Does Chiron really enjoy his job?

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Chiron: I love my demigods. They are too good for this world. I'm proud of them.
Percy: *explodes and floods the restrooms*
Annabeth and Clarisse: *scream at each other*
Leo, Nyssa and Harley: *burn their cabin*
Travis and Connor: *make pranks around camp*
Nico: *eats a happy meal instead of helping*
Chiron: My beautiful children.

*Before a counselor meeting*

Chiron: Will, it's your turn to take notes. Ok?
Will: *gives him a thumbs up*

*After the meeting*

Chiron: Can I have your notes Will?
Will: *looking up from an intense game of hangman with Nico* Uhhh....
Chiron: *sigh* Why do I deal with these ADHD kids?

Chiron: So, you lied to me?
Percy: Depends on how you define lying.
Chiron: Well, I define it as not telling the truth.
Annabeth: I say it's reclining your body in a horizontal position.
Chiron: Get out of my office.
Percy and Annabeth m: Absolutely.

Connor after meeting: I still don't understand.
Chiron: Oh don't worry. Nico took some notes.
Nico: *looks up from notepad* what?
Chiron: Nico, pass Connor the notes.
Nico: Oh, I just drew this butterfly.

Percy: You call it a near death experience.
Leo: We call it vibe check from the Fates!
Chiron: ...

Percy: I hear the clock ticking. Tick-tock Tick-tock
Chiron: What do you want Percy?
Percy: No chores for the rest of my life!
Chiron: You can have a day off tomorrow.
Percy: Deal!

Young Annabeth: Chiron, what's the best way to get revenge on the Stoll brothers?
Chiron: The best revenge is letting go.
Annabeth: ....
Annabeth: Mr. D, what's the best-

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