𝕌𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖

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Alex Lee:

My heart shattered, as I sat there embracing my weeping best friend. "For once, we actually felt happy. We actually belonged, in a family. We actually felt complete. And now, we have to leave it all behind." Akira spoke through ugly sobs. I couldn't say anything. Guilt and remorse filling my own heart. I just sat there, running a hand through her hair and trying not to spill tears of my own. Nodding along to everything she said, without any objections. This really was it. The end of our short lived happiness. All we could do now, was mentally prepare for the day. "I've got a friend. She's got a place we can temporarily crash at, until we can get back up on our own again" I proposed to the girl in my arms, who nodded somberly. I sighed, knowing that this was going to be painful and hard for us to go through with.


All 14 of us were gathered around the living room, watching a movie together. An entire week has passed and Akira has been slowly, yet surely recovering. The two of us have been trying our best to act as normal as possible. Keeping up with the usual banter, making fun of the guys, and making the most of the time we had left. Unfortunately, despite myself and Chanie's efforts we still haven't gotten Akira to talk to Sunwoo and sort things out between them. It would be a shame if the two had to end things like this without any closure. I had cuddled up with Hyunjae, with Hak on my other side. Akira was sitting across the room with Kevin, Joon and Chanie.

"Run, Forrest! Run!"

The sound of the movie on the TV echoed through the air. The room had broken out into a series of gasps and whispers every now and then. It was mostly Sunwoo and Juyeon asking about what one of the dialogues meant, since the movie was in english. Two hours of this and we were finally done with the movie. One glance at the clock and I observed that it was 2:30 am. Everyone parted ways to go to their respective rooms, myself helping Akira to her own room. "How are you feeling now? Getting around better?" I asked her as we entered her room. She settled down on her bed "Yeah. I can get by on my own now. I guess I'm ready.." She sighed. I nodded "Next week then..?" She sighed again "Next week." I gave her a sad smile, quietly turning around and leaving the room.

The next morning, I was woken up by none other than Kim Sunwoo. It was no surprise that I was taken aback by him. Out of all the guys, I had least expected Sunwoo to wake me up. "Hello." I spoke groggily. "Hey noona. I was wondering, how is Kira now..?" He asked cautiously. I sighed "She's doing okay. Why didn't you ask her yourself?" He frowned "She's been avoiding me since that day, and we haven't spoken once. I'm worried, noona." "Come 'ere!" I sat up and motioned for him to sit on my bed as well. "Talk to me." I told him. The kid blushed a light pink, "What do you mean?" I chuckled "Tell me what is really going on." He nodded, looking up at the ceiling as if he was deep in thought. "I want to make things right with her. I don't want to lose her, because of some small fight." I nodded. "Can I be completely honest with you, Sunwoo?" I asked him.

"Uh.. sure." He hesitated. "That incident. It didn't seem so small for Akira. You see, she's not used to having someone care for her like that. She's usually only had small flings every now and then. She's still very young. You both are. This is the first time she has found someone she extremely cares for. Someone she wants to stay with. Someone she loves. She loves you, Sunwoo. But she just realized it. Her being the over-thinking bitch she is, doesn't want to risk anything. She's not scared of commitment. She's scared of losing you. And to be honest, you both are perfect for each other. You were doing just fine without the label, weren't you? Why did you suddenly want to rush things and make it official?" He was silent for a while, before he replied "I didn't really understand her perspective before. I just wanted her to be my girlfriend, since she was acting like one already."

"I understand that, Sunwoo. But why couldn't you wait? It's not like any of the other guys were out to destroy your relationship and steal her from you!" I chuckled sarcastically and continued, to which he pouted. "You were both taking things slowly, at her pace. Weren't you? The way you suddenly rushed everything scared poor Akira. You don't know how sad and disappointed she was. I had to tolerate her crying and whining for two whole hours! And that's a lot, considering the fact that the Akira I know and love, doesn't cry over boys." I finished ranting. The guy in front of me said nothing, but I could sense his guilt. "I-I'm sorry.." He finally spoke. I shook my head "Say, do you really love her?" He nodded "Yes. I really love her." I smiled sadly, "Then that's all you two need. Don't apologize to me, apologize to her. Sincerely. I can see that you really care about her, and I know you're a nice guy. But hurt my baby sister once more, and you won't live to see the next day!" I jokingly threatened him.

Sunwoo visibly flinched, before chuckling "Thanks noona, I feel much better now. I'm gonna try and talk to her today." I nodded. Giving him a small smile, I waved him out so I could get ready for the day. As soon as he left the room, I sighed and collapsed onto the couch. A lone tear escaping my eye. Sunwoo was still trying to mend things with Akira. Now I'm gonna feel guilty for seperating the two.. "Why did it have to be this way?" I sighed, getting up and getting ready for the day.

 "Why did it have to be this way?" I sighed, getting up and getting ready for the day

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