackers. 

She saw Alden, Della, Fitz, and Biana smiling as they took photos.

Sophie didn't want to ruin any family time. She knew how hard it was for Alden and Della to get days off. Part of her wanted to run over there and laugh along with them, but she couldn't bring herself to.

She stood, wanting to wave as they fed the goats, but she wasn't paying attention as a large Felidae creature sprinted towards her, sending her off her feet and onto the hard, stone concrete. 

Sophie hit the ground with a thud, her body throbbing as her head hurt the most. The last she heard were muffled screams and gasps and the sound of metal clanging before she blacked out.

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