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My life was perfect right now. I used to wonder why people went through life with a smile. How they managed to wake up every morning and to be happy their eyes had fluttered open. But now I knew. I knew why people wanted to get up in the mornings. I knew why they wanted to stay home. It was because of the loved ones in their life. So many mornings of waking up with y/n, each one more perfect than the last. Each night, falling asleep with her in my arms. That was the only dream I needed. Now I wanted to stay home, relaxing all day on the couch with y/n. Cuddling close, watching movies till even the stars fell asleep. Every day was perfect.

My memories were now almost fully returned. Small things had been left out. But I remembered enough to feel content. To be happy. But there was one memory I hadn't told her I remembered. It was the promise I had made her. When I was being forced to move away. I knew when I was going to tell her. And it all involved the ring in my pocket. The ring my grandmother gave to me.

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