𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕪𝕖𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕟

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Kim Younghoon:

"Okay.." Sangyeon Hyung sighed loudly. "Younghoon-ah do you have any way of contacting the girl?" He interrogated me. I took out my phone and checked my contacts. She had left her number for me. I smiled "I have her number." Sangyeon hyung's face mirrored mine as he sounded off once more. "Great! Give the number to Hyunjoon. Hyunjoon, figure out where the number came from, and try and trace maybe the location too. Next, I need you to call or text her and let her know you want to meet up again. If she agrees, let me know and I will explain the other part of our plan. Got it?" After a series of nods and hums in agreement, Sangyeon Hyung left for a meeting he had with our bosses. Even as everyone stood up to leave, Haknyeon stayed rooted to his seat. Too absorbed in his phone to notice the happenings of his surroundings.

I, on the other hand, was feeling sick and lethargic. I had completely forgotten about my hangover until I felt the pressing need to empty my guts out. I rushed out of the room, eager to go to the bathroom as quickly as possible. After a rather exhausting few minutes of sweating, swearing profusely and spoiling my shirt with some vomit, I emerged from the bathroom. Looking around for my phone and checking to find that it was not on me, I realized that I must have kept it in the meeting room. Mind you, it had already been around a good 10 to 15 minutes after the meeting was over. I was surprised to find that Haknyeon was still sitting inside the meeting room, grinning at his phone.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I retrieved my phone and left the premises. I couldn't have been bothered to inquire about his sudden strange addiction to his phone. Getting back inside the safety of my room and the comforts of my bed, I closed my eyes for a few seconds. Hoping to gain at least a portion of much-needed rest, but alas. Aah shit. I need to call Nari soon. After periods of reluctance and dread, I took out my phone and dialled her number. She didn't pick up the first time, so after being redirected to her voicemail I called her once more. This time, after the third ring she picked up. "Who is this?" My mind went blank for a few moments before I recouped and answered back "I-it's Younghoon. From last night..?" Part of me was anxious that she wasn't going to remember me.

"Aah, Younghoonie. You have my number?" She sounded so sweet and innocent, it was hard to believe she was cunning enough to steal my belongings as well as 5,000 dollars from me. But then again, if they had gotten the opportunity, who wouldn't? "Uh. I was wondering if maybe we could meet up again sometime. Sooner, rather than later. I want to see you again.." I partially lied through gritted teeth. She put me on hold for a while until she spoke again. "I would love to. When and where?" It's safe to say that I was taken aback by how forward she was with me. This was definitely not how I expected her to answer. "Um how about I text you the details in a bit? Sound good?" I implored. "Hmm, sure! See you soon!" And with that, her cheerful voice hung up the call.

Silently praising my amazing acting skills, I rushed outside trying to get a hold of Sangyeon Hyung. Upon meeting Changmin, I discovered that he was still not back from the meeting. I then decided to visit Hyunjoon and see if he got any progress in tracking down the number. I went up to the highest level of our mansion, walking to the attic and opening the door carefully. When we moved into the house, Hyunjoon insisted that he used the attic as his office, although he had an abundance of rooms to choose from. "Hyunjoon-ah?? Joon?" I called out for him but received no response. Walking further into the room I found him bopping along to some music on his headphones near his multiple computer screens. No wonder the child didn't hear me.

Silently creeping up to him with a smile on my face, I jumped up behind him and screamed. Scaring the living daylights out of the poor kid. "Aishh Hyung what the hell bro?" I chuckled "Any progress on tracking the number?" I ruffled his hair and sat down next to him, confused as to which screen I should be looking at. The young hacker pointed towards the screen in the middle while letting out a hearty laugh. "Unfortunately, no. Whoever this is, has been decisive enough to put up barriers and I can't get through them" he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So she really must be a part of some special team or something. Hey, wanna make a bet?" I offered to him. He cocked an eyebrow "Depends. What is it about?". I grinned.

"I bet that she's some sort of spy working for the government. Like one of those really cool solo spies that go on missions as Ethan Hunt does. What do you think?" I told him my side of the gamble. He smirked "Oh please. She must be a criminal herself. If you don't recall, my brother went to the police academy and they don't teach this stuff to them. I think she must be some sort of high-class criminal. I'm sure she's a criminal, although I'm not particularly certain she's high-class. If she was, then we would obviously know her, being higher up in the ranks ourselves. Don't ya think?" I smacked the back of his head and gasped "I thought I taught you to be humble when I raised you!" Dramatically putting a hand to my forehead. "Harhar very funny Hyung. You can leave now, I have work to do." He tried to kick me out. "Like what? Listening to Kidz bop?" I teased him some more.

He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out. Closing the door at my face. Great. Trudging through the hallways, I was going to entertain myself to a cup of hot chocolate when I heard the front door. Hyung was back. Rushing through the house, I met Hyung by the stairway. "Hyung  I called her and she agreed to meet up. When and where should we meet?" He smiled "Good work. Ask her if you can meet tomorrow night. How about inviting her over and introducing her to us, huh..?" He suggested. My eyes widened "Like, invite her here? To this house? But you never bring guests over. Isn't it dangerous?" He just shrugged. With another chuckle, he spoke up "Go on, invite her. I'll get the rest of the boys to help me get preparations done."

Leaving me confused, he walked off and disappeared upstairs. I went to the living room where I texted Nari the details and told her I will pick her up tomorrow. I couldn't risk giving her the address of the house, so I just told her I would pick her up. What was peculiar though, was that she wouldn't give me her address either. Instead, she told me to pick her up by the bus stop. I should probably tell Hyung about it later.


Tonight, we were going to confront Nari. I was a nervous wreck but it was inevitable, really. Checking the time, I found that it was already half-past six. I had to meet her in 45 minutes. Walking to my room, I changed out of my t-shirt and sweats into a casual shirt and some slacks. Picking up the car keys from the tray on top of the dresser, I took a few dozen steps to the garage. Where I had a variety of cars to choose from. Finally settling on the BMW, I drove off to the designated bus stop, where I would pick her up.The drive to the bus stop took around 30 minutes, in which I was nervously tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. Thinking of what I should say to Nari and how I should confront her. 

I was also worried about what the guys would think about her. I'm not implying that something serious might ever happen between us since the margin for that is relatively small. But if there was something to happen, she would obviously have to get to know the guys more. After all, they are my family. Snapping out of my thoughts, I spotted Nari patiently waiting for me as I pulled over at the bus stop. A small wave to her and she smiled gracefully. Not gonna lie, she does look really cute. She got in and we drove off, back to the mansion. The nerves getting to me as I began sweating profusely. Why am I even that nervous? Is it because she could possibly be a spy or worse, a criminal? Or is it because I'm genuinely concerned about the impression she would give to the guys. Considering the fact that she was a complete stranger that I made out with for the first time in my life?

 Considering the fact that she was a complete stranger that I made out with for the first time in my life?

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