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Getting ready for tonight took several hours. Too many hours. But after looking myself up and down in the mirror I thought I looked good. I was wearing a short black dress with a sparkling gold jacket on top of that. While I waited for Jackson to come and pick me up I was putting on my shoes. My hands fiddled with the straps, making sure my shoes were secure on my feet. Jackson knocks on the door a few seconds later. He greets me with a kiss and walks me to his car with his hand securely wrapped around my waist.

"Baby you look great tonight." He admires, checking me out up and down.

"Thank you! You look pretty nice yourself." I compliment back and he thanks me with a kiss.

"Hey, Jackson you made it!" One of Jackson's friends comes over and greets us. He clearly is already drunk, a red solo cup in his hand.

"Hey, Ryan my man! You are looking amazing!" The two shake hands before embracing each other.

"Jackson." Ryan begins, turning to look at me. "Who is this delicious snack that you have brought." I frown beneath Ryan's stare. It felt like he was mentally undressing me and it all was making me feel very uncomfortable.

"This is my fiance, y/n." I give an uncomfortable nod to Ryan and try to step behind Jackson. Ryans's unbroken gaze with my body was making me almost sick at this point.

"Y/n, such a beautiful name. Just like you." Ryan reaches behind Jackson and grabs my hand. He attempts to give me a flirtatious smirk while kissing my knuckles. I frown as the kiss lasts on my hand. It feels cold and slimy, even after several wipes against my jacket.

"Come on Y/n, I need to show you around to everyone else." Jackson grabs my hand and proceeded to pull me around the house. I'm introduced to person after person after person. Each meeting makes me feel more uncomfortable. Men are looking me up as if I'm a dish to be eaten and their dates glare at me as they try to recapture their date's attention.

"Jackson. I'm feeling unsafe here." I whisper into his ear and he frowns.

"What come on babe these are my friends. I wouldn't be friends with anyone who would hurt someone." His comment sits with me, making my stomach unsettled.

"Jackson." My tone has become more warning. I had enough, if he didn't change his act soon I was going to leave.

"Calm down hunny. Listen, let's go outside. Fireworks are going to go off soon." Reluctantly I follow him out of the house and into the backyard. He leads me over to a table where a few other couples were sitting. He pulls me on top of the cool glass, sending shivers as it touches my bare legs. He pulls me into his chest.

"Hey, you seem cold," Jackson observes, feeling my shivering body.

"Yeah, just a bit," I mutter, rubbing my hands up and down my legs.

"Well, I know a way to warm you up." He begins to kiss my neck, his idea becoming clear to me.

"Jackson no. There are other people here." I try to push him away, putting space between us.

"Why is that a problem babe, their busy doing their own thing." He points over to the couples around us. All of them were making out, one on top of the other. Their bodies so close they were practically one person.

"No Jackson. I've said no, now can you respect that." Jackson groans and separates from me. Leaving the side he was hugging cold and empty.

"Whatever. I'm going inside for a drink." He hops off the table and leaves me. I felt abandoned and scared. Suddenly I felt prey stuck in a hole with several predators. Not feeling safe outside, I decided to go into the house to see if I could find Jackson. My eyes search through the crowd, trying to find the man I came with. My jaw drops when I find him. He was dancing in a corner, two different women grinding up against him, his eyes rolled back in his head. I knew it. He hasn't changed and he won't change. In an angry rage, I storm over to him, my finger ripping off the ring on my finger.

"Have a good life slut." I mutter throwing the ring at his forehead. I don't even wait for a reaction and storm my way out through the front door. Pulling out my phone I dial a few numbers and bring the device to my ear.

"Hello?" I hear on the other end.

"Hey, can you pick me up?" I ask, beginning to shiver from the cold wind. My free hand attempts to hold my jacket closer to my body.

"Of course, where are you?" I give him the address and hang up the phone.

"Thank you so much for getting me," I say gratefully, pulling my shaking body into the warm car.

"Of course." Jimin reaches back into the back seat and pulls out a blanket. "Your legs seem cold, use this." He quickly spreads the fuzzy blanket against my goosebumps covered legs. A strange but comforting warmth spreads through me. Causing my fingers and toes to tingle.

"Hey wheres your ring? I thought you were going to give Jackson another shot?" I look down at my hands and sigh.

"I ended it. I finally realized that he was still the same guy from college. He was never going to change." Jimin snakes his hand over and places it gently on top of mine.

"You made the right choice y/n." Jimin comforts, starting the car back up. "Now, do you want to go home or to Jungkook's for a party?" I think for a second before smiling.

"I'm single now and I want to celebrate! To Jungkook's party!" We're about to leave when the fireworks go off and we hear the people celebrating. I glance down at the clock in the car and smile.

"It's the new year," I comment and Jimin and I both look at each other.

"Happy new year." He whispers. We both smile and I lean in and kiss him on the forehead.

"Now your stuck with me all year." He giggles and turns back to the road.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

Hidden Chapter (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now