𝔸 ℙ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕊𝕝𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣

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The first two and a half hours were spent by myself, teaching the guys the four basic rules and doing small activities as part of the lesson. We all unanimously agreed that we would only spend two and half hours for training at first. Start out with short practice sessions, and extend them with each passing session. Surprisingly enough, the guys were really attentive, and they all managed to answer my questions correctly. Pretty impressive, if I may say so myself. After my class, we all took a well deserved one hour break. "I'm gonna go eat." Hak said, walking off towards the kitchen. "Hyungs let's go play some games! Noona you wanna come?" Eric proposed to the rest of the guys and myself. I shook my head "I'm tired. I kinda wanna rest. Maybe next time." I smiled ruffling his hair. Eric immediately pouted, but nodded sadly. "Don't worry Eric, I'll play with you." Hyunjoon comfort the pouting guy, who smiled once more.

Eric took Hyunjoon's arm and looked to Sunwoo "You coming hyung?" Please leave, please go play with them and leave me alone. I thought to myself as I anticipated his reply. Part of me wanted him to leave, while the other part wanted him to stay. Part of me knew what he was going to say, but the other part hoped he wouldn't say it. "We can't just leave our guests alone Eric, I'll accompany her. You both go and play." Exactly what I was expecting. He looked at me but this time, instead of his usual smirk, he had a soft smile on his face. What is with this guy, honestly? Why does he have to be so confusing? I sighed and leaned back on the couch. That was sweet of him, but I was really tired to argue with him at that moment. I closed my eyes, putting an arm over them and slightly stretching my legs out. Sunwoo, who was sitting on the couch opposite the one I was laying on, spoke after the two left. "Damn, you must actually be tired. I thought it was just an excuse not to hang out with them."

I sighed again "No dude, I'm actually exhausted and I have a headache. I don't even know why." I couldn't see him, but I felt his gaze on my figure. It was getting a bit uncomfortable in the silence, so I took my arm off my eyes and opened them "What is it douche?" He cocked a brow and tilted his head "What do you mean?" Is he really that retarded? "Why do you keep staring at me?" He blushed. What the fuck? "You look like you're really uncomfortable. Is there any way I can help you?" He asked, a look of genuine concern on his face. One look in his eyes and I saw the same Sunwoo I talked to in the bathroom that night at the ball. I figured: Even if he is an annoying prick, he's still a caring softie on the inside. How sweet. "Just stay quiet, I guess." I let go of my cold attitude for a bit. Closing my eyes once more. The guy in front of me spoke no more, and I was secretly thankful he complied. Moments after, I heard some shuffling. 

I opened my eyes and saw that Sunwoo had a pill and a glass of water for me. I smiled as he handed them over to me "Here, this was all I could find." He rubbed his nape. I sat up straight and took the pill, gulping it down with the water and handing the glass back to Sunwoo. He put the glass down, and before I could lie back down, he sat down on the couch. "Uh, I was gonna go back to resting." I told him. "That's fine." He vaguely replied. Wait what now? He pat his lap and smiled that soft smile once more "Put your head down." "Excuse me?" I was more than confused. "Go on, I don't bite. I'm just trying to help." He chuckled. "Okay." I gently put my head down on his lap, a safe distance away from his crotch. I turned to my side and closed my eyes. I felt his hand rest on my head, as he carefully started playing with my hair. Intertwining his fingers in my loose red locks. It was extremely comforting, and I smiled.

 "Thanks douche." I mumbled to him, feeling sleep approaching me. He chuckled and bent down, kissing my temple "It's nothing 'Kira." Soon enough, I felt my eyes droop with the heaviness of sleep on my eyelids. I was woken from my peaceful slumber to the sound of a camera clicking. I slightly opened my eyes but I was unable to see clearly. I tried to use my hands to rub my face, but found that my right hand was laying partially under my body. My fingers interlocked with Sunwoo's as he had his arm over my waist to hold my hand. I slightly blushed, using my free hand to rub my eyes. As I opened them wider, I saw that everyone else was staring at us. Alex and a couple of the guys had their phones out, snapping pictures of us. My eyes widened in realization and I panicked. Why didn't Sunwoo do anything about them? I looked up and saw that he had also fallen asleep with me, his head rested uncomfortably on the back of the couch.

I shook him awake with my free hand. Totally not because I was reluctant to let go of his hand. I whispered "Yah, Kim Sunwoo wake up. Look!" He stirred awake and everyone watched as he wiped his own eyes with his free hand. Upon seeing the others, he glared at them. "What the hell guys?" He asked them. I sat up next to Sunwoo, he still had his arm around my waist as we continued unconsciously holding hands. Alex started squealing "Oh my god, you both were asleep together. That was so cute!!" The room filled with hums and comments of agreement as the two of us blushed yet again. Sangyeon looked at us like a proud father "Have you gotten enough rest?" We nodded. "Look they're still holding hands!" Changmin cooed. Upon realisation, the two of us let go, flying to opposite ends of the couch. As far away from the other as possible.

Everyone laughed at our reaction. "Anyways! Let's not waste more time, it's time for lunch. We have to begin training again in a while so, chop chop!' Jacob clapped his hands. I got up slowly and began following everyone out of the living room and out to the dining room. I felt a hand tap my shoulder and turned around to see Sunwoo "Are you feeling better?" he asked quietly. I nodded "Thanks to you, I feel much better now." I quickly turned around, leaning in and giving him a swift peck on the cheek. I smiled to him and rushed out quickly. Everyone kept making fun of myself and the guy sitting next to me at lunch. I turned to avoid his gaze on me, looking at Alex who was sitting on my other side. After eating, the maknae line went to the training grounds so that the boys could teach me any skill I wanted.

Since they were in charge now, I had to follow whatever instructions they gave me. Haknyeon proposed that I should go against each of them in hand to hand combat, so he could see exactly how good my skills were. I agreed and the guys prepared to fight me. I was against Hak first. Taking a fighting stance, I smirked at him to intimidate him. He winked at me and we began our fight on the count of three. Hak was the first to take a move, spinning at full force and aiming his foot at my torso for a kick. I barely moved past him on time, as he missed me and the friction led to him falling. I took the opportunity to kick his gut, when he grabbed my leg and twisted me around, making me fall on top of him. He flipped us around so I was under him. He got up, putting his arms around my head in a headlock. I broke free of his grip, and punched him square on the jaw. The moment he moved back from the impact, I landed a kick on his shin, making his legs buckle. I took the opportunity to lock him in place and kick him to the ground. After counting to three, I was declared winner.

I smirked victoriously and he chuckled "Not bad. Definitely not what I was expecting." Eric jumped up and down in excitement "Oh my god Noona that was pretty impressive!" I lifted my tank top to show them my abs "I have these hidden gems for a reason." I showed off. "Damn, not bad." Sunwoo smirked. I nodded and got ready to fight Hyunjoon. I was able to beat him as well, but it took much more effort than compared to Hak. Next was Sunwoo. Our fight took much longer than the others, and after a shocking turn of events, I was unable to beat him. He mocked me, displaying his abs by removing his shirt. Not gonna lie, he has a really nice body.. "I have these babies for a reason. I'm the all-rounder of the group bitch!" He declared proudly and we all laughed. Eric was last and our fight ended in a tie, he was equally as skilled as myself. And just like that, we managed to spend another three hours training in combat. It's actually not that bad spending an entire day with them. I'm kinda looking forward to getting to know them some more.

 I'm kinda looking forward to getting to know them some more

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