𝕊𝕠𝕙 𝔻𝕒𝕞𝕚

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I was woken from my slumber that morning, to the sound of my alarm going off. Just as I got up to turn it off, Alex burst into my room. She was squealing so loudly I had to cover my ears. God knows how that woman has so much energy in the morning. "Pipe down bitch. What is it?" I grumbled. Not being a morning person, they always left me annoyed with life and questioning my very existence majority of the time. Alex somehow conjured up an envelope. It was definitely not an ordinary envelope. A bright scarlet color, with black writings on it. The envelope had a sort of golden wax seal with a monogram on it. The mere appearance of the envelope was enough to shake all my sleepiness away from me. I gazed at the envelope, all signs of drowsiness disappeared from my eyes. "Is that what I think it is..?" I expectantly questioned my ecstatic best friend.

"I inspected the seal. It's authentic. I didn't want to open it without you." She stated much more calmly in response to my question. I sat down on my bed, pulling Alex's arm to sit down with me too. With the envelope in hand she nervously glanced at me. I nodded encouragingly and ushered her to open it up. Taking a deep breath together, we counted to three before Alex carefully opened it. The contents of the envelope becoming apparent to us. I took out the perfectly white paper with the writing on it and read it out loud. "You have officially been invited to the Masquerade ball held by the one and only-"  "Akashi and Jihoon"  We both read it together, in awe. Akashi and Jihoon were the real deal. They were the biggest criminals in the country. From being drug lords to gang leaders and mob bosses, they did it all. 

They were looked up to by many in the industry and they held an annual ball every year. Only the most high class, important people were invited to the high security ball. Being invited was a priviledge for many, and an unreachable dream for some. Being in the industry for only two years, it had been a far-fetched dream for the two of us to go to one of their balls and meet them. And now, our dream had finally come true. Both of us squealed in joy, holding each other and bouncing on my bed. "Go on, read the rest of the details." Alex pushed me. "Okay. The party will be held at our Manor. Ballgowns and tuxedos must be worn in relation to the theme. Masquerade masks are an essential and you shall not be allowed to enter without the pass we have provided you with, alongside your letter of invitation. No weapons are allowed inside the ball, peace and order is expected. The party will be held on the 30th of October. RSVP."

I finished reading it. "Wait, the 30th? That's next weekend!" I realized. "OH MY GOD ! We need to get prepared in a week? We have to buy new outfits and masks and- How are we gonna do this?" My best friend began panicking. "Calm down sis. We can handle it." I put my hands on her shoulders and made her look at me. "Just calm down." She nodded but once again her eyes widened "Where's the envelope?" I shrugged, for I didn't know where it was. "Fuck. Look for the envelope! It still has the pass inside it and we need it to get in" I tried my hardest not to panic like Alex was as we looked all over my room for the envelope. After much hard work, I finally found the envelope under my bed, and thankfully, the golden pass was still safely tucked inside it.


"What mission do we have today?" I asked Alex whilst sitting down to have breakfast. Eggs and french toast with some bacon. The same breakfast as every other morning before we went on missions. "Aah, It's from last week. Remember Kevin Moon? You have a date with him at the Gardens Mall." Alex instructed me. I nodded "Damn, the mall for the rich kids. This will be interesting." She laughed along as she poured herself and me some coffee. "You know the plan, he's most likely going to take you shopping for whatever. First off, go to the most expensive store and get a shit load of stuff. Then, I'll you know, snatch the bag from you and run away using my pro parkour skills. Kevin won't know what hit him! If he tries to come after me, just tell him it's fine and act all sad. Considering the fact that humanity exists, at least he'll let you buy more shit from somewhere else. At the end of it, we get more expensive shit for free, get it?"

Alex being the older one, naturally takes responsibility for organizing our missions and finding targets. I listened intently to her instructions while finishing up the remaining food and taking a sip of my coffee. "Who are you going to dress up as?" It was her turn to ask me the questions. "Oh, I mean I met him last week as Soh Dami, so I'm thinking of showing up as fucking Beyonce' today. A little surprise never hurt." I rolled my eyes as far back as possible before sarcastically replying to my best friend's unnecessary question.  She shook her head in disappointment, slightly amused as she let out a laugh. "Well, Soh Dami.  Did you take any pictures for reference?Last time you forgot and we almost got ourselves exposed if it weren't for Hae's quick thinking." She shook her head, reminiscing.

I sighed "YES MOM..". To which Alex responded by nodding and ruffling my silvery, chrome dyed hair. "Alright go and get ready. You have to meet him in an hour." She instructed once again. God, she can seriously be such a mom sometimes. Trudging lazily into our walk in costume closet, I took out my phone and opened the details about Soh Dami and her reference pictures. After about 20 minutes i had my well planned outfit ready, and I quickly changed into it. Moving on to a secret compartment hidden in the closet, I had a wide array of wigs and accessories to choose from. I took the black straight hair as well as some glasses and a simple necklace. "Alright I'm done. I guess it's time." I spoke to nobody in particular.

Much to my excitement, we arrived at the mall in a matter of around 30 minutes. I texted Kevin's number, letting him know that I was at the location. I waited near the Cafe' he informed me about and Alex started walking around totally-not-suspiciously. Moments later, I heard my fake name being called out as a rushed Kevin approached me. Being Canadian (As far as I knew) Kevin was one to partake in PDA. He gave me a hug which I reluctantly returned. He took my hand and led me inside the Cafe' where the two of us sat down. We started talking casually while eating, nothing too special was discussed there. "I've been meaning to ask, are you perhaps not fully Korean..?" Kevin questioned me. I nodded and smiled at the sweet boy.

"Uh.. yeah. I'm half Japanese." I replied bluntly. My mother being Korean and my father being Japanese, moreover myself having inherited much of his looks, it wasn't hard to tell I wasn't entirely Korean. "Yeah I thought so, some of your facial features looked very Japanese... I want to draw you." He suddenly blurted, which left me in a state of confusion. "Excuse me..?" I tried not to sound rude at his sudden blunt thought. "Y-you have a beautiful face and I would really like to sketch you sometime, if you don't mind of course." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. I blushed. He thought there would be a next time. Unfortunately for him, I'm never gonna see him again after today. I should just play along, so as to not be suspicious. "I'd love that Kev, I wanna see how good you are.." I stated sweetly, to which his entire face flushed.

I slightly cringed at the sudden nickname I just gave him. Don't get me wrong, Kevin was an attractive and sweet guy, but I'm not looking to make things serious with one of my fucking targets for goodness sake. In another life, I would have been flattered by his request to draw me, but alas, in this life that is utterly impossible. Soon after, the two of us made our way toward the shopping wing in the mall. Him promising me to buy me whatever I wanted, as expected. Way to woo a girl though, like seriously. He also told me not to hold back, which is exactly what I did. Fun for me! I dragged him into Tiffany and Co. Looking around at all the bags, shoes and jewelry I felt like a little kid in a candy store. He himself looked around in awe, and started showing me different pieces he thought would suit me. Right then  I knew, this plan was going to go perfectly.

 Right then  I knew, this plan was going to go perfectly

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