~must protect Nico~

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Nico and Will: *cuddling non-sexually in Hades cabin*
Reyna: *violently bursts the door open* Nico! Your innocence must be preserved!
Nico: Wha- What are you doing?
Reyna: *Grabs Will and flings him out the door*
Jason: *Catches Will and flies away*
Reyna: you're a precious nugget of cuteness, don't change! *runs away*

Nico: *sniff*
Jason: *le gasp* We got a 23-19!! RED ALERT!! It's a 23-19!!!
Will: *jumps through window*
Nico: ....there's a door right there....
Will: *on walkie-talkie* 23-19 at eagles nest, over?
Other side of walkie-talkie: roger that; arriving at eagles nest in 3...2...1...
Percy: *crashes down from the ceiling*
Nico: Why the hades guys-
Percy: *takes a tissue of out pocket* aide secure check!
Jason: *grabs Nico* Target check!
Will: *grabs tissue* aiming at target! *puts tissue under Nico's nose* Target locked!!!
Percy: Firing in 3...2..1...
Nico: -_- *blows*
Jason: mission accomplished boys

Nico: Where's Will? Ok, I got this.
Nico: *cups hands and shouts* NICO HAS NOT EATEN ANYTHING TODAY
Hazel: *bursting in* wHAT
Jason and Percy: *come in from nowhere* AW HELL NO
Reyna: *literally descending from the sky* NICO WYD!
Will: *bursts through everyone just screaming*
Nico: found him

Annabeth: So you left Nico with Percy?
Jason: yeah, why?
Annabeth: You don't seem the problem?
Jason: He said he could take care of him
[back at Percys house]
Percy: Nico, the microwave isn't trying to attack you!
Nico: Then why was it beeping at me?!
Percy: Because the food is done!!
Nico: You're in on this conspiracy!!!

Percy: omg look at Nico, we must protect him at all costs
Jason: bro yes
Reyna and Hazel: we shall help preserve our nugget
Will: ikr he's such a cinnamon roll
Random camper: you do know that he can control the dead and make skeleton armies rise up for battle right?
Percy, Jason, Reyna, Will and Hazel:

Percy: omg look at Nico, we must protect him at all costs Jason: bro yes Reyna and Hazel: we shall help preserve our nugget Will: ikr he's such a cinnamon roll Random camper: you do know that he can control the dead and make skeleton armies rise u...

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