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'Jingle Bells', a movie, plays in the background as I hang another ornament on the tree. Jackson sits on the couch watching some Christmas drama.

"This show is crap! You aren't even watching it!" Jackson complains, taking a sip of his cocoa.

"Because it's for the Christmas spirit! It's fun to watch terrible romance movies during the Christmas season." I defend, placing another ornament on the tree.

"Well, I still think it's crap." He mumbles into his drink.

"Think what you what," I whisper into the tree, surrounding myself with decorative lights and bright shiny bulbs.

"What was that babe?" Jackson asks, clearly overhearing my whisper.

"Oh, I'm just excited for tomorrow! It's Christmas eve, aren't you in the least bit excited?" He shrugs and takes a long sip of his drink.

"I mean I guess. I don't really care for the whole 'family' scene it encourages." His words make me frown and I turn my body to look at him.

"Wait wait. We have to talk about this. Jackson, do you not want to have a family?" He shrugs again, replying by taking a sip.

"Because Jackson, I want to have a family. And if you don't, this could become a problem." This gets his attention, but not in the way I wanted.

"Ah come on babe. Do you really want to have to take care of a drooling slobbing mess? Just for it to reject you in its teenage years and then leave once it goes off to college?" He sounds annoyed, he looks about ready to growl.

"But what if I do? I'm not ready for a child now. But what if I want one in the future?" He groans and slams the cup down on the coffee table, breaking the mug. Releasing the hot brown liquid from its ceramic prison.

"Look what you made me do!" He growls, standing up in anger. "And if you love 'family' so much, then why aren't you with your own!" He creeps closer and closer to me and for once I feel scared of him. My heart races out of my chest and fear pumps through my veins.

"Jackson, you're scaring me." My voice comes out small and weak. The tree begins to poke into my back as I try to retreat further into it.

"I'm going. I need to go work off all of this unwanted stress you have given me." And with one final glare, he pulls away from me and walks out, slamming the door behind him. Once he is gone completely, my body collapses to the floor. My first reaction was to call either Jimin or Jungkook. But Jimin was stuck with his mother, and it wouldn't be smart to try and reach out to him. Jungkook, I'll try Jungkook. I just needed someone to talk to. I reach out to my phone. My fingers fumble to call his number, but before I can my boss calls me.

"Hello?" I answer quickly.

"I'm so sorry to do this, but we need some help down here. Could you come in for a few hours?" My boss asks and I agree. Hanging up, I get off the floor and go upstairs to change into my uniform.

"Hello and welcome to Toro's! How may I- Oh Yoongi and Namjoon, am I right?" The two gentlemen at the table both smile and nod.

"Y/n, great to see you again." The one I believe was Namjoon comments, smiling up at me. His dimples on full display.

"You have to work on Christmas eve? Man, that must suck." Yoongi adds, closing his menu.

"Gotta do what pays the rent." They both nod understandingly, clearly understand the pressure of money. "Anywho, what can I get started for both of you?"

Both men give me their drink orders as well as an appetizer. I walk back to the kitchen and give the chef their order. My hands worked furiously, filling the glasses with the appropriate drinks. Carefully balancing the tray on my hand, I walk out to the dining room.

"Here you go, guys. Are you ready to order your entrees?" As I ask my question, my hand quickly places the two drinks on the table and slide the tray back under my arm.

"Yes, we are. I'll take the special." Yoongi orders and Namjoon places his own.

"Okay I'll go take care of those and I'll be back in a sec." My legs quickly leave after the two boys give me a small smile. They quickly go back to their conversation, Namjoon's expression becoming more stressed. When I return with their meals, Namjoon appears more stressed than when I left.

"Are you alright?" My tone is gentle, concerned for Hoseoks friend.

"Not really. We're looking for a voice for this song and we can't find any males who have the right-"

"range. I'm worried we've created a song no one could sing." Yoongi finishes with a glum expression. My mind races to Jungkook, a small smile creeps to my lips.

"Well, I know someone. He's a great singer, if you want to check him out I could give you his number." Namjoon and Yoongi look at each other curiously, trying to read each other's minds.

"I don't know. Can you vouch for him?" Namjoon asks concerned and I nod.

"He's actually here tonight if you want a live performance." I offer instead and Namjoon glances over at Yoongi, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you think you could bring him by after dinner, so we can hear him outside?" Yoongi asks, carefully watching Namjoon for a reaction.

"Yeah, I could do that," I say after a short time, watching Namjoon's reaction as well.

"What's this kid's name by the way?" Namjoon asks, showing his sign of approval.

"Jeon Jungkook," I answer, spotting Jungkook at a table some distance away. A small smile creeping to my lips.

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