𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕦𝕡

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The day had started out like any other. I did my best to act normal during breakfast, which proved to be difficult. Knowing the day was getting closer with every passing minute, my stress seemed to be increasing faster. Would we regret this? Was this the right thing to do? How are we gonna survive after this? What about the guys? How are they gonna react? Would they simply let us go? Are we even actually considered family? Would I ever see them again? Would I be able to talk to them again? What about Sunwoo? What do I tell him? Would this really be the end for the two of us? Would I ever be able to get over him? Will I find someone else to love? How would he handle it? Should I talk to him? Will I be able to talk to him? What do I say to him? A billion questions were nagging in my head adding to the exhaustion from losing multiple nights of sleep, annoying me even more.

I was sat on the couch staring blankly at the wall, too absorbed in my worrying until I heard the maknae's cheerful voice. "Noona!" He half-screamed, jumping onto the couch beside me and latching onto my arm like the overly affectionate child he is. I hummed as Hyunjae and Younghoon also joined us. Both of them taking a seat in front of Eric and I. Before any of them could start speaking, I sighed. Sinking down next to Eric, I rested my head on his shoulder. The boy fidgeted around before speaking. "Everyone, and especially you have been very down lately. I'm sure your recovery is being a pain in the ass-" I smacked his arm "Language, child." He frowned, when Younghoon started speaking. "Yeah. The point is, we all need to do something together! To get our minds relaxed before we go back to work."

I furrowed my brows "Okay..?"

"Why aren't you excited? Why is she not excited hyung? Why is she acting like this?-"

"Calm down Eric. Is there anything specific that you wanna do with all of us Akira?" Hyunjae interjected.

I shook my head. "Nothing that I can think of, at the moment.."

"Oh my god! Let's go to a waterpark together!" Eric burst out.

"As much as I'd like to, I  can't even get in the water if we went." I spoke, pointing towards my torso which still had bandages wrapped around them under my clothes.

"That's true.." Younghoon sulked.

"How about we play Secret Santa? It'll be a fun way to get to know each other better. Plus, we can go shopping together!" Hyunjae beamed while giving us his idea.

"That's a great idea! How about we pick out our partners today, and go shopping maybe day after tomorrow?" I genuinely smiled. The least Alex and I could do was have fun and make the most of the time we have left with them. I stopped smiling once I spotted Sunwoo walking towards us. We hadn't talked or interacted since he asked me to be his girlfriend, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I really fucking missed him. "Uh.. can I talk to you, Akira..?" He called me Akira.. Not Kira. I found myself nodding silently, as he beckoned for me to follow him. The two older guys shot me anxious looks, with Eric patting my arm comfortingly. Leaving their side, I followed Sunwoo out to one of the many balconies in the mansion. He turned around to face me, looking at the floor as if he was guilty.

"Hmm?" I asked, folding my arms together and raising a brow. "I just wanted to say, I'm so fucking sorry. I should've been more considerate of your point of view. I told you that I would wait for you for as long as it takes, but I didn't. I rushed it, and ended up messing things up. I really want you to forgive me so we can start things over again.. Go back to the way we used to be.. I've missed you so fucking much, and all I want to do is just make things right with you and have you back in my arms. I'm sorry Kira, I really am.." He spoke so fast, it sounded like he was rapping. It was kinda hot.. I discreetly shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. Not the time, Akira. "It's okay Sunwoo.." He looked up from the floor with a small smile "Really?" I nodded, a small smile creeping its way onto my face as well.

"It's not just your fault. I should have thought about your feelings too, instead of leading you on like that when I knew I wasn't ready for a serious relationship. So for that, I'm sorry. Can we just go back to the way things were?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. He nodded, immediately rushing forward and capturing me in his arms. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him as well, slightly gasping from the sudden lack of air and the stinging pain from my abdomen that he was squeezing. I pat his arm twice and whispered "I'm injured.." He immediately loosened the hug. "I'm sorry," he chuckled. He arms were resting around my waist, with mine around his neck. I stared into his eyes, since we were both around the same height. "Oh. And one more thing." He smiled. I ushered him to continue. 

"I love you too, Kira. Ever since the day I set my eyes on you, almost an year ago." He confessed. My eyes watered, both from happiness and sorrow. The two of us leaned forward, capturing each other's lips in a sweet and passionate kiss. I cherished the feeling of his soft and plump lips on mine, running my hand through his hair just how he likes it. I could feel the passion and emotion radiating around us. It felt like fireworks were going off, with my heart doing a bunch of flips. It was like one of those cliche' movie moments, and I never wanted it to end. I missed him so much. We broke off, smiling like two idiots. I took the time to appreciate his mere exitence and all he had done for me. I knew I couldn't hold my tears back any longer, so I hugged him again so that he wouldn't see me crying.

Sunwoo smiled, hugging me back a tad bit harder. My tears flowed freely, dropping onto his shoulder and wetting his shirt. The love of my life gasped, pulling away and frowning. He wiped my tears "Why are you crying, hoe?" I chuckled at his nickname for me, and half-lied "Sorry, I'm just so happy.." We parted from the hug upon hearing a squeal. Turning to our side, we saw all 12 of the others peeking from behind the wall. Some of them were in tears, others were beaming, and Eric was squealing. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.


I approached Juyeon, who was holding a fedora with small folded papers inside it. Cautiously reaching in, I shuffled the papers around before picking one slip for myself. I scurried to the other end of the room, carefully opening the paper slip and reading the singular name written on it. I had to get a gift for Kevin! I smiled to myself, observing the reactions of the others. Everybody else were smiling too, much like myself, so I couldn't really figure out who got who. I wonder who my secret Santa is. Sitting back down next to Juyeon, I smirked "You got me, didn't you?" I tried to coax him into telling me. "I'm not telling you!" He grinned in a cheeky manner. "Come on! Cut me some slack, please..?" I whined but to no avail. I pouted, giving up and turning away from a proud, smirking Juyeon. I can't wait to go shopping. For a moment, I dismissed all of my worries and focused on having a good time with the people I loved.

 For a moment, I dismissed all of my worries and focused on having a good time with the people I loved

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