𝔸𝕟 𝕀𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖

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After freshening up and spending some time with Younghoon and Chanhee, I sat down at my usual seat at dinner. Everyone soon arrived, and I chatted with Alex, seeing as how I never really got to spend much time with her these past few days. Sangyeon oppa (Yes, Alex and I decided to call him Oppa since he is the oldest, our leader, and deserves our respect) arrived as well and we were about to eat until Changmin pointed out that Sunwoo wasn't here. I was disappointed in myself for not noticing earlier, especially since he sits right next to me at the table. "I'll go get him." Changmin announced and left the table as the rest of us began eating. Moments later he came back with a slight frown "He's sleeping, and I didn't want to wake him up. He looked so peaceful, and you know..?" He shared a knowing look with the guys, who nodded.

Alex and I were in the dark as to what was happening, so I cautiously asked them "What do you mean you know..?" Was something wrong? "Oh. Sunwoo has insomnia. He barely sleeps at night. It's very severe, and it's pretty rare that he sleeps during this time. He usually just falls asleep during daytime, and takes small naps." Sangyeon oppa cleared it out for us. Alex nodded and hummed in understanding, as did I. How did we not come to know of this sooner? We've been living with him for months now. "But he needs to eat" Jacob pointed out. I don't know what came over me, as I cleared my throat "Uh. I can take his food for him after dinner.." Why was I doing this? Chanhee looked over to me, wiggling his eyebrows and Alex gave me a thumbs up. What was their problem? I'm only trying to help. "That's a good idea." Sangyeon oppa smiled warmly, and I briefly nodded back. And just like that, along with the accompaniment of small talk and useless chatter, dinner was over.

Going into the kitchen, I asked the cook to prepare a plate for Sunwoo, which she graciously did. I thanked her and took the tray in my hands, walking towards his room. When I got there, I saw that there was no light coming through the gap from under the door. Leading me to believe that he really was still asleep. Knocking carefully on the door, I waited for a response, and ultimately I got none. Checking to see if the door was unlocked, I carefully gripped the doorknob and turned it. It was open. I poked my head inside the moonlit bedroom. "Sunwoo..? You awake..? I have food." Looking around, my eyes finally settled on him. He was sitting up and reading. Seriously? And he doesn't even respond to my knocks. Shaking my head in disbelief, I flipped the light switch on and walked in. Closing the door behind me. "When did you wake up?" I asked him as I slowly approached his bed.

Setting the food tray down on the bedside table, I stood near his bed. He pointed to the empty space in front of him, gesturing for me to sit down. And so I did, as he spoke "I never actually fell asleep. I just wanted to be alone." I frowned "Is something wrong? And why didn't you tell me you had insomnia?" He chuckled "One, nothing you need to know. Two, why would I have to tell you I have insomnia?" That was just cold. "Uh. I was only trying to help. Stop being such a douche about it." I got up to leave, already getting triggered by his annoying attitude. People like him are the reason I have such short temper sometimes. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me from leaving. I looked at him expectantly and cocked a brow "What?" He sighed "I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood right now." I hummed and sat back down. "Wanna talk about it?" I proposed. He shook his head "Not really, but you can stay here while I eat?" He spoke.

After a few seconds of contemplation I agreed. The two of us made small talk as Sunwoo finished up his dinner and placed the empty tray on his bedside table. "Right. I'll get going now." I hurried to pick up the tray. "Wait. Why are you in such a hurry?" he stopped me again. "I don't know, I'm losing valuable sleep time, and you seemed like you wanted me to leave." I was agitated. "Oh, right. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like that. Your company is actually...kinda nice.." He shyly rubbed his nape as he spoke. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. Wait, why? I smiled "Then you should've told me as opposed to acting like a douche. Douche." He chuckled "Wanna go outside?" and pointed at his balcony. I raised my arms for Sunwoo to observe my current state of dressing. I was wearing one of my silk shirts and pyjama short sets. "I can't go out. I'll freeze."

So the two of us settled on the floor, near the big sliding glass doors that led to the balcony. Leaning against the wall and talking for what felt like hours. We never really addressed Sunwoo's sleep issue, or any matter that was too deep and personal. We just got to know each other more, is all. I was looking out at the moon, when I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked to my side to find that Sunwoo had fallen asleep, and his head was currently on my shoulder. I sighed and smiled to myself "Time for me to leave, I guess." Carefully removing his head from my shoulder and leaning it against the wall, I took the blanket from his bed, and wrapped it around his figure. He subconsciously smiled and snuggled deeper into the warmth of the blanket. Adorable. I leaned down and kissed the crown of his head "Sleep tight douche."


I had a really peaceful sleep last night, and surprisingly woke up in a really good mood today. Putting my training wear on, I went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was already up and awake, myself being the last one to come downstairs. I smiled and waved to everyone, who looked confused. Already having lived with them for a couple of months now, they knew I was a rather moody and grumpy person in the morning. Sitting down, I smiled to Sunwoo, who surprisingly returned a warm smile to me. In the midst of breakfast he leaned over and whispered "Thanks for last night. That was the best sleep I've had in weeks. Although I was on the floor, but yeah.." I chuckled, but frowned upon realizing he hadn't slept well in weeks.

Today, we switched things up a bit. I was set to train with the hyung line for a day, and Alex with the maknaes. I was rather excited about getting away from the chaotic maknaes and going to the hyungs for a change. Eric on the other hand, was clutching onto me "Noonaaa! I'll miss you~ No offense Alex noona." He whined. I shoved him off with a laugh "Calm down child. It's only for a day!" To make matters worse, Kevin put an arm around my shoulders and mocked Eric "Come on Akira! We're gonna have so much fun today!" These guys are unbelievable, I swear. I chuckled and let myself get dragged to the training grounds. The guys taught me some new tricks I hadn't learned, and I even tried archery today. It's actually way more fun than I anticipated. The hyungs were just as childish as the maknaes. And myself being the maknae during training, they teased me and made fun a lot.

I never took it to heart though, since it was all fun and jokes. Towards the end of the day, In the midst of our laughter, Sangyeon oppa began running after me to try and tickle me. I ran around frantically trying to escape him, while the rest of the guys were spectating. I hid behind Juyeon who did a bad job with protecting me, as he left me to fend for myself. I was caught off-guard at that moment, as Sangyeon oppa lunged forward, capturing me in his arms and tickling my sides. I wheezed out "A-ah Sangie oppa! Stop- Stop it please! Fuck-" And he did. But then the entire room went quiet. Sangyeon oppa turned and walked away quietly as I was left there in utter confusion and slight shock. The guys looked at me apologetically, as Chanhee came to my side. "Did I do something?" I asked him, worried about the sudden change in the atmosphere.

Chanhee put a reassuring hand on my arm "Uh. It's not really your fault, but it's the nickname." I frowned "I only said it cause I couldn't breathe, and his name is too long for my lazy ass to pronounce." Changmin approached me as well, smiling softly. "It's alright Akira. You don't know, and it was just an innocent mistake." I felt like I had messed something up. Looking around I saw that Sangyeon oppa had left the training grounds. He must be back at the house. "I'm gonna talk to him" I announced as I walked off. The guys tried to stop me, but I ignored their calls and walked back home. Now, to find him.. I walked around the huge mansion for what felt like an eternity, before I finally spotted him on the balcony. I slowly approached him and put a hand on his shoulder as he turned around. "I'm sorry oppa, but is everything okay?"...

 "I'm sorry oppa, but is everything okay?"

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