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"How did the unpacking go?" Jungkook asks placing his tables orders on his tray.

"Great, I managed to get everything done!" I say, grabbing the dishes for my table.

"Did Jackson help?" I shake my head and Jungkook groans. "What was the excuse now?"

"Well, he said he wanted to go out." My body turns backward, walking through the kitchen doors. Jungkook walks out behind me and we separate to go to our tables. I weave through the crowded eating room, trying my best to keep the tray away from the customer's heads.

"Sorry about the wait folks." I pull the fold up table out from under my arm and place the tray on top. I swiftly hand out the dishes, making sure everyone had the right meal. The customers at the table give me quicks thanks before digging into their dishes. I nod my head as a quiet your welcome and shove the table back under my arm.

"Please enjoy your meal." I quickly leave, picking up my tray and placing it under my arm like the table. Walking back into the kitchen I check for the next tables dish. Seeing it, I quickly pull my tray back out and fill it with the plates of food. This cycle continues for the rest of the night. Receiving orders, bringing them out, bringing back the dishes, and then collecting the check at the end. Jungkook and I keep crossing paths, unable to say even as much as a quick hi.

I'm at another table, grabbing all the dishes and towering them carefully onto the tray. Although my body is in the work mode, my mind is racing. All I could think about was the book, who did it belong to? Why did the owner leave it behind? What did the key go to? Were the owner's initials really P.J.? I slowly pick the heavy tray up and make my way carefully to the kitchen. There I slide the dishes off for the dishwasher to clean. My eyes dart down to my watch. I sigh realizing there was still one more hour left on my shift. I run the table through my mind, trying to think of who I still had left to serve. The chef calls out an order, shaking me out of my thoughts. I quickly walk over and grab my final table desserts.

"Hello and welcome to Toro's! What drinks can I get started for you all!" I say, keeping my eyes down, looking at my notepad.

"Well for starters you can look up at your old friend." My eyes widen as the similar voice registers in my mind. My ears did not deceive me. There he was, Jung Hoseok. Sitting in front of me with the biggest smile I have ever seen. He was sitting at a table with two other gentlemen I didn't recognize.

"Hoseok! What on earth are you doing here?" I say, trying to hold back my excitement. Hoseok and I were college friends. We both met taking a creative writing course and thought it would be nice to have someone to read it over. A close friendship soon blossomed from it. When college ended though I decided to move away. But we still would hang out and talk over the phone.

"I got a job here!" Hoseok replies before glancing over at his two confused friends. "Oh sorry, guys. This is my friend y/n. We met in college. Y/n this is Namjoon and Yoongi." We both say quick hellos to each other.

"Well, that's amazing Hobi! We should get together soon!" Hoseok nods and I remember why I came to their table in the first place. "Are you guys ready to order drinks?" They all nod and I write down what they say. "I'll be right back with those." I turn around and walk back to the kitchen. When their drinks are all done, my hands carefully place them on the table and I carry them over to the table.

"Are you guys ready to order your entrees?" I ask while I hand out everyone's drinks. Once again they all nod. Everyone orders and I collect their menus, gently placing them underneath my arm.

"Great choices everyone, I'll be sure to bring those right out." I walk to the front and drop the menus off before collecting the drink orders from my other table. Swiftly my feet carry me back to the kitchen to tell the chef the orders. While he cooks the orders I get my other table their drinks and collect their entree orders. By the time the chef has my new orders, the food for Hoseoks table is ready. As the food is placed into the tray, the wonderful smells reach my nose. Reminding my stomach how hungry I was. Checking the time again I rub my belly comforting.

"Only these tables. You can do this." The tray is back in the air and the table under my arm. I turn and walk backward out of the kitchen. Making my way to Hoseoks table I see Jungkook showing off and holding two trays full of dirty dishes. He diligently enters the kitchen without a single dish even moving.

"Here you guys are." My free arm grabs the table under my arm and places the tray on top. I hand out the food. "Please enjoy." I bow my head and the men all say their thanks.

"Hey so when does your shift end?" Hoseok asks as he stands up, pulling his coat back on. He had stayed back to pay while the others got the car.

"In," I check the time on my watch. "Like five minutes. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you would want to hang out tonight and catch up." He smiles nervously, smoothing out the wrinkles in his coat.

"Sure. Where were you thinking?" I ask, placing my notebook back in apron pocket.

"I dunno, I have two choices. One for if you're fine with being in public and one for if you don't want to go anywhere." I think for a moment, my soft new couch popping up in my mind. But going out did sound nice, and my shift hadn't been too hard today.

"I'm cool with going out." Hoseok nods excitedly.

"Great, I'll text you the place. We can meet in thirty? Give you time to change." I give him a nod and he turns to meet his friends in the car.

"Who was that?" Jungkook asks from behind me.

"Remember the Hoseok I told you about from college," I say, turning to face him. "Well that was him and he wanted to see if I was cool to catch up tonight."

"Ahhhh. Now I see why you used to call him Sunshine. His smile was so bright." Jungkook says as we walk into the kitchen.

"Oh, I have something so cool to tell you," I say while taking off my apron. Jungkook takes off his own before turning to face me. Ready to listen attentively. "So I was placing books on a shelf in my room when I discovered there was a secret space underneath." As I continue the story I watch as Jungkooks faces changes. From surprise to shock, to interest and then to curious.

"This sounds like a fun mystery," Jungkook says, wiping off the make-up covering the tattoos on his hands with a wipe.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow and see it?" I say as we head over to the lockers and grab our stuff.

"I was already planning on coming over to see your new place fully furnished." He playfully hits me. "Oh this already exciting, we could be like Sherlock and Watson." I roll my eyes as he giggles in excitement.

"Sounds good to me. I need to go grocery shopping so do you want to come around noonish?" Jungkook nods yes and we say goodnight to each other. I head off to my car and drive home.

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