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D-84: REST.


My mind was clouded with thoughts from the events of last night. When I woke up this morning, Sunwoo wasn't there. But I assumed he slept over last night, and he must've left as soon as he woke up. I turned to the side he was laying on and buried my face in my pillow. I was surprised to find that it had a faint smell that belonged to him. Peaches, and some other scent I couldn't decipher. Weird as it sounds, I sniffed my pillow once more, absorbing his scent and sat up. Stretching out my body, I realized that I slept with just my bra and my shorts on last night. Panicking, I looked towards my large glass windows, which were conveniently open and displaying my half-naked glory to anyone who was outside on the lawn. I jumped up, rushing to the window to close the curtains. Much to my horror, the moment I approached the window, I saw Younghoon, Hyunjae, and Juyeon looking at me wide-eyed.

I quickly closed the curtains, internally freaking out. Why, life? I walked to my bedside table, taking out my phone and checking all of my notifications. I have to meet Kino at 1:30 for lunch? I was expecting just hanging out, but that works too. I checked the time and saw that it was only 9:30 in the morning. I still have some time to kill. Going into my conjoined bathroom, I waited for the bathtub to fill up. Taking one of the bath bombs Chanhee gave me, I dropped it inside and watched as it satisfyingly fizzed on the surface and sunk down into the water as it turned purple. Taking off my remaining articles of clothing, I climbed into the tub and closed my eyes. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep until I woke up about an hour later with a sore neck.

Getting out of the tub and putting on the clothes, I roamed around the mansion trying to find some entertainment. I walked into Changmin's room where he was holding a tub of popcorn as he prepared his laptop on his bed. "Are you gonna watch a movie?" I asked him and he nodded "Wanna join me? It's a horror!" I smiled "I love horrors!" I exclaimed as we high fived and climbed onto his huge bed. A thrilling hour and a half filled with screams, jump scares, and playing detective, the movie was over. "Oh my god that was an entire rollercoaster!" I chuckled and Changmin nodded. "You are by far the best person I have watched a horror movie with!" I complimented "I can say the same for you! We should do this again sometime!" I smiled and made an agreement with the guy sitting next to me. I checked the time "I should probably go get ready, I have to go out." I mumbled.

"Oh okay, but be careful Akira!" He smiled softly. I inclined my head and he let me go. After a short while, I was done getting ready. Checking the time, I saw that Kino would be around to pick me up in a few minutes. I picked up my phone, and began walking towards the front entrance. On my way there I met Sunwoo, and it was not a surprise that the air was awkward around us. "Where are you going?" He pondered cautiously. "I'm going out." I told him, opening the front door. He peeked through the front door, and when he moved away I saw that Kino was already here. I smiled and waved to him and was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "What?" I asked impatiently. He let go "Uh, nothing. Just.. Be careful, I guess." I rolled my eyes and walked outside, Immediately embracing Kino who was now standing outside. Partially because I missed him, and partially because I wanted to see if Sunwoo got jealous.

"Woah! Since when do you willingly hug people?" He chuckled. "Been a while. I missed you so much!" I smiled and he nodded. We got in the car and he began driving. Moments later we arrived at a really pretty flower cafe'. "This place is cute." I mumbled to him and he smiled "I knew you would like it." My eyebrows furrowed. Why was he treating me like this today? Must be because he missed me too. I brushed it off. We sat at a table and ordered food. We made small talk while waiting for the food to arrive. I had ordered a club sandwich, while Kino ordered some Kimchi jjigae. After the very delicious meal, I offered to pay for my own food, but Kino insisted that he paid for both of ours. "Wait, why are you doing all this..?" I asked him on our way out of the cafe'. "Consider it a date." He chuckled.

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