Chapter 50: I Love You

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After Few Days!!

It was the day of New Year Eve. Aarav, his mom, Aarya and Anna went to the airport to pick Aarav's dad. His arrival was at 7 pm.

Yeah! Aarav told everything to his dad and his dad decided to come to London. His dad was happy. He couldn't wait any longer to meet them. Anna too told everything to her family, they were happy too.

Past few days were so much fun. We went for movies, we went to the amusement parks, museums etc. Sumee even changed her cover picture.

Anna and Aarav were together most of the time. Finally both of them were laughing the real laugh.

We were throwing a New Year party in our place. Just us and our close friends. Both Anna and Aarav were planning on proposing each other on new year. Yes, just like Sumee and Rushav once did.

Aarav even went to buy a ring with his mom. And on the other side Anna was preparing her best. It was going to be a great night.

All of us were busy preparing for the party. Nancy and Rohan were responsible for food and drinks. I was responsible for decoration. Aarav specially told me to decorate it in a romantic way. I had no idea what romantic decoration was like, so I was just hanging some red and white balloons.

Rohan was helping me to hang the balloons. From the past few days we were spending quite a time together. Aarav was with Anna, Rushav was with Sumee, and Nancy was with Paras. So Rohan and I ended up being together, we were just saving each other from being a third wheel.

After completing our work we went to get ready.

Nikki, David, Roberto, Rosy and Ryan arrived on time.

"Are we in a wedding?" Roberto sarcastically said, looking at the balloons. He was making fun of me.
"Mr. Aarav is planning on proposing Anna." Rohan defended me.
"Seriously!" Nikki was surprised.
"Yeah!" I said in excitement.

Mr. Shakya and his family arrived when we were making fun of each other. We welcomed them. They too asked the same question which Roberto asked. And everyone started laughing.

*When will you guys reach?* I texted Anna at 8:30pm.
*We'll reach in ten minutes.* Anna replied.
*How's the preparation going?* Anna texted again.
*The guests are already here!!!* I texted her.

*Siwiii!!! I'm nervous. How would Aarav react!!* Anna texted after a minute.

That girl! She was trying her best to propose Aarav. Little did they know what was going to happen with both of them!

*You'll do great!* I texted her back.

After few minutes, they reached.

Aarav introduced his dad to each one of us. His dad was as good looking as Aarav. Aarav was the happiest person on earth.

"Wow! you decorated it well. It'll go along with my surprise." Anna whispered to me. She thought I did that for her.

"Go and get ready." I changed the topic. And then they went to get ready.

Aarav was the first person to come out after changing. He came to me and sat beside me.

"What happened in the airport?" I asked, quietly.
"Both mom and dad cried. It was so emotional. Dad was on the seventh cloud when Aarya hugged him." Aarav sounded emotional.
"Congratulations!" I held his hands.
"Just hoping mom and dad would get back." He wished.
"Great things take time." I smiled.

"And all set for the surprise?" I asked him.
"Oh shit! I've to set the camera." Aarav realized.
"You are too much." I laughed.

Then with the help of Paras he set the camera, where Anna wouldn't even guess. Lol! I was excited.

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