𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕜

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It's been two tough weeks since the mission. Since Hae and Kino died. Since we got the USB back. Alex has been struggling a lot these past few days. Having to deal with the fact that Hae is gone, on top of the breakup and her infidelity, it was definitely taking a toll on her. Both mentally, and physically. Two days after the mission, we ended up moving in permanently with the guys. Neither one of us could bear living in the penthouse where we had made countless memories with Hae. Her scent still lingered around the house, her belongings scattered everywhere. We had a hard time going through her stuff, but with help from some of the guys and especially Chanhee who comfort us both during the process, we managed to get rid of her stuff.

"Hey. I brought you some food since you skipped lunch today."

I spoke as I entered the bedroom Alex had locked herself in. She had been doing nothing but crying and sulking. Who could blame her though? Alex had really fallen for Hae, and the two had been dating for three years prior to the latter's untimely death. The only people she ever really talked to, were me, Chanhee and Sangyeon Oppa. She barely came out of her room and often skipped meals. I spent most of my time with her, trying to comfort her and do everything in my power to make her feel better again. It pained me to see my best friend so miserable and depressed. On top of that I, myself, have been struggling with PTSD. Usually finding myself unable to sleep at night.

"Thanks. I fell asleep."

Alex spoke while getting up from her bed and taking the tray in her hands. She frowned upon seeing my face close up.

"Haven't you been sleeping Akira?"

"No, no. I'm doing fine. Why would you think that?"

"No, you have these ugly ass eyebags and even dark circles underneath your eyes. Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's nothing, Alex. Believe me. I just didn't want to worry you."

"She has been experiencing nightmares. Jacob hyung thinks it's PTSD." Chanhee stated while entering the room. "Fuck you." I directed at Chanhee who smiled and shrugged. "She's your best friend. She deserves to know." He defended himself while taking a spot next to Alex on her bed. Alex finished up her food and smiled softly. "Akira, you should have just told me." I nodded in defeat and slumped my shoulders. "That's alright! Sunwoo helps her out at night...Anyways. Sangyeon hyung called for a meeting. We need to get to the living room for some exciting news! His words, not mine." Chanhee wiggled his brows and chuckled. "It's been a hot minute since he held one of those meetings. Wonder what that's about." I mumbled while we made our way out of Alex's room. The other two nodding along at my words.

By the time we reached the living room, everyone was already there. I made eye contact with Sunwoo who smiled and waved me over to sit with him on one of the loveseats. I smiled and left Alex's side as the other two went to settle down as well. Taking a seat next to him, he immediately scooted ever so close to me, and discreetly put an arm around my waist. I chuckled but didn't move away from his touch. Ever since our confessions a few weeks ago, he has been much nicer to me. Excluding the consistent teasing and annoying, of course. He has also been rather affectionate, if I may add. It's flattering, but I still find myself flinching or moving away. Purely because of my dislike for skinship. However, I am learning how to get over it and used to it. We never really made it official between ourselves, or to anyone else for that matter.

Sangyeon Oppa looked around the room at all of our faces before he began talking. "Our dinner party is the day after tomorrow! We have successfully destroyed the USB evidence, so we essentially have nothing to worry about! At least, for now." He finished unsurely. "Wait, what dinner party?" Alex implored. "Our celebration for taking over 'A x J' silly." Changmin giggled. I nodded upon realisation. After some more small talk and catching up together, everyone dispersed to go back to their own activities. "Hey, hoe," Sunwoo spoke his first words to me after everyone else left us alone in the living room. "What do you want, douche?" I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my date to the dinner...?" He proposed. "Do you have to take a date for the dinner?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Then why do you want me to be your date?" I pondered. He sighed "Why not?"

After a few moments of contemplation, I nodded with a smile. His smile grew wider "Thanks, Kira." "No problemo!" I chuckled. I got up and moved to the larger sofa, where I proceeded to lay down and stare at the ceiling. Sunwoo frowned because I moved away from him. "How's noona?" He asked. I sighed "She's getting better. She's not crying all the time now, so I guess that's an improvement." I turned and saw him nodding along. "Wanna watch a movie?" I gave him a cheeky grin. "Wow. You actually want to willingly spend time with me?" He gasped dramatically. I rolled my eyes "We spend time alone, together every day, what are you on about?" His eyes widened "What are you on about? I'm the one who makes all the plans and drags you along with me!" I sat up and put my hands up in surrender "Okay, okay. I'm sorry I don't have time for your boring antics."

He gasped and put a hand to his chest. "Come on! Let's watch a horror!" I said as I got up and began walking towards my room. I grinned as I heard Sunwoo complaining about horror movies and trying to convince me to watch something else, as he followed behind me. Upon entering my room, I hurried to put on a good movie and got comfortable in my bed. Sunwoo walked in and smiled. Running and flopping down on my bed while moaning in satisfaction. "You're weird. Now shut up and watch the movie." I mumbled while rolling my eyes. He copied me, rolling his eyes and cuddled up to my side. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "I'm protecting you. Duh!" He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What do I need protection from?" I was confused.

"We're watching a horror. You might get scared. I'm here to protect you! That's what all guys do when they have movie dates right? The girl gets scared and it becomes an opportunity for the guy to cuddle with them?" He scoffed after speaking. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as deep as they would go "I'll be the judge of that." I chuckled. As the movie began, Sunwoo leaned back on the headboard, pulling me to his side. We sat shoulder to shoulder, as he cuddled me from the side. I sat unbothered and chuckling for the majority of the movie. On the other hand, Sunwoo was a screaming, panicking mess.

It was rather hilarious. After his showcase before the movie, I ended up having to protect him throughout the movie. "I wasn't scared! I was empathising with you, did you see your face? You were horrified!" He began rambling once I started laughing at him after the movie. "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, douche." I continued laughing. He pouted "Whatever." and crossed his arms. I took the opportunity to lean in and plant a peck on his pout. He blushed profusely, mumbling something about "The roles are being reversed" and "I am a disgrace." I checked the time on the clock. 9:45 pm already? I then realized that we had skipped dinner. "Oh shit. We accidentally skipped dinner." I told him, as he looked at me in concern. "So? Are you hungry?" He replied. I thought about it for a moment and glanced at the tubs of empty ice cream and popcorn laying on the floor. "Nah, I'll just go to sleep. I'm tired. You can leave now, Shoo shoo." I tried pushing him off the bed.

"Why are you so rude to me? I thought you liked me!" He whined. Why was he acting like such a baby today?  "No, I said I kinda sorta mighta have a crush on you. I never really confirmed it." He rolled his eyes "Whatever. My future girlfriend won't even let me spend the night with her." I blushed at the thought of being his girlfriend, and chuckled. I lay down and tucked myself under the sheets. "Fine. Come here, you douche." I mumbled. He beamed and hopped on the bed, immediately bringing me into his arms and snuggling his face into the crook of my neck.

"I kinda sorta mighta like you a lot Kira." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Well, I kinda sorta mighta really like you too Sunwoo."


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