ℂ𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕖 ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕟𝕒𝕖

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 Panting, I broke away from the heated kiss I was sharing with the drunk man in front of me. "Alright, thanks for the night Younghoonie." I muttered to him. Myself, not being half as drunk as he was, I knew when to call it quits. Itching to get out of the cramped confines of one of the stalls in the women's restroom, I opened the door and hastily stepped out. I took a glance behind me to find Younghoon passed out on the toilet seat. His sweaty hair stuck to his forehead, ragged breaths escaping his lips as his neck craned forward in a rather uncomfortable position. His long legs were spread out on either side of the seat, his shirt half open displaying his milky smooth skin. In conclusion, he looked like a mess.

The mirror in front of me displayed my disheveled appearance, almost similar to Younghoon's state, which I was quick to correct. I touched up my smudged makeup, adjusting my wig firmly back to place and straightening out my clothes. As I was about to leave, realization hit me. I couldn't just leave the poor man in here after what I had just done to him. Sighing, I somehow managed to fish out his phone from the depths of his jean pocket. Looking through the contacts on his phone, I texted the most recent contact, Sangyeon hyung. That'll do. I thought to myself as I sent a quick text pretending to be Younghoon. Soon after, he replied and I found myself chuckling at his rather amusing text stating; "Wtf bro. Are you drunk? Fucking hell I'm omw!". Seemed to me that incidents like this was a norm for this guy.

Sliding his phone back into his pocket, I swiftly escaped the premises and rushed outside the bar. Sitting down inside my car I chuckled once more, pulling out the precious valuables I had gotten that night. Fifteen minutes later, and I was on the elevator going up to my Penthouse. Upon entering, my eyes settled on my best friend Alex, who was on the couch chatting with her girlfriend Hae. "The queen has arrived, peasants!" I announced my presence to the two figures while proceeding to my room. "Hol' up girl where have you been?" Alex, with her usual questions. I smirked "Nothing special. Just having some fun.. Ya know?". I stopped in my tracks and turned around towards the two, expecting more questions. Both the girls and I knew what it meant when I said 'having some fun'.

"Darn bitch, what did you get this time?" It was Hae now. Keeping my smirk plastered on my face, I proudly showed them the valuables I managed to steal from Younghoon. First, a wad of cash I approximated to be at least 5,000 dollars. I also happened to take a custom diamond Rolex, and last but definitely not least, a black ring. The ring also happened to be my favourite item. Originally ignored, I glanced back at the ordinary looking ring only to find its golden detailing. Intrigued by the pretty golden roman numerals engraved on the black surface, I wanted to take the expensive ring for myself. The ring was ever so intricate, with its numerals almost like a code for me to decipher. Heat surged through my body in excitement at the thought.

The two pairs of eyes observing the valuables were sparkling. "Damn, you sure you're not doing missions without me now..?" Alex inquired, putting a hand to her heart as if she were offended. "No, actually. Today's an off-day for us and I don't take missions on off-days, you know that. Secondly, I actually found him pretty cute, and when he approached me I saw the Rolex and I just couldn't resist.." I smiled innocently at the two skeptical faces staring at me. "I'm serious! I swear!" I justified. "What about the money then?" Hae pressed on. "Oh, that.." My cheeks flushed "We were making out in the bathroom and he told me about the money he was carrying for some deal or something. Wasn't so hard. I literally just took the money after he passed out." I shrugged not-so-nonchalantly, considering the fact that this was my first time making out with a complete stranger.

Hae gasped as if realizing something "Oh my god Alex, I'm gonna cry! I can't believe our baby little cutie patootie maknae is all grown up now. Going around making out with strangers-". Alex nodded and wiped a fake tear off her face dramatically while I interrupted Hae. "YAH! I'm not a child anymore . I'm 20 for fuck's sake." I was flustered, my face a bright red. Annoyed at the two, I took off my fake blonde wig and chucked it at them laughing their asses off. I had known Alex for over 8 years now, and Alex started dating Hae 3 years ago, over which the three of us have grown closer together. No wonder they were treating me like that. Accepting defeat, I gathered up the valuables and stormed into my room.

Who am I? Akira. Just Akira. I don't like to be associated with my family. Alex is my best friend and partner in crime, quite literally. The two of us work together as a team of one of the most wanted Con-artists in the industry. More commonly known by people as the Marionettes; due to our ability to be able to control and manipulate people while hiding our true identities under masks -In other words, disguises. Cliche' but it's a given. Hae is a renowed hacker and a professional at technological stuff, she gives us a hand at some of our missions from time to time. Today's hookup at the bar was not intended, I simply went there with a fake ID and a disguise to get a drink. In case an enemy or attacker could have recognized and caught me. Heaving out a loud sigh, I prepared myself a nice bath, complete with a bath bomb and rose petals.

As I sat in the bathtub, random thoughts began flooding into my head. Look at me now. Living a luxurious life, in FREEDOM. Never would I have thought I would see this day. Being able to live freely. Away from my overachieving brother. Away from my expectant parents. Away from all the pressure. Successfully getting money, working alongside my best friend. Do I feel bad for leaving them? No. Do I miss them? My parents, yes. My brother, not so much. Am I completely happy and content with my life as it is right now? I can't say I'm completely happy, but I feel satisfied. I still feel like there is something missing. Like I'm incomplete. Looking at how happy Alex and Hae are together, it makes me wonder if the missing piece of my life is a lover. But that thought comes off as absurd to me. I can't focus on having a relationship in a life like this. God knows anyone who would even want to handle a stubborn bitch like me.

"AKIRA! Come on out, we're sorry. Tteokbokki for late dinner!" I heard Alex's voice as she knocked on my door, snapping me out of my rather wistful thinking. After making sure she was gone, I hopped out of the bathtub and changed into some more comfortable clothes. My thoughts having put me in a temporary bad mood, I poked my head out the door. "I'm not hungry. Y'all eat without me tonight, I'll be sleeping." I called out to them, hoping I wouldn't have to repeat myself. Something I disliked. I heard a muffled 'okay.' and 'sleep tight', reassuring me that they heard me. Closing the door, I let myself fall freely onto the bed before composing myself and getting under the covers. Unable to fall asleep, I lay there thinking. Until I realized that I had to work tomorrow and being in a bad mood was not good for missions. Taking out my phone to distract myself, I began scrolling through Instagram.

It seems I had gotten a follow request from Ju Haknyeon? That's an actual name? Damn.. Curious as to who this Ju Haknyeon was, I looked through his public account. He looks pretty decent.. Okay maybe a little cute.. Fuck it he's handsome as heck. I accepted his request on my Private account. I couldn't risk having a public account for, business reasons. Obviously. Almost immediately after I accepted his request, he sends me a DM. "Hey. I thought ur pp was cute.." Is what he said. I chuckled. Forward much?  A moment of contemplation and I replied with a "Ur not so bad Urself." He didn't reply afterwards, and thinking that I may have scared him off, I chuckled to myself again. Feeling the lethargy and exhaustion from the bar kicking in, I put my phone aside and succumbed to it. Falling asleep almost instantly.

 Falling asleep almost instantly

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