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The hike was hard but beautiful. Up the path up the mountain was mainly switchbacks. Crossing over and over. The hills were covered in fresh green grass and splatters of wildflowers. There were small purple ones. Big yellow ones. Viney white ones. So many.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky, allowing the sun to beat down on me with no protection. By the time I got to the top, I was sweaty and tired. This wasn't really how I wanted Jimin to see me. If he even came today.

It took a while but I found the ledge from the drawing. I collapsed on the rocky ground and wiped the sweat away from my body with a bandana.

"Why did I do this?" I mutter nervously into my water bottle. The cool water feels good in my hand. As I drink, my mind wanders, filled with questions.

Will he be here?

What would I do if he was?

What would I say?

What would he say?

Would we hug?

Would I cry?

Would he be angry that I read his journal?

While these questions ran through my head, my eyes were obvious to the man who had just sat appeared next to me. His angry words shook me out of my trance. My eyes follow him as he sits down, just a bit further up the ledge.

"Mother why can't you just let me be!" He cries out to the wind, his voice cracking. As if he was about cry. I felt bad for him and was about to get up to leave when his voice registered in my mind.

"Jimin?" I ask in a small voice. The wind must have carried my voice because he lifts up his head. My eyes grow wide as he turns his head to see who I was.

"You." He says when he sees my face.

"Me?" We both stand in unison, our eyes locked in an intense stare.

"You." He mutters again. My feet move slowly over to him, one step at a time.

"Jimin. Is that really you?" I ask weakly and he nods.

"You, you. I know you." I nod and we draw closer. I take in everything about him. His cheeks are smaller and more defined than when we last were together. He looks older, which makes sense because it has been several years. His eyes were full of pain, fear, and something else. Something I couldn't figure out.

"It's me Jimin. It's Y/n." His eyes grow wide and he takes a big step towards me.

"I finally have your name. And it's so perfect." He reaches out and wipes away a tear, his finger gently brushing against my cheek.

"I've missed you so much Jimin." More tears begin to fall, and Jimin pulls me into his chest as I begin to sob. I feel his own tears begin to fall as he holds me. I clutch at his shirt, fearing he would disappear again.

"Why did you leave me?" I cry out in between sobs, hiccuping violently. My chest heaves as emotions flood over me.

"I'm so sorry Y/n." We stay there for a while. Holding each other in our arms. Letting out the emotions we had bottled in. We hold each other for hours it feels like. I finally pull away, wanting to look at his face more.

"Oh Jimin," I mutter, using my thumb I gently try to wipe away his remaining tears. "Tell me why you left me." He looks down at me softly and sighs.

"It's a long story. Can we go get a cup of tea?" He asks nervously and I nod.

"Where were you thinking?"

"Wait you work here!" I look around the cafe in shock. Jimin had brought us to Magic Shop Cafe. A small cafe in town. Somehow for years, I managed to go there and miss Jimin. Every time.

"Yeah, why do you seem surprised?" Jimin takes a sip of his tea.

"Because I know Taehyung. You know him right? He plays here a lot." Jimin's face changes and his mouth turns into an 'o'.

"Oh, I do know Taehyung. At least I know his order. I always give him his water after his shows." Jimin sighs deeply and takes a long sip.

"Alright. I'm going to tell you everything." I lean forward in my chair, prepared to listen.

"Most of what I know, my mother told. But a few bits are my own memories. It all started the day I left in that car. Mother said we were in a car accident, it happened just outside of town. The only thing I can remember from that day was being in that car. Watching you as we drove away After that, my memory became shifty. I can't remember the crash, nor have I found any video of the crash. I was in the hospital for months. I lost years of my life in that grey prison. Just wasting away. Doing the same routine thing every day. All I knew about myself was what Mother told me. My name, my age, my birthday, and that my father was a cheating whore. When my mother finally decided to get me out of the hospital, she moved me far away. There I went to a dance school since most of my academics were forgotten.

"As soon as I finished college, I moved out and moved away. But she followed me. I moved to five different cities before I found this one. Something about it just called to me, and even when my mother came, I stayed. At first, she allowed me to keep my job at the cafe and to live alone. But she found out about my memory returning. Just small little bits blurs of the past. But even those seemed to threaten her. She would beg for me to move in and live with her. Every time she asked I refused. When the memories became bigger, more clear, and coming back at a rapid pace, that's when she plucked the final ounce of trust. I was away on a break, just a short weekend vacation. While I was away, she broke into my apartment and packed everything I owned. I returned to an empty house. She sold my apartment the next day. The worst part was well. I had a journal in that house. Kept it hidden underneath a shelf. I kept all my memories in it and used it as a diary sometimes. I never got it back. As far as I know, it's still sitting under that shelf. Collecting dust."

I listen in awe to Jimin's story. Pieces of a puzzle finally being put back into place. My heart felt weak, finally understanding why Jimin just left without a trace. When he finished, he took a heavy sip of tea. I could understand why. I couldn't even begin to imagine how hard of a story that must have been to tell. I bring my own cup to my lips and take a sip. Enjoying the taste of the sweet liquid inside.

"Y/n?" Jimin pipes up, breaking the heavy silence between us. "How did you find me?" My heartbeat quickens and I slowly draw the cup from my lips and place it back on the table.

"Well, you know that journal. Full of your memories, the one you just talked about? Well, I found it. I recently moved into a new apartment, and I was putting away some books into that shelf and noticed it was weird so I peeked around. I'm so sorry I read it. It's just I was so curious and then when I learned it was yours I couldn't help it. I wanted to know if there was a clue to finding you in there." I take a deep breath, watching Jimin carefully. Waiting for his reaction.

Hidden Chapter (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now