Conversations in The Argo II 5

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Nico: I never tell people that I'm gay right away. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I'll laugh and say something like "you know I'm gay right?" And I'll watch the horror on their face.
Piper: *claps* I like you.

Annabeth: Does anyone want to play chess with me?
Nico: I do.
Percy: You play chess?
Nico: Yeah, I really like it.
Annabeth: Really? I like it too.
Percy: Who would imagine Nico and Annabeth liking the same things?
Nico and Annabeth: ...

Jason: Are you into cars?
Percy: Yeah, it was a great film.
Jason: No, like, are you a car person?
Percy: Like a transformer?

Annabeth: Leo, it's your turn to give an inspirational speech.
Leo: oh um ok. So, it's ok if you fall apart sometimes. I mean, sometimes tacos fall apart and we still love them.
Percy: *wiping a tear away* Beautiful.

Annabeth: Alright everyone, lets not Percy this into a worse situation.
Percy: Did you just use my name as a verb?

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