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"Where do I even begin! This list is so long!" I throw the list up into the air and Jungkook catches it behind me.

"Wow, well I could go with you. I need some things for Christmas too." He offers, handing me back my shopping list.

"Alright then. Your driving, deal?" Jungkook smiles and nods his head.

"That's a deal, so come on get in. It's cold enough out here." Jungkook opens the driver's door to his car and I pull the passengers handle, quickly getting in.

"Oh, we have one stop to make before all of this." Jungkook looks over at me and raises an eyebrow.

"What stop?" He questions and I smile.

"I invited Jimin to go shopping with me, well now us. Is that cool?" Immediately Jungkook turns the car on and eagerly looks at me.

"Where's the address?"

"So your Jimin?" Jungkook glances at the older man in the rearview mirror. Jimin awkwardly nods, Jungkooks stare must likely making him feel uncomfortable.

"Yes." He says nervously.

"How old are you?"

"24, yourself?"

"Damn, 22. Both of you are older than me." Jungkook groans, turning the steering wheel to make the turn.

"So how did you guys meet?" Jimin asks from the back seat.

"Jungkook and I are both waiters at Toro's. We're also friends with the head chef there." Jimin quietly takes in the information.

"Yeah, this little duck was so helpless on her first day." Jungkook begins to ramble on. Reminiscing about our first days on the job. Jimin sat in the back, laughing at Jungkook's exasperations.

"Wow, that is a story." Jimin pipes up after Jungkook finishes.

"Isn't it," Jungkook mutters happily.

"So wow, Y/n you really had to fight a dinosaur on your first day? Wow, I've really missed a lot." Jimin admirers, locking eyes with me in the side mirror.

"Oh yeah, little duck has had so many crazy adventures while you were gone," Jungkook adds, causing my body to cringe in the chair.

"Little duck?" Jimin questions, looking at us curiously.

"Just a nickname for her. Sometimes I call her little bunny. It gives me a sort of power over her." Jungkook explains while I cringe further into my seat.

"It suits her," Jimin says quietly in his seat.

"Oh god," I mutter as Jungkook snickers evil.

"Well if you ever need to control her, little duck is all yours. I'll keep calling her little bunny." Jungkook suggests.

"Oh god," I mutter again.

"Okay, I'm going in here. Meet you guys in an hour?" I nod my head and Jungkook waves goodbye to me and Jimin.

"So umm. How does this work?" Jimin nervously rubs the back of his neck.

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning my head to face Jimin behind me.

"Well, I've never gone Christmas shopping." Jimin looks down nervously and kicks the dust on the floor around.

"It's easy. Come on, we can shop together."

Jimin and I travel around the mall. As my eyes see a sign for a store on my list, I pull on Jimin's arm and drag him in. He helped out, carrying the bags in his hands. After a few hours, I look down at my list and smile.

"Finally! We're all done Jimin!" We both let out a great sigh. "So is there anyone you want to shop for Jimin?"

"Umm, no." He hesitates, his voice getting smaller.

"Are you sure? Any friends you want to get something for?" I ask again, watching him closely.

"Well, you see." He begins to say, unable to match my gaze. "I don't have any friends." My eyes widen in shock, and I feel something tug at my heart.

"Wait, but why?" Jimin finds a small table near us and sits down. Setting the bags down on the floor next to his feet.

"Mother always scared away my friends. They wouldn't last more than a month, so I gave up on friends." My hand reaches out and pulls out the other chair for me to sit in.

"I still can't believe that your mother is the same woman from my childhood," I mutter, shaking my head.

"She was much better at hiding it back then. I think my dad helped conceal it." Jimin explains, his eyes meeting my sadden gaze. Behind his brown covers, I could see the pain and loneliness glisten behind his eyes.

"Well now you have me, and your mother will not separate us again," I promise and I stick out my finger. "I pinky promise it." I watch a hopeful smile grow on Jimin's lips and he raises his pinky next to mine. Our fingers connect, sealing my promise to him.

"Hey guys, I finally found you." Jungkook appears behind Jimin. Coming closer, he pulls a chair from another table and joins me and Jimin.

"Hey Jungkook, got all your shopping done?" I ask, eyeballing the several bags tightly gripped in his hands.

"Yup, what about you guys?" I nod my head and quickly glance over at Jimin.

"Of course! Are you guys hungry?" The boys both nod eagerly. Luckily we were currently sitting in the food court. After some talk, we finally decide on where to eat. Jimin and Jungkook both give me their orders and I leave them to go get the food. As I stand in line, my eyes wander around the eating area. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jungkook and Jimin. They seemed to be talking, friendly chatter. It made me think about Jimin told me earlier. If I really wanted to help him, maybe I could try and help him get to know more people. The line moves up and I finally get to the counter. As I order, my legs carry me along. After paying, my feet carry me over to the table, arms full of food.

"Hey boys, what did I miss?" My hands dig through the bag and give each of us the appropriate meal.

"Nothing much, just telling Jimin everything he's missed since you guys last met," Jungkooks says before opening his dinner and shoving it into his mouth.

"Don't worry nothing embarrassing." Jimin quickly says, slowly opening his own container.

"Oh, I'm not worried about that. I have way more embarrassing stories of Jungkook then he has of me." I open my own container. As the plastic lid opens, the smells trapped inside are released. Delicious sauces mixed freshly cooked chicken. My mouth waters as my hands eagerly unwrapped the plastic-covered fork. After we all finish our amazing meal we all huddle back into the car. I drive Jungkook to his house and drop Jimin back off at the cafe.

When I get home I unload all of the presents and wrap them. I also grab all the Christmas decorations I bought at the mall. Putting on some holiday music, I fill my apartment with the bright and colorful decorations.

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