𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕦𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤

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Halfway through our shopping date, Kevin wanted to take a break on a bench. That was when Alex swooped in and got away with the bags. Damn, it's times like these when I can truly appreciate her athletic talents. Kevin was quick to get up, I made an entire scene out of it, crying and clutching onto Kevin. I told him it was alright, and that we wouldn't be able to catch up with the thief anymore. He tried reassuring me that he was going to get it back but I told him to forget about it and that I would pay him back. Almost immediately, he rejected my offer to pay him back, saying I shouldn't worry about finding money to pay him back. Little does he know.. I though to myself, internally smirking. Just as anticipated, he offered to buy me something else, which was less expensive. I agreed and we continued with our little 'date'.

We were just about to enter what we agreed was going to be the last store for the day, when Kevin got a call. Excusing himself like the polite gentleman he was, he took out his phone and started speaking. I was looking around, unbothered until I noticed the particular ring Kevin was sporting on his right hand. It looked oddly familiar and I began wondering where I had seen it before. Then it dawned on me. Younghoon has an almost identical ring. Instead of the black and gold this time, Kevin's ring was black and the roman numerals were in silver. I cocked an eyebrow and concluded that I would inquire about the ring after his phone call ended.

Unfortunately for me, Kevin looked at me worriedly in the midst of his conversation on the phone. Then he covered the reciever and handed me my shopping bags he was carrying, "I'm really really sorry Dami, but I have to go. I have an urgent meeting at work." Now I was beyond confused, my lips slightly parted from confusion, I could only nod in response to his apology. He smiled gratefully "Thanks. We can do this another time." However I was able to grab his hand and stop him. "One selfie..?" I asked innocently. He nodded and with his phone we took a picture doing the peace sign with our right hands. I did this to make sure his ring was visible in the picture so I could observe it later. And with that, he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and ran off. It was only then that I saw just how fast Kevin was. Within a matter of a mere few seconds, he had disappeared from my sight. Imagine what would have happened if he actually did run after Alex.

I had been standing there, staring blankly at nothing until I heard a whistle from behind me. I turned around to spot a smirking Alex with the stolen shopping bags in her hand. "Ay! Girl we did it, yet again!" She approached me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I nodded "Something weird is happening and I don't like this feeling I'm getting." I had an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach. For what reason? I wasn't so sure. Alex let go of her embrace and looked into my eyes "Since when were you a psychic medium Akira?" She continued joking around. "Shut it I'm serious Alex. Something seems really suspicious." I furrowed my brows and concentrated on figuring out what was so out of place.

Upon realizing that I was dead serious, Alex had a worried look on her face. "Let's go home, we can figure it out there. We need to leave before people start getting suspicious of us, I mean. You sure created a scene back there." She smirked to herself once more before pulling my arm and dragging me to the car with her. The entire time, I was very quiet. Still deep in thought. When we got home, she pulled me to the couch and got me a glass of cold water. "Okay what are you thinking? Tell me everything." I sighed and began to voice my thoughts "Alright, well everything was fine, until I noticed a peculiar detail." I ran into my room and brought out Younghoon's ring, carefully observing it to make sure I was not mistaken. "See this ring I stole yesterday?" Alex nodded "Yeah..?" I continued "Kevin, he was wearing the same ring. See?" I took out my phone and opened the selfie Kevin had texted me.

I zoomed into the ring in the picture, it was barely clear enough for me to see the numerals printed on his ring. Alex gasped. I took a look at Younghoon's ring it had the numbers 17.12.6. Kevin's ring however, had the numbers 4 and 3. The last number was not visible and I sighed in disappointment. What could these numbers mean? Do Kevin and Younghoon perhaps know each other? Are they part of a gang, or the mafia? That could explain kevin's agility. And also Younghoon speaking about doing a deal last night..? And the overly expensive accessories. No normal person would carry 5,000 dollars cash to a bar, right..?"Oh my god." I gasped. "What is it?" Alex asked me. "I think I got us involved in some mafia or gang related shit..." I confessed. I wasn't sure if it was absolute. We still had to prove whether it was true or not, but as far as I was concerned, we were in deep trouble.

"No shit. The two have almost identical rings and it can't be coincidence. Look, these are custom made. And I'm pretty sure both of em aren't gay with each other, I mean. What does that make you then..?" Alex showed me the inner part of the ring with a motif on it. It could only mean one thing. That the two are indeed part of a gang. "Okay here's the plan. I'll hand over this ring to Hae, and I'll text her that selfie too. She can run some research and figure out who exactly we're dealing with. The ring must be pretty significant, and we still have to decipher what the numbers mean. On top of that, we stole their cash. So we need to figure out some way to hide it if we aren't gonna give it back to them, which totally depends on what gang we're dealing with. Got it?" Alex immediately constructed a plan.

"Alright-" While I was speaking, the front door opened and in came Hae. Right on time. The two of us scrambled forward to Hae, speaking at the same time. "Woah woah calm down. All I hear is gibberish." Hae put her hands up to stop us. We settled down inside the office as Alex began explaining the situation. After she finished her explanation, Hae sighed "Damn." Taking the ring in one hand and her phone with the selfie on the other, she looked up at us "This might take a while. I'll let you guys know as soon as I find out." We left her alone in the office and trudged outside. We separated ways in the living room. Myself going to freshen up, and Alex going to get a snack. About another hour was wasted, lazing around in the Penthouse when I heard Alex calling my name. "AKIRA! Office!" Unable to contain both my excitement and my nerves, I dashed to the office.

When I got there, the couple were already present. I took a seat on the couch as Hae began explicating. "I've conducted some research, and there are only 24 rings of this kind. 12 of them have the same series of numbers as Younghoon's. The other 12 have the same numbers as Kevin's. I ran some authenticity tests and these rings are fucking expensive and rare. I also found from the test, that this Motif does belong to a gang. The Boyz.." I froze in shock. "The Boyz, as in The Boyz?" I exclaimed. Her head inclined "Well what are the odds?" Alex chuckled. "You just managed to con two members of one of the most powerful gangs in the entire continent. Damn bitch I'm impressed." I was still frozen, unresponsive to her compliment. Instead, I stated "They must be after us as we speak. We are so totally dead."

"I wasn't finished yet. I managed to decode the roman numerals on Younghoon's ring. 17.12.6. It was the date The Boyz were first formed. I can't figure out what the numbers on Kevin's ring means, cause one of them is missing. It could mean anything. And.." Hae continued. "And what?" "And Akashi and Jihoon announced last night that The Boyz were going to be their successors after they retire. So, technically you also messed with the successors of the biggest criminal masterminds in Korea." I collapsed back into the couch. "Wonderful. What the actual fuck are we supposed to do now..?" The two girls in front of me glanced at each other and looked apologetically at me. Shrugging their shoulders indicating they had no idea, much like myself.

 Shrugging their shoulders indicating they had no idea, much like myself

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