ℍ𝕒𝕜𝕟𝕪𝕖𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

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I woke up from my peaceful sleep when the sun's ray shone through my window. Feeling happy and at peace, I frowned upon realizing that training started today. Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic to be working with The Boyz. It's just that there's a particular Kim Sunwoo that I'm not as excited about. You know what? I'll ignore him as much as possible, and focus on getting along with the other guys! I smiled to myself. That should do. Walking into the conjoined bathroom, I washed my face and freshened up. Taking the pleasure of a nice long shower and choosing some comfy clothing, which I can wear while training. I was eating breakfast by myself, phone in one hand. I was texting Kino when Alex walked out happily. "Morning!" I called out to her. She smiled and wished me a good morning as well. Her smile suddenly dropped and I was left confused.

"Why the long face so suddenly Alex?" I pondered. "Uh. I talked to Hae. And you and I are gonna move to the mansion, temporarily." I stood up "Aw come on! Really?" She nodded. "What about Hae?" "She said she's gonna stay. She didn't want to move even when I tried convincing her." Alex shrugged. My shoulders slumped. "Oh god. This is so weird though." I chuckled and she bobbed her head in agreement. "When are we moving in then..?" I asked her. "I just finished talking to Sangyeon. We're due for training in an hour so there's no time to pack some stuff up right now. So he said a couple of the guys can come back home with us after the day and help us take some stuff back there." Alex explicated.

I nodded and headed into my bedroom after finishing my food. Taking out my duffel bag as well as a small suitcase, I opened them up and sat them down on top of my bed and the floor. Might as well start some packing, since I'm already done getting ready. Walking into my huge walk-in closet, I stood there for a good minute, contemplating exactly what and how many articles of clothing I should pack. Running my hands through the endless pieces hung up on the racks, I began with my pyjamas. I was always a very meticulous and systematic person. Going to the section with pyjamas, I picked out three pairs of shorts and silk tops. That'll be enough pyjamas. Now for training wear. I took out 8 different tank tops, along with 3 windbreakers and 4 pairs of leggings, 4 different training shorts, and 2 pairs of sweatpants just in case. More than enough. Onto casual wear. I chose about 15 different crop tops, a good amount of shorts, and an assortment of jeans. And two different jackets. Is this too much?

I then went to the racks filled with shoes. Some trainers, for training. Two pairs of Converse hightops, black and white. Some slides, for when I'm around the house. And a plentiful amount of socks. Nobody likes smelly feet. I struggled to carry everything together in my arms, walking absentmindedly into the wall. Since my vision was obstructed by the mountain of clothes I was carrying. "Fuck," I mumbled to nobody in particular. Picking myself up and taking the clothes off the floor. Heaving them onto my bed, I walked back and picked up the shoes, setting them aside near my bed. I sat down on the corner of my bed and began rolling up my clothes. A more efficient way to pack additional stuff. After a good fifteen minutes, I was done with rolling all of my clothes, separating them into different sections along the way. Pyjamas to the right, training wear to the left, and casual wear in the middle. Shit, would I need to pack a couple of dresses too? I decided against it, considering how it was wasting space. "I could always come over and pick out a dress last minute if I have to." I nodded to myself.

It only felt like a couple of minutes before Alex walked in. Spotting my half-packed suitcase immediately, she smiled. "Are you that excited Akira?" She chuckled. I shook my head "I'd rather prepare when I have the time, as opposed to being in a hurry later tonight." She shrugged "Touché" The two of us went downstairs together, bidding goodbye to Hae who happily waved us away. We got to the parking lot and found Kevin and Haknyeon waiting for us by their car. I waved to them and Alex hugged the two of them. I was up front with Kevin, and Alex sat in the back with Hak. We blasted loud Beyonce' songs while Hak complained in the background. All three of us were enjoying it except Hak, who claimed he didn't understand a single word she was vocalizing.

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