𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔀 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴 (𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽)

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Requested by OfficialDallyWinston I hope u enjoy this :)

*Imagine you see what you think is Matthew cheating on you with another girl. But later on, things go back to normal*

One of the downsides to dating a celebrity is that some people will do anything to get attention or to be a dumbass and make a scene. Girls keep flirting with Matthew and you're honestly not surprised. It's okay if they crush on him, but when they try to make a move on him...that's when you get fired up inside.

Matthew's POV:

Y/n had to go to the bathroom, so I'm waiting for her outside the girls bathroom. I set down my backpack since it's a little heavy. When I look back up, I'm instantly hit with "Hi, Matthew. How's it going?" This girl has been stalking me after school and in the hallways. What I mean by that is y/n and I see her and her friends following us sometimes. But they try to make it seem like they just happen to be going the same way as us.

"Hey (I guess her name can be Tracey), Tracey. I'm fine" that's all I say and I grin slightly. But the way I'm looking at her, I'm trying to get it through her head that I'm not interested at all in her stupidity. "Oh me too. Where's y/n?" She asks, I turn my head and I point at the girls restroom. When I turn around, I immediately feel someone smash their lips onto mine. This surprises me and I try to push her away. "Okay stop! I'm not interested and you have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. Let's act like mature human beings here!" I tell her sternly, and she just looks at me like a bitch.

I then hear then hear the girls bathroom door close. I turn around and I see y/n looking at me like she's gonna cry. I look at her worried because this dumbass Tracey girl made a scene! "Y/n..." "You probably already knew I was here. So please just save it and leave me alone" she says and I can tell she's trying to not actually cry and stay strong. Y/n is a strong girl, and I admire that about her. I look her with an upset expression, she just shakes her head and walks away.

"Yikes..." Tracey says as if what just happened was a big deal...IT IS! "Just because I'm a celebrity doesn't mean that I'm gonna act arrogant and stupid! That doesn't mean that I'm gonna treat y/n like shit" "well...after this..." "your fault! You know that y/n goes to the bathroom at this time everyday. You knew that this would go horribly wrong! What's fucking unfortunate is that I had no idea and nothing to do with it!" I exclaim in an upset and pissed off way. "Do not talk to me, do not waste your time trying to mess with y/n or me" I tell her and I then walk away.

Y/n's POV:

It's been 3 days since that whole incident. Maybe I overreacted, maybe it was a prank. I'm not really sure honestly, but you know guys...you pour your heart out to them and they just take and take and take and take and take...you get it. I know not all guys are like that, but I'm experiencing anxiety because I've dated two guys before and one of them was a sociopath and the other one just dated me to tell his friends how him and I had sex and every night and how I thought he had a huge...you know.

It was just stupid and sad, but Matthew...he's an amazing dude and it hurt me the other day when I witnessed that. Well it wasn't no scene in a movie, this is real life. I hope it wasn't true or it was fake, but I'm still hurt. Matthew's been trying to talk to me, but I would purposely avoid him because I'm sad and hurt.

I walk to my locker and I find a bag inside (yes Matthew knows my locker combination). I open it up to find a note from him and some candy. I decide to not read the note because it may be some excuse...but it'd be a sin if I didn't consume this candy. It's my favorite candy too...goddamn it, Matthew.

A day after I found that bag, I hear a knock on my front door (it's after school). I open it and I see Matthew and he looks really sad. Not like he's pretending to be or trying too hard. I mean his demeanor and his eyes expression looks...very sad. I look at him with a sad expression, I almost feel like I can't be angry with him because I don't know if what he did was fake or not.

"Yes I saw the bag. I took the candy, so thanks" I tell him without smiling. He nods his head, and he looks down at the ground. His eyes look glossy and he takes a deep breath. I know he doesn't like crying in front of me or anyone really. But he's struggling and I can tell. "I suppose your here to talk about what happened?" I ask him as I start feeling emotional.

He looks at me with sad eyes and with a very serious expression on his face. "It was Tracey..." "I know...I was there...Matthew, you don't have t-" "Please listen to me. I'm pretty sure she knows out time schedule, because I periodically would see her around and looking at us with the same bitchy cocky look on her face. She finally made a move on me, and you must've not heard me when I went off on her. I know you have hearing problems. And I brought you candy the other day and put a note in your locker" he pauses and he looks like he's about to cry. "I said I wouldn't bother you anymore because i feared that you gave up on us" he says with tears forming in his eyes.

I look at him and I remember Tracey. I didn't really here him going off on her, I came out of the bathroom as soon as I saw them kiss. But then again, I know Matthew is devoted to me and I am devoted to him. Matthew is protective of me and him and I spend a ton of time together. He treats me like a queen, and I don't treat him like a celebrity. I treat him as he is...himself.

"I was hurt and I ended up jumping into conclusions quickly" "I understand why though. It is a huge wtf moment, and she unfortunately made it seem like it was something it wasn't" Matthew says, I can tell he is very stressed out about it and upset. "Tracey made me like a bad guy, and I tried to put a stop to it before it could get out of hand" "What do you mean?" "When she kissed me, y/n. So when I saw you react the way you did, it upset me because I swore up and down that I wouldn't let anything go wrong. I didn't do anything, but Tracey is just petty and arrogant!" Matthew continues his explanation.

Matthew then cups my face with my his hand. "I'm so sorry, Matthew. For assuming shit, and I know you care about me. I am also on my period, is that why you got me candy?" I ask him as we gaze into each other's eyes. "Yes and also, don't blame yourself for anything. And your period doesn't define you and your feelings, the mood swings just add to that" he says as he smiles, but a tear slips from his eye. A tear slips from mine as well, and I pull him in for a hug. "I love you, y/n. And Tracey can go to hell" Matthew says.

"Yes she can. And I love you too" I say to him as we continue hugging. I end up running my fingers through his hair, it's something I do to help him relax or calm down after feeling overwhelmed or stressed out like right now. "I missed this" he says, then he plants a kiss on my lips. "Me too" I say as we continue kissing...in a soft gentle way. "This and you messing with my hair" he says chuckling a little afterwards. I just giggled a little when he said that.

80's (No 90's Or Any Other Decade) Imagines/Preferences: Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now