𝔸 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟?

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Alex Lee:

I was comfortably cuddled up close to my girlfriend of three years when I heard out telephone going off. Our telephone? That old thing still functioned? We hadn't used that in a while after we stopped taking orders from clients. Sighing I unwrapped my arms from my sleeping girlfriend and got up. Rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock on the wall opposite our bed. 2:00 pm. Great! We slept in more than I had anticipated. Heading inside my conjoined office, I picked up the telephone. Putting it to my ear, I groggily mumbled a hello. The other end of the receiver went quiet as a rather deep male voice spoke "Uh.. hello? Alex, is that you?" My eyes widened and I covered the receiver. How did that guy know my name?

Trusting my instincts, I put on my 50-year-old-British-single-cat-lady voice. "Oh I'm sorry deary, I think you must've gotten the wrong number." With that, I quickly hung up and heaved a breathe. I took out my phone the moment I recieved a text from Chanhee saying "Hey Chanmiiiii~ Did you get the news?" What news? Just as I was about to reply to my new best friend's text, the telephone rang again. "What the heck?" I was getting annoyed as I picked it up yet again. This time I waited for whoever was on the other side to speak first. 

"Um, I'm pretty sure this is the correct number Alex? I-" 

"Ughh who the fuck are you?" I interrupted. 

"Jesus Christ it's me Sangyeon. Remember me?"

"Oh, it's the leader of The Boyz who hit on my girlfriend." I chuckled jokingly.

"For the record, I didn't know. Calm down."

"I am calm. But how did you get this number? And why exactly are you calling?"

"Akira gave me this number the day she came over. And also, we need some help from the Marionettes for a really important mission.."

"Pfft, you guys can't stop following us after we met. It's like y'all are just suddenly so dependent on us." I chuckled.

"I'm sorry Alex, but I'm really serious right now. Can you help, or not?"

"What kind of a mission?" I cocked an eyebrow by reflex.

"We're thinking of having a meeting this evening to discuss it. Do you think you both can make it? I'll send someone over to pick you both up."

"Hmm, just a moment."

Taking the telephone in my hands, I walked out of my office into the living room. I saw that Akira was already awake, on the couch with a cup of coffee while channel surfing. She waved to me and went back to watching TV. I put the telephone on the coffee table and pressed a button to put it on speaker. I motioned for Akira to listen and she nodded. "Akira, Sangyeon called us. Can you believe it?" She smiled "Hi Sangyeon!' He mumbled a hello, obviously annoyed with our delayed answer. "He wants us to help them on a very important mission!" I gave her some context. "Ooh. Did you accept the offer? We haven't taken a mission like that in a while." She enthusiastically asked. "Do you want to?" I asked her.

"Can I be completely honest with you, Sangyeon?" We heard a faint hum. Taking it as a yes, she continued "I don't completely trust you guys yet. Don't get me wrong, y'all are really nice and I like you guys. But it's surprising for me, we've only known each other for approximately a week, and you already trust us enough to ask us to work with you? Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Damn, she's got a good point. We heard some shuffling on the end before Sangyeon spoke again "Yes, we trust you." Akira smiled to me. "Well, then we will take the offer! I'm eager to work with you. Put all your trust in us and I will be sure not to disappoint you. But I expect we will be able to trust you, just as you trust us." I smiled at the young girl sitting near me. She might not be the leader, but sometimes she definitely acted like one. It makes me happy to see how much she has grown over the years. She's grown to be ever so strong, and smart, and decisive. I know I can rely on her.   

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