ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕖 𝕆𝕡𝕡𝕒

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"Hello Mother, Father. It's been a while." I spoke up confidently as they stopped in front of us. "Well hello dear. Look at you, all decked out. Alex." Mother acknowledged Alex. Alex nodded and tightened her grip on my hand. I squeezed back, letting her know that I could handle it. "What brings you here? If I recall correctly, you said a life of crime is not what you want?" Father questioned me. "Did you end up marrying some criminal and realize that what we were trying to do for you, was only for your own good? I don't see any man though." Mother pressed. I smirked "No Mother, you were trying to get me married to that guy so you could strengthen your relations with his parents' drug dealing business. You never considered what I wanted or what was best for me. I've missed you both, but I don't regret running away one bit."

"So, how are you attending this ball tonight?" Father asked once more. "Oh I'm sure you must've heard of The Marionettes? I'm part of it." I replied. I hadn't talked to my parents in years. Mother gasped "Oh my dear child! You're a con-woman?" I nodded, feeling somewhat happy and proud that I could tell me parents that I was successful on my own without them. Mother rushed to embrace me, wrapping her slender arms around me. Her tall figure leaning down to peck my forehead. "Oh how much I've heard of their success! I'm so happy that it's you!" My eyes went to Father, who was standing there and giving me a smirk. "Not bad dear. Not bad at all." He shook hands with me. "Have you met your brother yet?" Mother pondered. "H-he's here?" She laughed "Of course he is! If you meet him, I'm sure he will be proud of you too."

I snickered "Yeah right."I'm pretty sure that bitch wants nothing to do with me. I sarcastically commented. "Well, it was nice to see you again, and to hear such great news. I hope we meet again soon child." And with that, Mother and Father were on their way. I turned to Alex and Hae in shock "What the fuck was that?" I asked them. "I think your parents just forgave you for running away with me." Alex answered back, to which Hae nodded. I let out a chuckle "That was totally unexpected. Who would've thought?" We continued walking around to try and find the buffet. Why does the food have to be so hard to find? It should be like, in the very front, near the entrance. We were about to stop and look around when Alex exclaimed "Look it's The Boyz!" She pointed towards a corner of the ballroom where they were all hanging around together.

I slightly panicked and put my mask on. "Come on! Let's go meet them!" and so, I was dragged to their corner by Alex and Hae, who had never met them before and were quiet eager to speak to them. Upon approaching them, all of their eyes landed on us. Alex took the initiative to introduce herself first "Heyo bitches! I'm Alex, remember me?"Typical Alex, speaking without an ounce of shame whatsoever. "Aah yeah. I recognize you!" Haknyeon said, walking up to her. He didn't seem to take notice of myself as Alex reached out and the two of them hugged. "Where's that other one? Akira?" The guy I remember to be Sunwoo asked her. "Oh, she's right here!" Alex smiled and pointed at me. Fuck you Alex. I took my mask off and the guys were taken by surprise. "You colored your hair!" Haknyeon hugged me as I awkwardly returned it. 

"Hey cutie-""Shut up Younghoon, you do not call me that. And for the record, I'm not interested in you. No hard feelings." I smiled innocently and gave him a peck on the cheek, "We can be friends!" I finished. " Sunwoo chuckled and smirked when I made eye contact with him. Damn, he looks fine. Not gonna lie, he looks really hot, clad in that all black suit. His smirk only adding to that by affecting me in some kind of way. Younghoon just nodded. After a round of quick introductions of Alex and Hae, the guys came over to us to exchange hugs and handshakes. Hyunjoon was freaking out because he got to hug his role model "The one and only Ocean child!" He almost screamed. I reluctantly hugged all of the guys except Jacob, whom I hugged willingly because firstly, He's an angel and he doesn't deserve it. And secondly, He gave really good hugs unlike the other guys. I smiled into the hug, and Sunwoo caught my eye. Rolling his eyes as he waited for us to part ways. I bet he's jealous!

He walked over to me and I smirked "You look pretty handsome tonight. Not that it means anything to you, coming from a slut." I reminded him of the time he called me a slut. His eyes widened and he replied "So you heard it.." He looked down shamefully. Serves him right. Dick. "Yeah. Duh." I rolled my eyes. "S-sorry about that. You look n-nice. And you better accept it cause I don't apologize to anyone." He quickly added. I chuckled and gave him a fist bump. "Really? Alright, I'll take what I can get." I told him. He gave me the cutest smile ever and I couldn't help but return it. "Let's go eat! I know where the food is!" Haknyeon took a hold of my arm and dragged me with him, ahead of the others as they followed behind. Indulged in their own conversations among each other.

My eyes watered as I looked through the array of endless dishes. Thank god I came to this ball. Quickly taking a hold of the plate Hak passed me, I began scooping up different food into my plate. Sangyeon found a table somewhere that was somehow able to fit all 15 of us, although it was tight squeeze. I sat in between Hyunjae and Hak, with Kevin sitting directly across from me. We spent a good amount of  time chatting with each other when the DJ started playing music for the dance. I bonded with Hyunjae over chicken. He's quiet a funny guy. "Guys we should go dance!" Alex announced to the entire table as majority of us agreed with a series of nods and hums of agreement. Sangyeon stood up and walked to Hae, putting an arm out for her "Would you dance with me?" I wheezed as I saw the rage in Alex's eyes. Alex smacked his hand away and glared at him. "Hell no bitch. Hae is off-limits. She's my girlfriend"

I broke into a loud laughter as the rest of the table soon joined me. Sangyeon looked hilarious, his face a bright red color as he rubbed the nape of his neck. "S-sorry I didn't know" He muttered which only made us laugh harder. Hae blushed as she shot him an apologetic look before scurrying off to the dance floor with Alex, where a few couples were already dancing. All eyes settled on me as I tried finishing my piece of chicken. I got awkward as I felt all their stares at me "Uh.. Can I help you..?" I asked, wiping some crumbs from my lips. "Well, You're the only girl left.. And none of us are gay enough to dance with each other." Sangyeon stated. "Hah, so you do admit that you're somewhat gay for each other- "My eyes widened in realization "Wait, no. FUCK NO. I didn't want to dance in the first place and there is no way in hell you can convince me to dance with all 12 of you!" I put my hands up defensively.

The guys all began to whine and complain about how they wanted to dance. Desperate much? I stood my ground and continued eating. Hyunjoon sat down in front of me and used his adorable puppy eyes on me. Fuck. "Please Noona?" "Bruh how are you so sure I'm your noona?" I retorted, trying hard not to fall for his puppy eyes and change the subject. "What's your birthday?" He asked me. Thank god. I shifted the topic and distracted him. "Mine is April 13th 2000. Yours?" I answered. He smirked and his entire demeanor changed. "Good for me." He said to which I asked him why. 

"I'm your oppa. You have to respect me." 

"What? What's your birthday?" 

"March 9th 2000" 

"Aw come on! That's just one month!" I whined. 

"But you have to call me and the guys except for Eric Oppa. Aight?" 

"Fuck no. Never." 

"Then dance with us." He decieved me. Not bad.  

"Ugh fine. You got me. But just out of curiosity, What's the rest of your birthdays?"

"Dance with me first, and I'll tell you." Fucking player.

Hyunjoon announced to the rest of the guys that I would dance with him first and everyone else could take turns. Everyone was satisfied except for myself and Hyunjoon pulled me away to the dance floor. He placed a hand gently on my waist, holding my other hand, I placed a hand on his shoulder and looked around to spot Alex wiggling her eyebrows at me. I'm so gonna kill her later. This was going to be a long night.  


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