𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪

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Alex Lee:

Two days ago, we got the idea to play Secret Santa with the guys, so we ended up picking names and I have to buy a gift for Changminnie. "Who did you get, Min?" I asked him as we walked around the shopping mall. "I can't tell! But I already know exactly what to get that person." He smiled. I nodded in slight disappointment. "Who did you get, Noona?" He wiggled his brows. "Someone. I can't think of anything to get them, though." I frowned. "Well, think of what that person likes, or what makes them happy. Maybe then you might get an idea of what to get them?" He proposed. I let out a small smile at his idea "You know what, you're absolutely right!" Before the younger could say a word, I waved to him and sprinted off in another direction. I heard him laugh, before he turned around and went into an Arts and Crafts store..? I'm not really sure.

 I walked around until I found a Halloween costume shop. Min likes scary stuff, maybe I could get him something from here? I walked around the store, observing all of the aisles until my eyes landed on the board game aisle. Walking over to the racks, I took my time checking through all of the products and found an Ouija board. I grinned, knowing that Min would really like it. I was hesitant to touch the board and pick it up, since I was superstitious. Being a believer of ghosts, I am absolutely terrified of all things paranormal, unlike Changmin and Akira. Extending the sleeves of my jacket to cover the palms of my sweaty hands, I used it to grab the Ouija board. At least Akira and I won't be here to experience its horrors once Changmin messes with it..

After paying for Changmin's gift and getting it wrapped I stealthily exited the store to avoid being seen by one of the members. There were 14 of us roaming around this place, and if even one of them saw me leaving this store, my entire surprise would be spoilt. I sat down on a bench located a safe distance away from the Halloween shop, when I got a call. "Noona?" It was Jacob. "Yeah. Hey." I replied. "Everyone's done shopping and we're meeting up for lunch. You done too?" I heard his voice through my phone. "Aah okay, yeah I'm done too. I'll be right there!" I informed him, and set off towards the restaurant he told me they were meeting up at.


"Goddamnit! Just settle down already so we can exchange the fucking gifts!" Sunwoo complained. After a fulfilling lunch, we all came back home and gathered around the living room to exchange our gifts. I shook my head in amusement as Jacob slapped the back of Sunwoo's head harshly, hissing "Language, Sunwoo." Sangyeon oppa managed to calm all of us down, and we were finally able to get started. "Let's start with the oldest and our leader, shall we?" I proposed, to which everyone agreed. "Okay, uh.. I got Hyunjoon. It's not much, but I owe you for breaking your laptop so.. Here." Sangyeon oppa spoke awkardly, and I couldn't help but smile. He was so adorable. He handed Joon a box. The younger excitedly opened the box to find a new Macbook Pro. Joon beamed, hugging Sangyeon oppa tightly. "I also replaced all of your lost data. It's all in the laptop." Oppa smiled, my heart swelled as I watched the two men embrace.

It was Hyunjoon's turn next. "Thanks hyung, for the wonderful gift." Joon bowed dramatically before continuing "I got Hyunjae hyung. I didn't know what to get you, so.." Joon passed Hyunjae a paper bag. The latter gasped upon seeing the contents of it, pulling it out almost immediately. It was a bucket of chicken wings. Everyone broke into a hearty laughter as Hyunjae embraced the younger, and extensively kissed his face for "Being so considerate." After the laughter died down Hyunjae spoke up "I got Alex Noona. I hope you like it.." He handed me a paper bag, and I smiled gratefully. Inside, was the most gorgeous white sundress, along with a Louis Vuitton clutch. I got up and hugged him tightly "Thanks Jae. I absolutely love it." He chuckled with a light blush "I thought you would look good in white."

I took Changmin's gift in my hand, and addressed the anticipating crowd "This is for my baby. Changmin." The said boy gasped in surprised, running to me and snatching the gift from my hands. Upon realizing what he did, he blushed a deep crimson, apologizing and thanking me for the gift. He opened it and smiled so brightly, I knew that I got the perfect gift for him. "Oh my god an Ouija board! I've always wanted one of these, but the guys wouldn't let me get one!" I understood, as the rest of the guys groaned in frustration. "We're done for." I heard Chanhee mumble. Changmin took out a paper bag and shyly looked at Chan, speaking ever so quietly. "I got Chanhee hyung." He motioned for Chanhee to come to him, and when he did, he gave the bag to him. Chan let out a surprised gasp and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes as he frantically shook his head no.

"What happened Chanie..?" I asked my best friend in concern. "Hyung, I think it's time. It'll be okay." I heard Min faintly whisper to Chanhee who nodded. "Uh.. I uh.." He stuttered, but continued speaking "I'm gay." The words Chanhee spoke slowly sunk in, as he took out the pride flag that Changmin had gifted him. The entire room was filled with gasps and whispers. "Aw, my baby! Come here!" I embraced Chan as he let out a few tears of relief. "It's okay hyung! We still love you!" Eric cheerfully comfort the older, who nodded along. After that rather emotional moment, more gifts were exchanged. Chanhee gave his gift to Sunwoo, and Sunwoo got Akira. "It's not much, but I think it's pretty meaningful." Sunwoo said, as he handed Akira what looked like a small paper. 

Akira chuckled and showed the piece of paper to us. It was a small temporary tattoo of half a heart, with Sunwoo's initials inside it. Sunwoo had the other half, with Akira's initials on it. He already put the tattoo on his wrist and was proudly showing it off to us. I smiled sadly. The two really were made for each other. Akira put the tattoo on her wrist with his help, and the two kissed happily before Jacob interrupted them. More gifts were exchanged among the remaining members. Some serious and emotional gifts, others plain funny. Nevertheless, everyone loved and were grateful for their own gifts. "This gift exchange was a success!" Haknyeon announced. "It's not over yet, remember?" Sangyeon oppa interjected, shooting the former a knowing look.

The guys all nodded leaving Akira and I, very confused. Sangyeon oppa had his hands behind his back, as he began walking towards us. "We just wanted to say, thank you for all you have done for us. And sorry, for all the inconveniences we caused you. We just wanted someone to help us con Pentagon. Never would we have thought you guys would become so close to us, like family. We were already so close to breaking apart, but somehow, your arrival cleared the tension in the air. You both, have brought us closer. Just like Hwayoung did. From the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you and we love you. So much. You both are the miracle that we needed to save this family from falling apart. So, we felt it best for you two to have this.." Sangyeon oppa finished his dramatic speech, bringing out his hands which were cupped together.

He opened his palms to show four rings. Two of them with the date of Hwayoung's death on it, and the others with the date of the formation of The Boyz. "What?" Akira scoffed in disbelief. "to really be a part of us, you need to have the matching rings too. Duh." Juyeon bluntly stated. The rest of the guys raised their hands, displaying all 24 matching rings that Hae had done research about. I had been able to contain my emotions better than Akira, but this was just the last straw. Tears pricked my eyes, and I just couldn't take it anymore when Chan gently slid two rings in my fingers. I pushed away and ran back to my room, going straight to the bathroom and turning the faucet on. Akira couldn't see me crying like this, it would destroy her. I let the tears fall to the bathroom floor, leaning against the door and crying hard.

Moments later, I heard a faint knock on the bathroom door. Turning the faucet off, I washed my face and cautiously opened the door. A concerned Chan was standing, staring at me quizzically. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked. I dismissed his question with a shake of my head "Nothing. It's just, Akira and I've never belonged in a family, and I guess my emotions just got the best of me. I'm just.. so happy." I let a crucial lie slip through my mouth, and ignored the pang of guilt and regret I was feeling. He smiled and pulled my body into a hug. I let myself sink into his embrace, leaning into his warmth while I still had the chance. I'm dreading next week.

 I'm dreading next week

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