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Piper McLean: She's pretty friendly, and has the stereotypical "my dad has a lot of money" thing, but she doesn't brag about it. Is good at manipulating people. Somehow managed to get a room to herself, outside the Slytherins dormitory. Somehow managed to sell a tooth pick for 100 dollars to a Gryffindor under the promise that is would cure cancer. A lot of people say they hate her, when in reality, they're just jealous. Has tea on everyone, but won't use it u less it's extremely necessary.

Luke Castellan: At first, people don't understand why they're a Slytherin. He's very nice and friendly (that's a lie). Has lots of contacts, but they use it to get stuff. No one knows what they're actually like. He only show their friendly side to make allies, which is why they're a Slytherin. Will change depending on mood or who they're talking to. No one knows his true intentions and his true self.

Nico diAngelo: People don't know a lot about him, but they'll say he's a bad person because he's a Slytherin and all he wears is black emo clothes and a leather aviator jacket. He's act a good person, but he doesn't really know where his loyalties lie. You don't know on what side he's on, he doesn't know it himself. Kinda quiet, and doesn't have many Slytherin friends but is still friends Percy and Jason, even tough Slytherin hates them. Doesn't care about what people say about him, which isn't very slytherin of him. So he won't care if people judge him for having a boyfriend in Hufflepuff. He will do lots of things for information. He won't threaten you a lot, but he will poison your cereal if you harm his friends.

Leo Valdez: I didn't know wether he should be a Gryffindor or Slytherin, but people say he's more Slytherin, so, here we are. Even tough he's Slytherin, he's pretty brave. He will go to the forbidden forest if it's for the TikTok. He'll also "accidentally" set the dorm on fire. Because why not? He'll do it because he can and because you told him not to. Is actually pretty smart. There's cases in which he doesn't care about his grades, but when he does, he'll do his best. Even if it means he has to hang out with a Ravenclaw. Has friends outside of Slytherin.

Octavian: He's the stereotypical bad Slytherin. Will do anything for power. Is very smart and manipulative to get what he wants. Knows a lot about politics. The teacher asked for a 3 page essay. He did 6. Because he wants to be the best. Almost everyone hates him. He just wants everything to be done in his way. Mostly for attention.

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