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"Good morning." I hear Jimin cheerfully greet me.

"Good morning, are you excited for today?" I ask between yawns.

"Yes." My eyes finally open all the way and see Jimin leaning against the bathroom doorway. His hair was wet as if he had just taken a shower. He was wearing a black t-shirt tucked into a pair of dark blue jeans.

"Looking good today Jimin." My tired eyes burn and I stumble up to get a washcloth.

"Do you want me to get some breakfast while you get ready?" Jimin offers

"I would love that." The washcloth soaked in cold water feels good against my burning eyes.

"What do you want?" I quickly give Jimin my order and he grabs the car keys and his wallet before leaving. My legs carry me over to my suitcase on the floor and grab fresh clothes for the day. I take a brief shower, washing the sleep off of my body.

"I'm back!" Jimin calls out, closing the front door behind him.

"Alright, I'll be out in a second." I quickly dry off and throw on a deep purple sweater and black jeans. After checking myself out in the mirror and making sure my outfit was okay I joined Jimin in the main room. He was on the bed getting his breakfast ready to eat.

"Yours is in the bag." He points to a brown paper bag and my hands reach in and grab my own breakfast and my tea sitting beside the bag. We sit together on the couch and eat our breakfast in peaceful silence. The sound filling the room came from the tv, some sort of cartoon playing on the screen.

"So where does your dad live? Is he still in the same apartment?" I ask and Jimin nods, his eyes glued to the glowing screen.

"While I lived alone he would send me letters, each one came from his old address." Jimin pulls a wrinkled piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to me. "I saved it just in case."

"How are you feeling Jimin," I ask, leaning back against the wall and turning to look at him.

"What do you mean?" He glances over at me confused.

"I mean, you left your mother, about to see your dad for the first time in several years. What kind of things are going through your head?" Jimin ponders this over in his head, clearly thinking hard about what to say.

"Hard to say I guess. I feel free because my mother is no longer hovering over me. But then I don't feel completely free because my memories are still unstable. I'm both excited and terrified to see my father. I wonder what kind of man he is. What will my father think of me? There are so many emotions running through my mind right now, it's nearly impossible to pick just one out." As Jimin explains I feel my heart wrench. Jimin had turned off the tv and sat his container on the nightstand.

"Well, is there anyone you know how you feel about them." I sit my container on the other nightstand and we both turn in the bed to look at each other.

"Yes, there one person." He begins, his eyes locking with mine.

"Who is it?" I ask, my heart was beating uncontrollably at this point. Jimin shuffled closer to me, my body copied his movements against my will. The space between us slowly closing.

"It's you." He whispers, making my heart beat even faster.

"And how do you feel about me?" I ask my words a mere breath of air escaping my lungs. Somehow the gap between us got even smaller, only inches apart now. He searched through my eyes for a minute, looking for an answer to the silent question he was asking.

"Y/n, I love you." My once fast-beating heart suddenly stops.

"Jimin." It's the only word I can get to come out of my mouth. His eyes fall from looking at my eyes to looking at my lips. The silent question comes back up, and this time Jimin knows the answer.

He leans in, closing the gap between us. His lips connect with mine, stopping time. My heart fluttered within my chest as his lips moved against mine. My mind became fuzzy and the only thing I could focus on was how soft and plump Jimin's lips were. How they fit perfectly against mine. How right it felt to be kissing him. How right it felt, much better than any kiss with Jackson.

Jimin had become her drug, and I was hooked. My fingers began to explore his body. Running up and down his sides, desperate to feel his skin beneath their touch. They slipped beneath the soft shirt, the soft feeling of his skin sending sparks through my body. I could feel one of Jimin's hands go to my neck, pushing our lips closer together. His other hand was traveling up my thigh, creating hundred of butterflies inside my stomach.

We pull away, ending the euphoric bliss. Breathless, we just stare into each other's eyes. Unable to voice words, but not like there was much to say. Our actions had just spoken for us. I could still feel Jimin's lips against mine, his taste still lingering.

"I love you Jimin," I whisper, causing a smile to grow on Jimin's face. His eyes sparkle with hope and love. I pull my hands out of his shirt and move up his spine, his body reacting to my touch. My hands gently run through his hair. Twirling his soft locks around my finger.

"I love you y/n." He leans in and places a soft kiss on my nose, sending a small blush to my cheeks.

"How did I get so lucky to have found you again?" I mutter placing my forehead against his.

"I should be the one asking that question. You are my beautiful hero who has saved my life." I nuzzle my head into his chest and he wraps his arms around me. Taking me into the warmest hug I've ever had.

Hidden Chapter (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now