𝔸𝕟 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤

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After trying to figure out what to do about the whole situation and with the money I stole from Younghoon, we all took a break to calm down. I took out my phone when I heard a notification go off. It was that Ju Haknyeon guy. He sent me a text saying hi, so I quickly replied to him. "Hey. What's up?" After a few moments, he replied with "Nothing much? You?" I told him I didn't have much going on either. And just like that, we started talking. He had liked all of my posts and he talked about how all of my pictures were really cute. I thanked him for the endless compliments he was giving me, flattered by his words. We talked about everything ranging from our posts to our hobbies to allergies and to the most important topic; food. That was when I found out how much we really had in common. My Instagram bio says "Food is life." His bio says "Life is nothing without good food." And we found a common interest in talking about all kinds of food.

I didn't even comprehend how long we had been talking to each other until I got a call from an unknown number. Texting a quick bye to Haknyeon, I picked up the phone "Who is this?". It was from Younghoon. Shit. I called Alex and Hae over and put the phone on speaker. He invited me over for dinner the next night to which I decided to agree after much persuasion from Alex.


Getting ready with my blonde wig on and minimal makeup, I took the cash and the Rolex and put it inside my clutch. Alex dropped me off at the bus stop ten minutes away from our condominium and I waited for Younghoon there. I couldn't risk him finding out my address, so I insisted he picked me up at the bus stop. I wasn't sure where we were going, but he told me we were having dinner together. I simply agreed and thought of a way to come clean about the stolen valuables. But then again, what if he never suspected me in the first place? What if he thought it was someone else and not some "innocent" girl like me? After a rather awkward 30 minute drive, with him tapping unconsciously on the steering wheel, and myself humming to the radio, we arrived at a grand isolated mansion. Oh fuck. What if he kidnaps me and keeps me, hostage, here? And he uses me to blackmail Alex?

My breathing got heavier as he parked inside the garage and opened the door for me. I am the most wanted con artist in the country. I can get out of this! I tried to motivate myself and stay positive. "This is where you live..?" I asked. I honestly should have expected it. Knowing he was part of a huge gang. I took his arm as he spoke "Yeah. It's not much, but it's home." He chuckled. My eyes widened as part of my act "Not much? Are you kidding me right now? How do you afford this??" He uttered, "Oh I'm sure you already know how." As we walked inside. The moment I entered the living room, my heart dropped. The entire gang was there. All 12 of them, including Younghoon. I looked around but stood tall and confident. I wasn't going to cower down because of a gang of extremely good looking guys that could potentially work as part-time supermodels.

My eyes observed the room and the faces around. Some of them glanced at me and looked unbothered, going back to their own stuff. Others kept staring at me suspiciously, making me want to turn around and run away. But of course, being the stubborn bitch I am, I refused to back down without a fight. I saw Kevin sitting down on the floor near the couch, we made eye contact and he took a double-take. He can't know I'm Dami. I have a completely different look. What surprised me the most was seeing Haknyeon sitting on a loveseat, staring at me quizzically, which made me let out a silent gasp.  Every single guy I got involved with this week, are part of the same gang. How convenient? Without wasting more time delving into an awkward silence, I cleared my throat and introduced myself. "Hi! I'm Nari. Lee Nari. Nice to meet you all. Younghoonie I didn't know you lived with so many other guys?" I turned to Younghoon.

I heard the guy sitting at the end of the couch mutter "slut" which was obviously directed at me. I paid no heed to the dark pink-haired guy with the sharp jawline as I simply glared at him and waited for Younghoon to reply. "Y-" "Hi, I'm Sangyeon. The Leader." A guy with extremely broad shoulders and a welcoming smile stood up and walked to us. Oh fuck. It's the leader. He reached out a hand for me to shake and I smiled in return, taking his hand and firmly shaking it. A way of asserting dominance, I read somewhere. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and nodded along. "Please, have a seat. I believe we have some things to sort out." Damn, this guy is good. Younghoon sat down on the floor, leaning against the legs of a guy with cotton candy coloured hair. Who would've thought a gang member would rock such an adorable colour? Looking around for a spot to sit in, I realized that there was a free space next to the guy from earlier who called me a slut. Great. I squeezed in between the guy and another guy with light brown hair. He gave me a soft smile that looked ever so angelic. Seriously, how the fuck are people even remotely this good looking? Is this guy an angel?

I sighed as Sangyeon stood in front of the room and began to talk. "Okay. I believe introductions are much needed. As you already know, my name is Sangyeon. That's Sunwoo-" He pointed at the guy who called me a slut. Then to the angel "Jacob". Sitting by Jacob's legs was Kevin "Kevin". The Sangyeon guy kept pointing " Eric, Hyunjoon, Hyunjae, Changmin, Haknyeon, Chanhee, and lastly, Juyeon." I nodded as I tried to mentally note all of their names and faces down. It would've been helpful. "We believe you have something of ours."Okay, getting straight to the interrogation,  are we? I nodded. No point in hiding it now. But I should at least come out in style. I stood up gracefully and took out my clutch. I smirked as I slowly fished out Younghoon's diamond Rolex. Their eyes went wide. "This what you were looking for?" Younghoon, who had his jaw slacked, nodded. Haha, Who's got the upper hand now?

Sangyeon tried speaking but I hushed him by putting a finger to his satisfyingly soft and plump lips. "And this? Your team ring? With the date of your formation on it?" I held up the ring and proceeded to look around at everyone's faces. The Sunwoo guy was now smirking. Probably impressed. Dumbass. Jacob the angel looked surprised, along with a few others I can't remember the names of. Younghoon's jaw slacked even lower than before. Kevin was staring at me even more suspiciously now. Haknyeon's face mirrored that of a confused puppy, which I found slightly adorable. The guy sitting next to the pink-haired fairy, who was gorgeous by the way. (I think his name was Chanhee..?) Spoke "Damn guys. She's good. She even did her research." To which the Chanhee dude hushed him."Shut up Juyeon." "I know who you are, The Boyz. Successors to Akashi and Jihoon. Twelve member gang, which I may add, is one of the strongest in the country, if not the whole continent. You guys are pretty impressive. But not when it comes to hiding your identities. Tch" I started a confident speech, my smirk growing wider with each of their reactions.

Sunwoo nodded along and Kevin even went to the point of squinting his eyes to figure out who I really was. It's only a matter of time before I get caught. I thought to myself. "Oh. And I forgot the most important item, didn't I? Don't worry I didn't spend any of your filthy money." I took out the technically untouched wad of cash and threw it at Sangyeon. "There you go. Happy?" He caught it and looked at me in disbelief. I thought so. "I have already answered all of my questions for you. But the real question is, Do you know who I am?" This was fun. Who would've thought the biggest gang in Korea would fall weak in front of me. Just a con artist. Not even remotely close to being as powerful as them when it came to crime. Some of them shook their heads. Some of them just stayed still, rudely staring at me. This was going to be interesting. Very interesting. I smirked again.

 I smirked again

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