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I still couldn't believe that she was sitting there in front of me. I wanted her to tell me everything. Everything about our past together. But I knew it would be best to wait. This was overwhelming for me and I barely remember her. I couldn't imagine how she was feeling.

I was currently listening to her tell me how she found me. That she had found my journal and gone through it. When she finished she looked anxious and scared. As if nervous that I would be mad at her reading my journal. Which I wasn't. Because if she hadn't I might not have ever found her. She was my best hope of getting my memory back.

"I'm not mad Y/n, if that's what your thinking." I say softly and I watch her body relax. She let's out the air she was holding in and gives a small smile. "If you had never read that journal, we met have stayed apart. Never finding each other again."

"Thank you." She replies, taking a sip of her drink.

"D-do you think. You could help me Y/n?" I ask, my nerves stuttering my words. She gives a hesitant nod. "Could you help me regain my memory?"

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