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Jackson's arm is still around me when I wake up in the morning. My body turns to face him, still trying to stay within his warm hold.

"Good morning." He mutters, his eyes still shut.

"Good morning." I kiss his forehead and he hums in content.

"I wish I could stay like this with you all day." He admits.

"Why can't we?" He sighs and finally opens his eyes.

"I need to pack today. You know for the trip." He sits up with these words and I look down embarrassed.

"I didn't think that would take all day." He shakes his head and I sit up myself. "Well can we at least have breakfast together?" He nods and I smile, leaning in to kiss his him on the lips.

"You get cooking and I'll clean up." He gets out of the bed and heads for the bathroom. I head to the closet and find a sweatshirt to throw over my shirt and a pair of shorts to quickly pull on. Walking down the stairs, I pull my hair into a quick bun, using a clip to secure it into place.

"Something with eggs sounds nice," Jackson yells down at me. Not wanting to be fancy, I pull a few eggs out of the fridge and crack them into a bowl. With a fork, my hands beat the eggs until they were ready. Pouring the mix into a pan, the eggs sizzle as the heat touches them. Quickly grabbing some bread, I throw a few slices into the toaster. After that, my attention then returns to the eggs. Stirring them around in the pan, making sure that nothing sticks to the bottom. Up above, Jackson finishes his shower. He shortly comes down the stairs, rubbing the water out of his hair with a towel.

"Mhmm smells good down here." He comments, throwing his towel on the top of the couch.

"Just give me a few more minutes. Can I get you anything to drink?" He nods and helps himself by looking inside the fridge. He comes out with a cold bottle of water. Opening the cap, he takes a long sip and walks behind me. Freeing his hands by placing his bottle on the counter, he wraps his arms around my waist.

"You are so good to me, making me breakfast." He whispers contently in my ear, causing a smile to grow on my face. "I can't wait till the day I wake up every day to you and your cooking." I hum, his words filling me with joyful butterflies.

"Hmm going to bed every night next to you, waking up with you every morning. Sounds just amazing." I murmur and Jackson hugs me tighter.

"Well, maybe that can happen sooner than you think." He pulls me around, forcing me to look at him. A hand sneaks behind him and comes back holding a small box.

"Y/n. This might not be, well the most romantic place, but it is a sign of what I want for us. To be together forever. To raise a family and grow old. And I know you want all those things too. So y/n, will you marry me?" He pops open the box, revealing a gorgeous ring. I feel my heart slow down and my eyes grow wide as his words set in.

"Do you really mean that?" I ask, searching his eyes for his answer.

"Of course." He answers, kissing me softly.

"I will. I will marry you." I say, making Jackson smile. He grabs the ring out of the box and gently places it on my extended finger.

"I love you." He whispers, making the smile of my face grow wider.

"I love you more," I whisper back. He pushes me back, placing his lips aggressively against mine. The kiss is passionate until he pushes me back to far. My hand brushes against the stove and the heat catches me off guard and I yelp out.

"Ow." I moan, pulling my hand to inspect the damage done. A large red patch is on my palm and I quickly turn to the eggs. I run over and scramble them with a spatula, making sure that none of it had burned. I turn off the heat and shuffle over to the sink. My non-burned hand gets the cold water running, and hold my burned palm underneath the water.

"Ah, you burned a bit of egg there," Jackson observes, looking around the pan. "I'm not eating that, that's going on your plate."

"It's only one bit, I'll just throw it away." He groans from behind me.

"No, no you burned it. And your gonna eat it." I turn and watch as he takes all the eggs and divides them onto a plate. Scooping a large half and putting on the plate with the toast. He places my half on a plate and hands it over to me.

"Let's eat." He suggests, walking over to the table.

"Alright, just let me put some bread in the toaster for myself." I'm about to reach over for the bread when Jackson stops my hand.

"Oh come on. You don't need any more food. Toast would just overfill you." He pulls away his hand when my head lowers in defeat.

"Your right hunny." My voice comes out weak as he guides me over to the table.

"I know I am, I just want the best for you." He kisses my head before sitting me down in a chair. He sits adjacent to me, at the head of the table.

"Umm Jackson, when we get married. Whose house will we live in?" My question just sounds pathetic coming out of my mouth.

"Well, I thought mine would be better since this place is so small." My eyes narrow at Jackson, who was helping himself to the stack of eggs on his plate.

"But you live with other people. Will they be moving out?" He shrugs, shoving a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

"Maybe. I'll have to talk to them. Besides its extra money for us." I look down at my small plate of eggs and fill my fork with a bite. When the eggs touch my tongue, they taste dry and bland. I blame those eggs for the uneasy feeling in my stomach.

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