𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕦𝕡 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥

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I sighed as we approached the ever-so glorious mansion that belonged to The Boyz. Alex gasped in awe "Damn, y'all must be filthy rich out here.." The two boys escorting us to the meeting room shrugged nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. No wonder some of them were so stuck up at first, like Sangyeon and Sunwoo. As we entered the meeting room, I saw that everyone was already present. Damn, this place is huge. The conference table would have been at least a good 8 feet long. Multiple chairs were arranged around the perimeter of the long rectangular table.

Most of the chairs were already occupied, leaving two chairs for Alex and I. As soon as we entered, all of the boys stood up politely. I saw that Sunwoo, being the arrogant brat he is, didn't stand until Jacob smacked the back of his neck. Urging him to stand. I silently scoffed at the scene before me, walking towards the chairs designated for us. "Okay then, let's get straight to business, shall we?" Sangyeon began talking about their deal with Bangtan. To say that we were shocked would be an understatement. He then went on to explain how this other gang had evidence of the deal, which they needed to find and destroy.

"This shit's messed up," Alex whispered to me as I nodded in agreement. I discreetly looked around the room and saw that majority of the guys were listening while Sunwoo, Hyunjae and Eric seemed a bit preoccupied with their own stuff. I clasped my hands together and cleared my throat. Making Sangyeon pause, and everyone look at me. "So uh. Not to be rude, but are you planning on telling us who this group is?" I questioned. Younghoon snickered. "Of course. They're called Pentagon." He answered. My eyes widened as I looked at Alex. She had a worried expression on her face and I tried my best not to hyperventilate as my eyes darted around the room.

They settled on Sunwoo, who sat directly in front of me. A look of concern plastered on his face as he mouthed an "Are you okay?" To me. I nodded in response, for I found it hard to speak. But I wasn't okay. I couldn't possibly get involved in a feud against my brother's gang. I took the glass of water sitting in front of me. Bringing it to my lips and gulping the water down quickly. Alex placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and began speaking "I'm really sorry but I don't think we can get involved in any affairs associated with Penta-" I put a hand on her thigh, making her stop talking and look at me. I shook my head and mouthed "It's okay, I can do it." She glanced worriedly asking me "Are you sure?" To which I nodded and cleared my throat once more.

"We'll do it on one condition." I croaked out, readjusting my vocal cords. Sangyeon raised a brow and motioned for me to continue. "Leave their member, Kino out of this." Everyone looked at me in surprise. Some gasped, some stared, others cocked an eyebrow. Nevertheless, it was evident on their faces that they were taken aback by my sudden request. "Why? Is he your boyfriend or something?" Haknyeon inquired. I smirked, finding the opportunity to tease him. "No, Hak. He's just a really good friend and I trust him. If he was involved in something like that, he would tell me. You seem like you're jealous." He blushed at the nickname and shook his head. Whatever floats your boat, Hak.. Kevin winked at me and did the ok sign with his fingers. Sunwoo had his signature smirk on his face as he eyed me. No shit.

"That's great! It's a deal then. You see, Kino is a very trusted friend of ours too! He was supposed to be in our gang, but he couldn't due to circumstances." I nodded in realization. "He was childhood best friends with Hyunjae, you know?" Sangyeon pointed at a beaming Hyunjae. Oh, so it was this Hyunjae. "Wow. He never told me he was friends with you!" Hyunjae spoke, standing up. I chuckled "Yeah, our friendship is very secretive. On the other hand, he's told me many wonderful things about you!" I smiled and complimented him. To which he blushed profusely, muttering an "Oh please" as he sat back down. I saw Sunwoo lean over to Eric and whisper something in his ear. Eric nodded along and when he pulled away, Eric raised his hand like a student in class. How adorable.

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