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"I'm so proud of them." I pull my dress up and reach behind my back.

"So am I. Those three have really been working so hard these last couple weeks." Jimin's reflection in the mirror chuckles while he buttons up his shirt.

"Hunny can you help me?" I call out, turning so that he could see the zipper in the back. My arms were sadly unable to manipulate themselves enough to pull it up. He walks into the bathroom and pulls the side of the dress together. His hand reaches out and gently pulls on the small zipper. As his fingers move up, they brush against my bare skin. Sending goosebumps across my body.

"There you are my darling." He plants a quick kiss onto my exposed neck before returning to the bedroom to get his tie. I was feeling like the luckiest girl in the world right now. I had the most amazing boyfriend on the planet and we had the cutest apartment. After the incident with his mother, we quickly moved to a new apartment. Jimin's new job paid so well we were able to get one in the same building as Jungkook. He was also able to get a restraining order against his mother, which has been successfully keeping her out of our life.

As for my friends. Their lives also seemed to be on the up. Hoseok had finally published his second book, growing his popularity. He still keeps his identity a secret, unable to give up his life as an English teacher. Copies of his book were sold out around the country. As for Namjoon and Yoongi. They were having a party tonight to celebrate their album release. Jungkook had been offered a part-time job at the studio. Everyone there had fallen in love with his voice, which I just knew they would. For Seokjin, he was already happy with life. His life full of his family and his dream job as head chef. Jungkook's friend Taehyung, who Jimin also knew was coming to the party tonight. His talent on the saxophone hadn't gone noticed by the studio and he was now also doing gigs for the artists there.

"Are you almost done?" Jimin asks, walking back to the mirror and checking himself out. He ran a hand thoroughly his freshly dyed hair. It was a mix of blonde a grey, I couldn't really decide which color it resembled more. Jimin honestly looked fantastic in it. When he styled it right. Like he did tonight. It matured his face, making practically irresistible. It was taking every ounce of control in me to not jump him right now.

"How do I look?" I ask, giving Jimin a twirl.

"You look beautiful as always." He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist. Allowing them to then drop loosely at my hips.

"Why thank you. You are quite handsome yourself." I reply, mumbling my words as our lips touch. Giving him a short kiss.

"What was that? You call that a kiss?" Jimin pretends to be upset, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Then what would you call a kiss?" I ask and he smirks, raising an eyebrow.

"This." He closes any remaining distance between us, firmly placing his lips onto mine. My mind suddenly emptied of all thoughts. Only ones of Jimin remained. Like how soft his lips were. How his body felt beneath my touch. How his touch was sending electric shocks throughout my body. The world around us grows fuzzier as the kiss continues. Growing more and more transparent with each second. His hands, placed tightly on my hips, pull my body in closer and I let out a groan as our chests collided. I feel my knees go weak, signaling to Jimin he had total control over my body and my mind. He pulls away, feeling his point was thoroughly made.

"That is what I call a kiss." He says with a proud smirk before kissing the tip of my nose gently.

We arrived at the party just in time. It was a small gathering. It was just Namjoon, Yoongi, and the other boys with their dates and a few others from the studio. Namjoon came with his date, Bela. Yoongi brought his girlfriend Jazhira. Hoseok brought his dancer girl, Seokjin with his wife, and Taehyung with Keri. The only one who didn't have a date was Jungkook. I felt bad, but he seemed to be okay. Talking to his friends, laughing, and dancing with Hoseok on the dance floor. It was during a song that I noticed her. She was watching Jungkook preform with Hoseok. Her eyes gave her away, showing she was smitten for the boy. A thought came to my mind and I smiled. Giving Jimin a pat on the arm to tell him I was leaving, I made my way over to her. Weaving through the bodies, I made it to her and gently tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey," I say loudly to be heard over the music. She turns around in surprise to look at who was trying to talk to her.

"I saw you looking at Jungkook." Her face flushes, a dark sea of red covering her face.

"Well maybe." She mutters, clearly embarrassed.

"Do you want me to introduce you?" Her eyes go wide and after she thinks it over, she nods nervously. The song ends and I make eye contact with Jungkook. I wave him over and put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Jungkook this is-" My words cut off, realizing I didn't actually know her name.

"I'm Kim. I work at the studio with Namjoon and Yoongi." His eyes grow as he recognizes her.

"Oh, so your Kim!" I walk away as their conversation sparks, my work completed. A hand grabs my waist and pulls me into their chest. The similar scent makes me smile and I lean into his chest as a slow song comes on.

"Are you having fun my darling?" He asks and I nod, taking a deep breath. Dancing with him, slowly moving our bodies to the beat of the song.

"I want to stay like this with you forever," I mumble into his chest, a smile of content plastered on my face.

"I love you so much." He says, kissing the top of my head lovingly.

"I love you to the moon and back."

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