Not 80's But It Could Potentially Be Entertaining Enough At Least Depending

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Hello, I have been inspired by GourmetKinFruitGels and a few others to do this idea. Just getting to know you guys some more. I've done something like this before, but it was because I got tagged to do the challenge. But for this, you guys don't have to tag other people to do this. Not a certain amount. But if you would like to, then go ahead. Do not worry, I won't be asking like REAL personal questions. Like for an example-{where you live, age, your full name, what you fully look like, what are your family's names and personal info, where do you go to school} just stuff like and probably thousands upon thousands of other stuff too as well. My answers will be underneath the questions. Maybe you have a no as an answer for some or perhaps all of the questions. That is perfectly fine, just put down no or something like it if that is the case for any of the questions. If any question is uncomfortable for you to answer. Then do NOT feel obligated to answer it! Also, you do not have to make your answers lengthy btw. Also, you can put your #1 fave of something or someone...but if you don't have one...then don't worry about that. But feel free to do so. Hopefully whomever does this will enjoy it! :)

1. What are your top 3 favorite singers OR bands and your #1 favorite song by each of them?

[1. Chester Bennington-One More Light; yes, I am well aware that it is actually by Linkin Park and he happened to be apart of that band. But he actually sang that song just himself in the band. So just think of it as tribute to him. 2. Eminem-The Real Slim Shady 3. Britney Spears-Gimme More]

2. What is your favorite Halloween movie? Not a Halloween movie? What is your favorite movie then? Don't have a favorite movie? One is one of your favorite movies? Not even that? Name one you like/love? Not that? Don't like any movies and just tv shows? What is it then? Nothing of the sort? Then just say so.

[My favorite Halloween film is Coraline. Fun fact, I watched that movie for the first time when I was 12 and at a sleepover I think it was with my ex BFF. That movie fucking terrified me! I could not look at my mother the same way for at least a week or two. But eventually, I felt better about it. Now I can watch the movie without a problem. It's also one of my all time favorite films for sure.]

3. Name a current possible crush of yours:
[Young 80's Matthew Broderick...his look preferably from 1982...this photo show's Matthew's character named David Lightman from the movie WarGames.👇]

4. What is your favorite decade of a singer/band & a song that you frequently listen to by them:
[2000's...Nelly Furtado-Promiscuous]

5. Name a singer or band that you have been listening to quite a bit in October so far...and the song by that singer/band:
[Shakira-Whenever, Wherever]

6. What is your favorite subject in school?
[Idk. I guess History or Spanish]

7. Have you ever taken a foreign class before? If so, what?

[ was eh tbh & Spanish...fairly decent's better to me sort of and a better experience also. Can anyone answer this Spanish sentence but translate it in English if you know what it means? Yo tengo pelo corto y rubio. I still cannot exactly speak Spanish, only just like a few things that I have learned. So please do not just talk to me in Spanish ooof. But if you want to learn some Spanish things, feel free to let me know :)]

8. What if your idea dream house?
[Mine is like a small cottage that appears small on the outside but it looks huge and real nice in the inside of it.]


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9. What is your dream career?
[I'm currently thinking about doing something in the Psychology field. Either that or possibly being an author.]

10. Ever been through a break up before?

[I guess technically yes. With my "boyfriend" who I'm pretty sure probably just did it for attention. It only lasted maybe like 2 weeks I guess. I won't mention his name, but it took place towards the end of 8th grade. People, please do not rush to get into an relationship. The right time will come, and make you are you ready and mature. Also, have unconditional love and empathy and an open mind. Have strength, loyalty, do not cheat and lie. I say if your significant other cheats and it's the first time. Leave their ass! Someone who loves you and cares about you unconditionally will not cheat on you. You are worth far more than to be with a cheater and a beater and a liar amongst other things as well!]

11. Ever struggled with any mental illness or just any mental struggle?
[Yes, I used to struggle with depression. Not anymore, but I unfortunately continuously struggle with anxiety though.]

12. What is a song that makes you feel real sad?
[Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey]

13. What is one of your favorite or your #1 favorite childhood memory?
[Well, when I was 6 years old, my family and I went to a real nice hotel in Nevada. Had some fun memories there! Great times! I wish I could turn back time!]

14. Have you ever been bullied before?

[Oh yes. Middle school as a matter of fact. Also by my 3rd grade teacher. In 8th grade, I was a real quiet person who has difficult times with social stuff. These three asshat girls decided to sneak up behind me and start playing with my hair. Harassing me, I remember feeling frozen and like I wanted to cry. But thankfully, my English teacher actually witnessed that and came to the rescue. I felt very fortunate and thankful that I had her as one of my teachers. In fact, she was my favorite 8th grade teacher.]

15. What is your favorite type of soda?
[Cherry Coca-Cola]

16. Final Question: What is your favorite 80's film?
[Mine I'd have to say is Back To The Future Part: 1 honestly.]

80's (No 90's Or Any Other Decade) Imagines/Preferences: Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now