𝓕𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓼 𝓑𝓾𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻 (𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽)

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Requested by luvlylillys I hope you like this :)

*Imagine you come to Ferris when you haven't told anyone yet about your pregnancy. You and Ferris are both seniors in high school btw*

You feel terrible. No it isn't the sickness, no it's not the baby kicking, no it isn't the pains or the peeing fiasco. If you're a young girl in high school and you are carrying your boyfriend's baby...or babies...would you have the nerve or guts to proudly or happily just walk up to your friends or family and tell them that you are pregnant? Hell no, which is why...you're finally telling Ferris.

You've been nervous to tell him about it, because he's the father! That just adds to the nerves, because you both are going to share a big responsibility! You love Ferris, so that's why you are telling him first...even though you should have told him a lot sooner. You walk up to his front door, and thank god your belly isn't big just yet because they could easily notice.

Which is why you came prepared with 'well...I've gained some weight because my hormones are whack' just in case. But you are also am just wearing a sweater that is a size bigger than your normal size as an alternative to that quote.

You nervously knock on the door, but your hands are shaking and your heart is racing. You can feel that your face is heated up, but you just hope that whoever will appear at the door won't notice. Ferris opens the door...oh god. "Y/n, babe, what's going on?" He says in a charming way and with a pleasant smile.

You grin at him, but it's barely even a grin. He notices this, and he then looks at you confused. "What's wrong?" He asks, you think he's noticing my body language.

"Can I come in?" You ask him anxiously but it might sound like you're in a hurry. "Of course!" He says, and you two go inside. "The fam aren't home right now, but we can still go up to my room if you want" he offers.

You suddenly feel kind of dizzy...must be the nerves but even feeling this while you weren't pregnant before. You then go to sit down on one of the couches in the living room, but your body is so dizzy and tired that you end up in laying down position instead.

Ferris comes over to you, and he looks at you concerned. He helps you sit up and takes a seat next to you. "You alright?" He asks. "Y-Yeah...I just felt kinda dizzy all of sudden" you say to him. "You need some water?" He asks and you nod your head and you lean back against the couch. Ferris goes and gets you some water, he wonders if you are feeling ill unlike recently when you guys skipped school.

"Here...maybe heat exhaustion?" He suggests, you shrug your shoulders. "Ferris...I-I...I need to tell you something" you say to him hesitantly and you stutter a little. He goes to put his arm around your shoulder, and he happens to touch your stomach as he shifted a bit.

"That's weird...I felt a little bump" Ferris says suddenly. That just makes you more nervous because he might find out before you even tell him.

"Ferris...I'm...we're having a..." you try to get the words out, but you can't really talk properly right now. He looks at you confused, then he takes a look at your oversized sweater. "This isn't yours..." he says suspiciously. You then just just take off your sweater and you lift up your shirt a little to show him your tummy.

"Baby" You hint. He looks at you confused and he looks back at your tummy. But then he looks back up at you again, but with a more serious look on his face this time. "You're..." he begins to say, yep...he knows. "I haven't told anyone about the baby. But yes, I'm pregnant" you admit to him frantically.

He then looks at you with shock and worry. "Oh my god...I...how are we going to..." he begins to panic a bit. "Wait...why didn't you tell me?! How long have you been hiding this for?!" Ferris asks you, sounding stressed. "3 weeks...I was scared to tell anyone. I mean, if you were in my shoes, would you feel comfortable going around telling people" You ask him, you are also feeling a little stressed. "Well...I would praise the fact that I would be. I'd be a proud mom" he says. "Easy for you to say...are you mad at me?" You ask him anxiously.

"I'm bothered that you didn't tell me sooner. But...we can think of something..." Ferris says, oh gosh...is he really coming up with a plan already?! "Ferris...we got to tell our parents. Yours, mine...but I don't know how to because...I don't know" you say in a panicky tone.

He then thinks about it for a moment or two. "I have an idea...you know how I convinced people that I was terribly sick?" Oh yes, I do remember that. "Yeah...what are you getting at here?" I ask him suspiciously. "Well I was thinking...maybe we could convince your parents and my parents somehow that you're a surrogate mom. Or...well we are 18...and they know we are responsible and great people. So I don't think it would be a big deal" Ferris comes with a couple things.

You look at your boyfriend like he's insane. "What?? It could work, I have faith" he says reassuringly. "Ferris, are you kidding me?! You honestly believe that it would work? That easy especially?" You ask him that because you can't believe what he is saying. "Never hurts to try...besides...your parents adore me" Ferris says.

"We're gonna have a son!" Ferris says happily. "Or daughter..." you say leaning towards him. Or twins" he says leaning in as well. You guys then grin at each other because now you guys are thinking like parents.

80's (No 90's Or Any Other Decade) Imagines/Preferences: Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now