𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕠𝕕𝕕 𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕪 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘

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Lee Sangyeon:

After the meeting, I proposed for the two girls to stay over for dinner and they both agreed. Chanhee immediately ran off with Alex, and I had no idea where Akira was. Walking into my room, I shut the door and sat down on my bed. Akira really reminded me of her. That's probably why I feel so attached to the young con-artist.


The sun glistened in the morning sky in all its glory. Protected by the shade of a beautiful oak tree, I sat down on the picnic blanket with her. "Isn't it beautiful out here today?" She spoke. So captivated by the scenery and the pleasant weather to notice my loving gaze held on her. "Yeah. But there's something more beautiful in front of me." I implied. She blushed "Aah stop it Sangie. You're embarrassing me!" I shrugged "But it's true though!" She shook her head and continued looking around. Absorbing the atmosphere.

I set up the bottles of jam, the sandwiches and other snacks we brought out onto the blanket. She lay there looking up at the sky, holding a dandelion in one hand. "Did you know, Eric got first place in his class in the spelling bee!" She smiled. Turning on her side and supporting her head, propping it with one arm. I smiled "Ah really? He's a smart kid." She nodded enthusiastically "I think it's wonderful. Even with having to balance the stress from boot camp, and being on his meds, he's still able to focus on school just until boot camp is over." I hummed "He wouldn't be able to do it without you. You're the one keeping him on track, you know that?" She gave me a sad smile "I feel really bad for the poor kid. He had to go through so much. I'm just glad his suicide attempts failed and I got the chance to meet him. He's such a sweet kid who deserves all the good things in the world. And I am going to help him get them!" She had a look of determination on her face.

I chuckled "Good luck. That'll be pretty tough, in a life like this. But you can do it." She answered, "I always believed that you can achieve anything you want if you set your mind to it and work hard to get it!" She sat up and we began eating our snacks in peace. I stole glances at her every now and then. Even while eating, she managed to look adorable. With her cheeks stuffed and poking out, she looked like a little squirrel. She caught my eye and her nostrils flared. I laughed at the action as she began speaking "Did I make the squirrel face again?" She asked in all seriousness. I continued laughing, nodding along. "Then you owe me something."

I looked at her, confused "What do you mean?" She smiled again "Remember the first time I met you, you laughed at me because of a mistake I made. I threatened you, saying you had to owe me something every time you made fun of me." I scoffed "That was like-" I put out my fingers and began counting the years. "- 10 years ago! We were just kids, how do you still remember that?" I asked in disbelief. "I'll always remember the first time I fell in love with you." She cockily answered. A blush evident on my face, I choked on my sandwich. She began laughing hard, holding her stomach as she fell backwards.

I smiled at the sight "So it was love at first sight?" She cocked an eyebrow after halting her laughter "No, silly. I despised you at first sight!" My eyes grew larger "Wait really? Then when did you fall in love with me?" I asked. "After you saved me that night.." She blushed. The image was too sweet for my heart to handle. "Oh.. Okay." We both stared at each other, before bursting into laughter. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes as I fondly watched over her. "You know, I thought you were an arrogant and rude girl at first. But then I fell for you after seeing just how skilled you were. You basically inspired me."

She looked at me in awe "Really?" I nodded. "So, when I saw you that night, I just couldn't leave you there. You looked so scared and defenceless. On top of that, I had just fallen madly in love with you. Seeing you hurt, hurt me too." She slapped my arm at my little speech "Aish you're so cheesy Sangie!" I shrugged again "But it's true though!" She suddenly straightened up as if she remembered something.

"Yah! You distracted me, you douche! You have to owe me something for laughing at me!" She cutely pouted. "Fine. What do you want?" I sighed. She put a finger to her chin, deep in thought. Why did she have to be this cute? "A kiss would be fine!" She declared happily. I chuckled and put my half-eaten sandwich down. I leaned forward, as did she. The two of us met lips under the cool shade of the big oak tree. Sharing a sweet and blissful kiss. So magical, it almost felt like a dream. "There! You happy?" I asked as we pulled away. Her face a bright shade of pink, she nodded. "Good. Cause I don't willingly kiss random humans like that!" I chuckled.

End of Flashback~

I smiled to myself as a lone tear escaped my eye. She was always so stubborn, yet so caring. Annoying, yet so helpful. Rude, yet so kind. She deserved nothing more than a good life. Away from all of this crime. At least she's in a better place now. "I love you, my little angel," I whispered to nobody in particular. Although it was obviously directed at her. I hoped she could hear me, and that she was watching over us. Proud of how far we'd come. A sudden knock on the door snapped me out of my melancholic thoughts. "Come in!" I called out. It was Younghoon "Food's ready Hyung. Come on out!" He smiled. I nodded and followed him to the dining room.

The place was even more chaotic today, with the addition of two of our guests. Juyeon, Haknyeon and Eric were balancing spoons on their noses. Sunwoo and Akira were sitting next to each other, bickering about something. Alex sat on her other side, looking at her phone with Chanhee and Hyunjoon. Changmin was telling Kevin and Jacob some scary story "-And the next thing he knew, blood was spattered all over the floor-" I heard him explain to them. Younghoon and Hyunjae were staring at the plate of chicken. Probably fantasizing over it. I sat down at the head of the table, looking down to the other side in front of me, where she used to sit.

I smiled to myself, looking at all of the chaos within the room. She would be so annoyed if she saw all of this disorderly conduct. Proceeding to take my glass and a spoon, I hit it so that everyone would look at me. "Please, start eating." With that, everyone dug into their food. I waited for Akira and Alex to spoon food onto their plates, before joining after them and getting food for myself. At least I was being courteous. Most of the time while we were eating, the room was silent. Except for a few comments made by some of them about how delicious the food was. Credits to our cook, of course. Halfway through, I observed Akira elbowing Sunwoo. "Ugh, I can't stand you Kim Sunwoo!" She scoffed silently, but due to the already quiet air in the room, we all heard it.

I broke out into hearty laughter, Alex and the other guys joining me as the two bickering kids stayed quiet. Blushes both decorating their embarrassed faces. They would be perfect for each other. I thought to myself. I just knew it.

 I just knew it

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