𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕣𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤

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Choi Chanhee:

I entered the dining room with Chanmi by my side. A couple of the guys were already there. Sitting at the table similar to the one in the meeting room. "Where do you think Akira is?" Chanmi asked as we sat next to each other. Juyeon hyung and Hyunjae hyung who were in front of us, also heard the question. I shrugged "She could be anywhere. This mansion is pretty large." Juyeon hyung hummed along "For all we know, she could be making out with someone right now." Sunwoo walked in the moment Juyeon hyung mentioned it. Myself, Hyunjae hyung and Chanmi were in the middle of laughing. He glanced at us before sitting down at his usual spot which happened to be one seat away from Chanmi. "No no! She wouldn't make out with a stranger unless it's part of a mission!" Chanmi spoke in the midst of her laughter.

Juyeon hyung shook his head and raised two fingers up. "One," He said and put a finger down. "We're not strangers anymore. And two," He put the second finger down and smirked. The entire room went silent at his dramatic pause "I made out with her." Everybody at the table (Which consisted of everyone except Akira, Jacob hyung and Sangyeon hyung.) looked at Juyeon hyung like he was crazy. I scoffed, Chanmi gasped so hard she choked on her own spit, and Sunwoo just looked at Juyeon hyung in disbelief. "You WHAT?" he asked Juyeon hyung. What was his problem so suddenly? Haknyeon wheezed "What? What the fuck?" Hyung just nodded "It's true. If you don't believe me, ask her!" Sunwoo went back to looking uninterested as Kevin hyung and Haknyeon began bombarding Juyeon hyung with questions. "Hyung~ This is so not fair! I'm the one who has a crush on her here!" Haknyeon whined to a proud Juyeon.

"She really is good. Oh and how sweet her lips taste-" That was when Akira came inside with Jacob hyung, who had an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Jacob hyung left her side to go take a seat in his place next to Kevin hyung. "Akira! Over here!" Chanmi waved to her and Akira sat down in between her and Sunwoo. Grunting in annoyance upon finding Sunwoo next to her, smirking. Chanmi and I chuckled at their adorable banter as they began talking. The two of us eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Can I ask you something Hoe?" Sunwoo asked her.

"Go ahead Douche." She folded her arms together and faced him.

"Did you really make out with Juyeon hyung?"

She froze, but composed herself, looking calmly at Sunwoo "Yeah. You got a problem?"

"Hoe." He mumbled loudly enough for us to catch. Akira scoffed and turned her back towards him, facing us instead. "Ugh, he's so insufferable!" I nodded and agreed with her.


"Ugh I can't stand you Kim Sunwoo!" Akira complained rather loudly in the midst of our quiet dinner. It was only then that I noticed how close the two were. Both friendship wise (Although they seemed to portray immense dislike toward each other) and physically. Unlike when dinner first began, Sunwoo now had an arm draped over the back of her chair, holding her close. She didn't seem to oppose it though, as she let him do so. The two of them also seemingly scooted closer towards each other. The gap between Akira and Chanmi's chairs relatively larger than between her's and Sunwoo's. All of us had burst out into laughter at her sudden outburst. Leaving the two completely red from embarrassment.

I noticed that Sunwoo put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her closer to him as he whispered something in her ear. I'm not sure if I was hallucinating or not, but I thought I saw Sunwoo kiss her cheek too. Kim Sunwoo, willingly being affectionate? What the actual heck? I was probably imagining things. Whatever he said to her made her blush even more as she nodded and rolled her eyes. The sight was just plain adorable. Now that I think about it, the two actually look pretty cute together. Too bad they hate each other's guts.


After that chaotic dinner, Akira and Chanmi went home after discussing the plans for the mission. We have a formal dinner coming up soon to celebrate us stepping up for 'A x J' which is scheduled for a couple of months from now. Pentagon, happened to be invited to this dinner, and if we don't destroy the evidence before that, they could possibly expose us to Akashi and Jihoon there. Therefore, it is essential that we carry out the plan before it. Speaking of which, the current plan is for us to train first. The Marionettes will teach The Boyz how to con, since we have no clue whatsoever. The Boyz will teach The Marionettes any skill of their choice, like Knives, weaponry or guns. Since they already know the basics and hand to hand combat.

Training is set to begin tomorrow, with the girls coming over everyday in the morning and leaving at night after dinner. We did inquire about the 45 minute drive to and from the mansion, which obviously proves to be quiet an inconvenience for them. Since our mansion had around 20 rooms, we proposed for them to stay over until the mission is over with. Akira denied, saying she couldn't handle having to be around Sunwoo 24/7. Although he looked a bit offended by it, Sunwoo still conveyed mutual feelings about it. Chanmi on the other hand said she would talk to Hae about it and check back with us. Much to Akira's dismay.

We also managed to create a schedule for training times, since we had little time to prepare. On top of that, we also anticipated the possibility of Bangtan somehow interfering, so we knew we had to be prepared for that as well. It all sounded so confusing and unorganized, but I knew it would all get settled once training begins tomorrow. I'm excited. We divided our gang into two groups. That way, one of the members of The Marionettes could teach us, while the others in our gang could teach the second member. We agreed we would be taking shifts, so if one group is training Akira during one training session, they would be learning about conning from her during the next session and so on. Everything was set, except for living arrangements and getting to know each other. But other than that, we felt prepared and confident enough.

The only thing we could all hope for, in the end, would be the success of the plan, and no serious losses or anything is obtained by anybody. As of tonight, for the next few months probably, The Marionettes and The Boyz join together to make one team. To work together to achieve one goal. My heart was pounding in my chest from the excitement, and I couldn't sleep properly that night. Walking out of my room and out onto one of the many balconies in the house, I looked out at the moon. It was around 2:30 am. About three and a half hours left before we wake up. I smiled, anxious yet looking forward to this sorta new chapter of our lives. Working on an important mission with The Marionettes, and beginning life as the new heads of 'A x J'.

I'm intrigued to see how well we work together as a team, and how Akira and Sunwoo would get along. Those two are like cat and dog, angel and devil, Tom and Jerry, Yin and Yang. I ran out of examples during my mental speech and chuckled. I checked my phone to find a text from none other than Chanmi. "I talked to Hae and she agreed! We're gonna live with you guys!" I jumped up in excitement and suppressed my squeal. "OMG YESSS!" I typed back. "I just have to break the news to Akira :/" She replied. Oh shit. "Good luck gurl! Ur gonna need it" I texted her. She sent a thumbs up emoji and got offline. I assumed she went to sleep, so I trudged back to my own room and lay down. Sleep taking over me as I unconsciously drifted off. I can't wait!

 I can't wait!

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