𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤

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The five of us were in my bedroom at The Boyz's mansion. Going through anything and everything they needed to know about disguises. "What do you think?" Hyunjoon asked as he emerged from my walk-in closet. "Damn Joon, you got some serious skills!" I complemented as the former walked out in a zebra print shirt with bright red skinny leather pants, yellow sunglasses and a feather boa. The rest of the boys burst into laughter, as Joon and I joined them. "Who else wants to show us what you got?" I clapped my hands and proposed. "I will!" Eric immediately volunteered. He walked into my closet to change, and reappeared a few moments later. The sight of him made our jaws slack open.

I had previously given them each a different scenario, which they had to dress up for. The situation I had given Eric happened to be the classic handsome rich business CEO's son. All of us were taken aback by how seriously Eric had taken the lesson. The maknae was wearing a navy blue suit with a black shirt which had the first few buttons undone, revealing part of his chest. I couldn't stop staring, for the former was almost unrecognizable. Sunwoo snapped his fingers in front of me "Yah. Staring is rude." I blushed "Wow, Eric you're my favorite student now!" I beamed and he jumped excitedly. He rushed over to me and hugged me, I obviously didn't return the hug but he kept squeezing me. "Not bad, kid." I said, ruffling his hair.


I was sat on the training mat, watching as Eric and Sunwoo demonstrated their fighting skills using knives. But of course, they didn't actually stab each other. Hyunjoon sat down next to me with a pack of gummy bears, as Hak immediately reached out and began eating gummies. "Want some?" Joon inquired and passed me the pack. Unfortunately, that was when the two of us realized that Hak had already emptied the entire thing by stealing just a handful of gummies. I chuckled "Looks like Hak's ahead of both of us" We glanced at him, as he showed us a toothy grin with his cheeks puffed up due to the gummies he stuffed in his mouth. Soon enough, Eric and Sunwoo returned, sweaty from their previous fighting session.

Eric walked around behind us, throwing himself over my shoulders as I sagged down because of his weight. "Yah! Why do you have to be so affectionate all the time?" I complained. "Believe me, I ask myself that question every day." Sunwoo chuckled as he started eating potato chips out of a bag he seemingly conjured from nowhere. "Wait, what exactly do we call ourselves now? This alliance, thing?" Hak voiced a question. "Oh, I don't know, I've never thought of that." Joon shrugged. "How about M x TBZ?" Eric asked. "As badass as that sounds, we can't use it. That's Akashi and Jihoon's trademark you dumbass." I jokingly scolded him as he pouted and sat down next to me, thankfully removing himself off me. "I know! The Boy Marionettes!" Hak gleefully announced.

"That sounds weird." Sunwoo interjected and I slapped his arm for being rude. Not that I wasn't rude to Eric a few moments ago. "How about The Marionette Boyz?" Eric added. "Hey, that actually doesn't sound so bad." Joon smiled. I nodded in agreement, as Sunwoo shrugged and Hak spoke "I like the sound of that. Kinda makes us sound like a real legit family." I snorted "Pfft. Family, my ass." Eric frowned at my comment and everyone quiet down. Sunwoo and Joon stared at me in disbelief, and Haknyeon sighed. "Y'all don't think we're actually gonna become close right..? I'm doing this shit for the mission." I told them the truth. "Of course. We're sorry for ever thinking you would actually come to like us." Haknyeon replied bitterly, and the boys got up and left me alone with my thoughts at the training grounds. What did I do? Why were they reacting like this? Did I say something wrong?


"We shouldn't be doing this guys. We're supposed to be training right now." I muttered to the four guys who were sneaking me to their gaming room. "Just shut up. We all need a break from training once in a while." Sunwoo harshly stopped me. "Douche." I sighed and he shook his head "Hoe.". This was typical. Ever since we started living and working together, he has always referred to me as Hoe or Kira, similar to how I call him a douche. I don't think any of us took it to heart though, so that's fine. We entered their gaming room and my eyes widened in surprise. The room was huge, with LED lights on the ceiling. There were six computers set up with gaming keyboards and chairs along with them. A huge TV was mounted on one of the walls with four beanbags on the floor in front of it. Although I had been living with them for over three weeks, there was still a lot of the mansion I hadn't seen yet.

The guys sat me down near the huge ass TV, as they helped me prepare for a game. "Let's play Overwatch!" Joon exclaimed and handed me a controller. "I have no clue what that is, but okay." I chuckled as the others laughed at me. Haknyeon started "I-" "I'll help you, Kira!" Sunwoo interrupted Hak. Hak sighed in defeat, but let Sunwoo help me. The other three guys quickly took their seats on three of the other beanbags, as I sat down on the remaining one. I was surprised when Sunwoo settled down on my beanbag, as he squished next to me to get comfortable. "Uh.. Excuse you?" I elbowed his chest softly. "What?" He smirked "I'm gonna help you."

He huddled close as I stayed still, not knowing what to do, and trying not to start hyperventilating. He smelled so good. His smell took over my senses as he cuddled into me and began the game. My heart fluttered as I saw him smirk as he gained the lead. He was distracting me, without even explaining anything. After a while the first round ended. "Not fair! Sunwoo you're distracting me." I whined as I was currently losing. "How am I distracting you?" He asked me, but he knew all too well how he was distracting me. "If you really don't know, well then I'll leave you to figure it out yourself." I answered. "Oh, I get it. I'm too hot and my looks are distracting you?" Shit. "Umm, I wouldn't say hot...?" I replied. "More like cute, I would say. Pretty decent for a douche." I continued, choosing my words carefully. "Oh so I was technically right. Admit it though, I am pretty hot." He claimed while smirking. Clearly proud of himself.

"I mean, whatever floats your boat.. but sure for the sake of it, yes."

"Yes what?"

"Fucking hell...Yes douche, you are very hot." I rolled my eyes.

"Much better." He was beaming. We continued playing and unconsciously teasing each other for a few hours. We were too absorbed in the midst of our flirting to notice the other three guys giving us quizzical looks. All of them clearly very confused about our behavior.


I woke up this morning feeling very queasy and lightheaded. I couldn't eat breakfast properly, and I had the urge to empty my guts out. What has gotten into me? After breakfast, I was insistent on going to training. "I'm fine! I can do it!" I complained to our leader. Who stood firmly, shaking his head "No you are going to take rest today. Younghoon and Juyeon will stay back and take care of you." I sighed "But what about the boys?" and pointed at the maknae line who were already getting ready for training. "They can train with us today. It's been a while since we trained together anyways." Sangyeon smiled and left me with Juyeon and Younghoon.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Younghoon suggested and we agreed. All of us were settled on the couch, with a blanket over me, and Juyeon clutching an empty tub of popcorn by the end of the movie. "Damn. That last scene hit me deep." I chuckled and Younghoon nodded in agreement. "It's almost like how we found you guys. In a time of need, ya'll just appeared in our lives and look at us now. We haven't been this content and happy for god knows how long. Right hyung?" Juyeon told Younghoon and I. "Definitely. And we've all bonded together, like our own little family. We take care of each other, work together, worry about each other... We've gotten closer than any of us anticipated. And now that you guys are finally here, I don't think I ever want to let ya'll go. It's gonna remind me of how we lost her." Younghoon frowned and looked down.

That was when I realized exactly what had happened. But who is Younghoon referring to? Younghoon was right. Albeit unknown to ourselves, we all had indeed gotten very close to each other. Created our own special bonds. Now that I think about it, I don't think I want to stop being friends with them after this mission either. Maybe this really is, what a real family feels like. The guys. I need to apologize to them about the other day. But how. and when? Moreover, it's been a while. Maybe they forgot about it already?

 Maybe they forgot about it already?

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