𝔸𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕤 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤

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Kim Sunwoo:

I was beyond relieved when Kira woke up. I didn't even realize I was still holding her hand until she glanced at our intertwined fingers after everyone else left the room. I blushed lightly, hastily trying to remove my hands from hers. However much to my surprise, Kira smiled and tightened her grip on my hand. "So.." She spoke. "So...?" I echoed. "What happened after I passed out? I thought I heard you panicking for a second, or was that just my brain?" She chuckled. I laughed along as she continued "Never thought you, of all people, would care about me passing out." I frowned "Why? You think I'm some cold-hearted asshole?" She smiled "Precisely!" I shook my head in disbelief "You just woke up and you're already back to your normal self. I really hoped you would have a change of heart after you woke up. Guess I was wrong about you, hoe." Her melodic laugh rang in my ears. God, it felt good to know she was okay. "I'm sorry if I was being too salty. You know I don't think of you like that."

I smirked and looked down at our intertwined fingers "Nah. You just wanted an opportunity to hold my hand for longer. Hoe." She chuckled but furrowed her brows "What do you mean, that doesn't even make sense-" I laughed at her behaviour. If only we could be like this, forever. Like this, together. If only she showed this side of herself much more. She stopped laughing as we made eye contact. She held my gaze as I succumbed to her deep hazel pupils. By now, I was sitting sideways on her bed by her side. It was almost like there was an invisible magnet pulling me towards her, as  I averted my gaze to her pretty pink lips. Gosh how much I wanted to feel them against mine again. How much I wanted to taste those sweet lips again. It seemed she was feeling the same magnetic energy pulling us closer together, as she leaned in. It was only a matter of a few seconds before our lips met again in a chaste kiss.

Our lips rhythmically moving together. The need for oxygen completely slipping our minds. Which I'm sure were completely clouded by thoughts which we don't want to go into detail about. Our hands were still intertwined as we broke off the kiss before it got too heated again. The two of us were a blushing mess. She began stuttering "Uh. Why do we keep doing that? Gosh, this feels so weird, what's happening to me?" She lightly slapped both of her cheeks. I chuckled but realized that she was being serious. "If you haven't already figured it out, even after I was being so obvious.. I like you, Kira. I kinda sorta mighta like you a lot.." I admitted with a nervous smile. Deep down inside of me, I was really scared. Wondering whether she even returned the feelings in the first place. My heart, which was already hammering with anticipation, dropped when she gave me a sad smile. What does that mean? Oh god, it's rejection. I am not prepared for this.

"Sunwoo I.. I kinda sorta mighta really like you too." She blushed. I smiled and reached out to embrace her when she stopped me. I frowned in confusion. "Look. I just, don't think I can do this right now. I mean, don't get me wrong I would love to be in a relationship with you. It's just that I don't think I'm ready for this sort of thing yet. It seems pretty serious and I just wanna collect my thoughts and make sure I can handle all of it before getting committed. You know what I'm trying to say? I just don't think I can be in a serious relationship while working this job. We really need to be able to trust each other and communicate. And I'm not so good with that." She sighed and looked down sadly. I reached for her chin and used two of my fingers to lift it up. When she made eye contact with me once more, I mustered a smile. I should have seen this coming. "Hey, look. That's fine. Take all the time you need. I can wait for you. For as long as it takes." I promised, and I was sure as hell not going to break it. I was determined to wait for her.

She softly smiled and I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around her. Carefully paying attention to her shoulder while bringing her into my embrace. She put her chin on my shoulder and we stayed like that for a while before she backed up. "I really really like you Kira. I'm smitten with you. God knows how long I've waited for this." I admitted, still in a daze. "Hmm, and I'm smitten with you, douche." She chuckled with a light blush. I nodded with a knowing look. I'm pretty positive that I do love her. But seeing her and hearing what she has to say, I knew now was not the right time to say those three words which I've been longing to tell her. On top of that, we had previously talked about her opinion towards love, and I knew she wouldn't be comfortable with it that soon. 

Which is why I settled on telling her I really liked her. I took her by surprise, leaning in and giving her a swift peck.  She slapped my arm lightly and chuckled. "Let's go talk to everyone else. I have so many questions, And I need to see my best friend." She said, and carefully got out of the bed. Before she could walk too far, I stood next to her and reached out a hand for her to take. She rolled her eyes and pushed past me "I'm an independent woman. I can do just fine." She muttered and walked out. Leaving me alone "Of course." I took my time, walking to the living room, where everyone else were already gathered around her. I was not surprised to find Eric's head on Kira's lap as she played with his hair. The two of them chuckling about something with Alex noona. The others were too preoccupied to notice. I felt jealousy erupting inside of me, but I toned it down knowing that Eric wouldn't dare flirt with her on my watch.

I walked over to the love seat Haknyeon hyung was sitting on, sitting next to him and clearing my throat. Everyone snapped their heads towards me and I motioned for Sangyeon hyung to start talking. I looked around the room, spotting the somber faces of my brothers and sister. Hyunjae hyung's eyes were bloodshot, and I could tell he had been crying. He had his head rested on Younghoon hyung's shoulder. "I'm sure everyone's really confused right now. And so am I..." With that, Sangyeon hyung started explaining everything. From how he apparently met Kino hyung earlier, and how he knew about Hae all along. To how he knew Kino hyung was going to die to protect us. It's safe to say that everyone felt surprised but also betrayed by this news. Had we known about it, we could have helped. We could have somehow prevented Kino hyung's death. I can't even begin to imagine how much pain Hyunjae hyung is going through right now.

"You still didn't tell us why Hae was trying to kill you." Kevin hyung interjected. Sangyeon hyung sighed before replying with "Oh, that... She's Hwayoung's little sister." The entire room was filled with eruptions of gasps, confusion and chatter. This was definitely unexpected. "Are you serious? How did we not know about this? Chanmi did you know?" Chanhee asked. Alex noona shook her head "Now that I think about it, none of us really knew much about her. We never really talked about it." She looked at Akira who was nodding along and frowned. "Even when you were dating for three years?" Younghoon hyung continued. Once again, noona nodded as if guilty. Sangyeon hyung took the silence in the room as a sign to continue speaking. 

"Apparently, Hwayoung ran away from home to join bootcamp. The only person she ever really kept contact with, was Hae. They have an older sister, but nobody knows anything about her or her whereabouts. All we know is that her name is Heechul. When Hwayoung ran away for bootcamp, and started living with us afterwards, she barely talked to Hae. Hae apparently blamed me, for taking her sister away, and for causing her death. Because I was the only person Hwayoung told her about. And yeah, you get the rest. She was desperate for revenge. Wanted to kill me. Ended up getting shot and she died instead." Hyung wrapped up bluntly. Kira scoffed, Alex noona was wide-eyed. The rest of the boys were speechless, much like myself. 

Finally, after a long period of silence, Joon hyung asked the question we were all itching to find out "So, What now..?" Our leader smiled softly "Nothing, for now. Hae is.. you know. And we're done dealing with Pentagon. So I guess this is it, for now." Kira stood up carefully and all eyes landed on her "What do you mean? You still haven't gotten the USB." Juyeon hyung chuckled "It's fine Akira. Look." He held up his hand that had the USB on it. "Wait what? How?" She questioned and half of us seemed to be mirroring her confusion while Sangyeon hyung and Juyeon hyung were just smiling. "It was on the floor, when HUI left in a rush." Alex noona began laughing "Who would've thought it was going to be that easy?" Everyone agreed as they began chuckling and laughing along. Who knew how long this moment was going to last, before it was ruined all over again?

 Who knew how long this moment was going to last, before it was ruined all over again?

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