𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙𝕖𝕣

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Ju Haknyeon:

Today happened to be an off-day for us, since we had to get our fitting done for the suits we're wearing for the ball day after tomorrow. Unlike working days, where we had breakfast all together, everyone took their own time with breakfast and ate whenever they pleased. After a quiet breakfast along with Chanhee hyung, I lazed around the house. Finally settling inside my room to get some rest. Plopping down on the beanbag, I intently observed the ceiling while deep in thought.


The warehouse, dim and humid was holding Hyunjoon and Chanhee hostage as we attempted to make a deal with Bangtan. "I told you. Help us kill Akashi and Jihoon, and we can rule together." Kim Namjoon, leader of Bangtan repeated once again. "Namjoon, let the boys go first." Sangyeon hyung spoke calmly. "I am your senior and my gang has more experience, and yet Akashi and Jihoon choose you pathetic dimwits as their successors. Good old fashioned Nepotism! I will not let those two go unless you agree to our deal." Namjoon hissed, two of his men Jungkook and Jimin were holding guns to Hyunjoon and Chanhee's heads, "And what's in it for us?" Sangyeon hyung retorted. "Bangtan will take over for Akashi and Jihoon. Your gang will be given anything you wish. I will formally apologize for her death. And you can be our henchmen if you wish."

Kim Namjoon, just used her as part of the bargain. Oh fuck. This was it. We all knew Sangyeon hyung has been wanting revenge on Bangtan for her death. Him being him, I'm sure even an apology would barely suffice and satisfy him. "As part of the apology for her death, I want 3 million dollars. As well as the formal apology, and I will reconsider your offer." Three million dollars. That was amount of money she donated to a charity on behalf of our gang when she was still alive. She was such a kind and nurturing woman, she didn't deserve to die. Hyung loved her. We all did. "Jimin, Kook, let them go. We have a deal." Namjoon reached out a hand for Sangyeon hyung to shake. He firmly shook hands with Namjoon and we were out of our way.


"What the actual fuck hyung. Why would you do that? Did you forget who they are? It's Bangtan. Our mortal enemies. Because of you, we have fallen into their fucking trap. We can't trust those people. Akashi and Jihoon chose us to be their successors for a reason, we earned it. And now you're planning on killing them just so you could get an apology and 3 million dollars from them because of her death? I know you loved her. We all did. But this is not acceptable. I refuse to take part in this deal." Hyunjae hyung screamed at a stoic Sangyeon hyung that night. I had never seen him this mad before, and it was honestly terrifying. None of the guys wanted to do this.

"Hyunjae, please understand, we had no choice. If I refused the deal, they wouldn't have hesitated to kill Joon and Chanie on the spot. We all know what they're capable of." Sangyeon hyung explained calmly. I looked at my ring with the date of her death on it. Tears prickling my eyes. I quickly left the scene, not wanting to hear any more of this bullshit. Our family was getting torn apart. All of because of the devil reincarnate, Bangtan. Fucking assholes. We were all bad people, and we knew it. But we had no choice as we were sucked into this life. Yet Bangtan takes pride in what they do, going to extents nobody ever has to get what they want. Not even a sliver of humanity in their rotten blood.

End of Flashback~

That was the beginning of this year. We were still not over her death. We still aren't. I wiped a stray tear from the corner of my eye and got up. Walking to the window seat and observing the view of our front lawn. The Gardenia bushes planted around the perimeter of the plot were being watered by the maids. Gardenias, her favourite flower. I miss her so much today, and it's already been two years. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore as they began streaming down my face. Hugging my knees to my chest, I weeped quietly. After a long while of crying and wishing there was some way, any way to bring her back, I went into my bathroom. Washing my face and freshening up a bit.

The moment Sangyeon hyung made that deal with Bangtan, we knew we were fucked. Don't get me wrong, our gang was just as powerful, if not more powerful than Bangtan. But we were more human than they would ever be. We couldn't just kill the very people who had taught us everything we knew. They were family to us, quiet literally. Jihoon is my uncle, and he was more of a father figure to me along with Akashi than my own father. We had to figure out what to do about it. That was, before Pentagon got in the picture. Pentagon, another one of the many strong gangs in Korea. They had somehow managed to get an audio recording of our entire meeting with Bangtan in the warehouse. Pentagon came to us a few weeks ago, and they threatened to show it to Akashi and Jihoon, exposing us all.

To make matters worse, at the beginning of this hectic week, Akashi and Jihoon finally made it public that we were going to be their successors. We couldn't back down now or kill them. So, we made an arrangement with the leader of Pentagon, HUI. We proposed that they destroy the evidence of the deal, and we would break off the deal with Bangtan. Prepared for whatever they were going to throw at us. Thankfully, Pentagon agreed to go through with it and we were supposed to pay them the advance at the bar that day, with Younghoon. We can't entirely trust Pentagon either, but we trust them more than Bangtan. When we broke off the deal with Bangtan, Kim Namjoon was enraged, but he never did anything. Peculiar. It only makes me paranoid as to what he suddenly might do to us. I worry about the safety of my family, and I can't help but be scared. Bangtan was unpredictable majority of the time.

Snap out of it. You'll get through this as long as you have each other, and a decisive plan. I tried to rid myself of the negative thoughts threatening to consume the entirety of my brain. Conveniently, when I checked Instagram, Athena -Akira- had posted some pictures on her story. That ought to keep me occupied. I smiled as I took a look at the pictures. It appeared she was probably shopping with the other two girls who I could only assume was her infamous best friend Alex and someone else. She posted pictures of a bunch of ballgowns as well as a picture of some really good looking steak. The last picture was a selfie of the three girls as they were getting their nails done. At least someone's having fun. I smiled to myself. I slid into her DMs and texted her "Are you getting ready for the ball day after tomorrow? I saw your story."

She must've still been out as she didn't respond to the text immediately. Feeling hungry after observing the glorious steak on her story once more, I went downstairs to the kitchen where MoonBae were cooking. "Hyungs I'm hungry" I announced to them while rubbing my stomach with a cute pout. Hoping I could get them to give me some food. "Ew that pout is disgusting. Get that away from my food before you infect it with STDs." Kevin hyung glared at me. "Wait what now? Hyung that's not how it works-" I was confused. Jacob hyung let out a hearty laugh and stuffed some Kimchi in my mouth. "Mmm that's delicious." He smiled and gave me one more bite before shooing me away. I took the milk carton out and poured myself a glass of milk. Sitting down at the island while watching the two Canadians cook.

"I miss her.. A lot.." I mumbled to them. Jacob sighed and rushed to me, giving me a big hug "I miss her too Hak. So much." Kevin turned the stove off as he joined in on our hug. He accidentally let a few tears slip from his eyes as they landed on my lap. "Yah, don't cry hyung. You know she won't like it." I advised him with a light giggle. He nodded and wiped his eyes. Jacob hyung squeezed us tight before ruffling my hair, and giving Kevin hyung a peck on the crown of his head. "You know Cobie, you really remind me of her sometimes." Kevin chuckled at Jacob and spoke in english. "Yeah I know right." I spoke in english too with a weird accent. The three of us erupted into a cheerful laughter, truly enjoying the happy and safe moments we could share like this. Who knew how long it would be before it was all ruined once again?

 Who knew how long it would be before it was all ruined once again?

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