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"So did you say yes?" I nod my head eagerly.

"Of course I did silly! How could I just leave him!" Hoseok takes a short sip of his drink.

"Fair point." I take a sip of my own drink. "So how are you gonna go about this?"

"I just thought the easiest way was to get together and tell him the memories. Do you have any other ideas?" Hoseok nods his head.

"What if you," He pauses to take a sip of his drink. "brought him back home. You know, take him to the childhood house. Go around playgrounds you might have visited. Sometimes actions or places can bring back memories." Hoseok finishes his thought and digs back into his dinner.

"That's actually very smart. My parents still live there, and it isn't far from here. I bet we could drive there. Make a day trip." I say, taking his idea and expanding it.

"Cheers to a good plan." He brings his glass up and tilts it towards. My hand grabs my own glass and copies his motion. Our glasses clink and we drink, my eyes wincing as the alcohol hits my throat.

"Still not big on drinking?" Hoseok asks, noticing my reaction.

"No, it's not that. I haven't had any alcohol in while." I use my napkin and neatly wipe my lips clean of the liquid.

"How come? Jackson knock you up with a baby?"

"What no. Besides then I still couldn't be drinking with you now." Hoseok nods understandingly and finishes the rest of his glass.

"Very true. Didn't think about that." He looks down at the ring on my finger and sighs. "I can't believe he actually proposed. Never thought he would commit to anyone." My mind rushes back to when I first met Jackson. The campus fuck boy, a new girl on his dick each night.

"I'd like to believe he got that all out of his system before we meet." I glance nervously at my half-eaten dinner.

"You'd like to? Has he cheated on you before?" Hoseok immediately asks, his eyes becoming worried.

"No no. Well maybe. He told me that she was just a friend. But I don't know. They were just around each other at strange times. I asked him and he got all defensive." The older man sighs, looking down at his plate defeated.

"How long ago was this?" He asks quietly.

"About a month," I mutter in a soft voice.

"Well let's hope he really changed in that month." Hoseok sees our waiter and flags him down with a call.

"Hey, could I please get a refill?" Hoseok asks the young man and he nods, quickly walking back to the kitchen.

"Just be safe with him Y/n. I still remember him in college, and I remember how he treated his women." My mouth opens to interject but Hoseok holds his hand out in front of me. "I know he got like therapy or something. But I just want you to be safe." He lowers his hand and I reach out and hold it reassuringly.

"Jackson has never hit me in the two years we have been together." Hoseok purses his lips before letting out another sigh.

"Then I will choose to believe he has changed for the better."

"Thank you Hoseok." The waiter returns with Hoseoks drink and we both take a sip.

"So what kind of wedding are you hoping for? Will it be big, I know your fond of the smaller things." I glance up at the ceiling and sit back in my chair.

"You know, this whole thing with Jimin. I haven't thought about the wedding at all. It went from finding Jimin, to like wow. Here he is in front of me. To like now I'm helping him with his memory. Honestly, I haven't thought about the wedding at all." Hoseok chuckles as he eats another bite of his steak.

"What about yourself?" I ask, fixing my position in the chair.

"What do you mean?" He asks, wiping his mouth clean.

"I mean your love life. Come on, there must be some special lady." His expression becomes more flustered. "So there is someone!" I cheer out, causing Hoseoks cheeks to become dusted in pink.

"I mean, there is someone. But she isn't mine yet." He hesitates, but I lean forward on my elbows and motion with my hands for him to keep going. "She's a dance teacher. Honestly, she is just amazing, like every moment with her is pure bliss. And she is such an amazing dancer, together we can do even the hardest choreography." As he talks he becomes more lost in his own little fantasy world.

"Does she know your Mr. Sun?" His eyes go wide as I say his pen name. Hoseok wasn't just a high school teacher. By night he was the ever so popular novelist Mr. Sun. Known for his enticing tales and mysterious twists. I personally loved all the books and read them often.

"Shh. I don't want people to find out." I giggle while chewing on a bite of food. "But yes she knows, and she's very cool about it. Understands wanting privacy."

"Well if you want my advice, it's this." I pause to wash down my food with the bitter wine. "Kiss. Keep It Simple Stupid." Hoseok quickly brings his glass up to his mouth, sitting out his drink.

"What is that!" He cries out, his tone a mix of embarrassment and trying not to laugh. He holds his down low and brings his napkin to his mouth. I watch as his body shakes, trying not to show he was laughing.

"Come on, it's like. What are those called? An acronym? Yeah, that's the word. Keep it simple stupid. Quite easy to remember." I reply matter-of-factly.

"But why does it have to be kiss? I thought you meant just kiss her!" He brings his head back up and quickly takes a sip of ice water. "Trying to kill me woman." He mutters, trying to calm his face down. His cheeks blushing a violent pink.

"I'm just trying to be helpful here man! It's always worked for me." I reason, taking another bite.

"Alright, it's easy enough advice." He admits and I nod slowly. My eyes close, enjoying the feeling of being right and the amazing dinner.

"Great, now tell me everything about this woman please," I demand, and Hoseok chuckles, staring off into space like a lovesick puppy.

"Where do I even begin?"

Hidden Chapter (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now